HTML'S MAGIC: Extreme Cold - Page 7 - 'A Short History On
Perpetual Motion and The Dual Aerolic and Hydraulic Generator'.
7 of 'Extreme Cold'
'A History and Monologue on Matter and Natural Systems
in Materials Science of/for Energy Systems within
any Macroscopic Scale'.
by GP duBerger
Every perfectly-built machine is a perpetual motion machine
provided that it has a perpetual energy source.
Hero's Fountain
Perpetual Motionists, on their part, like to call this thing "a hydraulic
perpetual motion device" but it is not. This is purely a
Second Law of Thermodynamic device. When the bottle beneath
the vessel gets full the one at the upper left gets empty and
there is no automatic way to recharge these things and this
must be done deliberately. This device simply demonstrates
hydraulic power via gravity.
- Unknown Work -
Perpetual Motion devices; criticized by everyone by
"expertly" quoting the First and Second Law of Thermodynamics,
not realizing that these things are only an extension of
Principles inherent in the Zeroth Law, , while thinking that the
entire Universe is all run by the Second Law of
Thermodynamics and its closed systems, but only controls minute
bits of it.
Yet, they are very serious about things like the
Butterfly effect which then is
a contradiction in their thinking especially since the
"butterfly effect" is an extension of
Chaos theory which supposedly
cannot deliver any useful energy or
Nevertheless, this is a dynamic form of motion and is
what a good physicist could define as the difference
between Physics and Thermodynamics.
Skill testing question: Who is right, or closer to the more
complete truth when it comes to Chaos theory?
(A) The Physicist
(B) The Mathematician
(C) The Thermodynamicist
Remember when I described the folly of,
Scientific theories based on other theories? So, beware or be very careful with whatever one reads or sees on science these days. The nice thing about thermodynamics is it doesn't get weirder than A = C and it always involves ternary elements or systems, which is even better than proving things while giving one more perspective.
This nonsense is especially prevalent with ideas concerning time
travel and becomes non-existent when the individual acknowledges
that nothing can change the past, but the butterfly effect is
only applicable to the future where one sees this effect all over
the place in all kinds of things where for example: How one man,
idea or tiny thing can have a huge and unstoppable impact
overtime. Chaos theory is only re-written Aristotle who first
said; "The whole is greater than the sum of its parts", so don't
be fooled
with modern intellectual nonsense and their plagiarism of ideas
that have existed for a long time and gets a rewrite via some cheap Ph.D thesis and a media
circus as if the thing was a revolution in modern thought.
A lot
of good science and theories is re-invented Aristotle and made to look modern,
which does not fool any artist.
If the Universe were run only by the Second Law of
Thermodynamic it would have burned itself out a long time ago
because their version of heat transfer of
hot going to
cold is in
proportion to how much matter is being turned into energy where
the entropy would also increase, and this increase of entropy
in that universe would have given birth to another Universe by
recycling itself through this new universe. Max Planck proved that this consumer-grade First and Second Law of Thermodynamics universe does not exist with his new Quantum theory, and what a ruckus that caused.
Not good for business or organized religion at all, who can only sell closed systems!
There is also,
"sudden lack of energy" to consider in thermodynamics,
which also can be used as a power stroke and can also create
Work and is not accounted for in the First and Second
Law of Thermodynamics, but only by the Zeroth Law of
Thermodynamic and this will be demonstrated later.
Physicists and chemists only consider
action and reaction or
cause and effect and never consider that the reaction or effect has new mechanical and thermodynamic properties that want to get back to the way they were, which are supposed to be exploited as well.
The universe the modern physicist sells to you is very limited, barbaric and wasteful.
So we are all being taught wasteful nonsense
that Must kill us eventually simply because we don't follow
Nature's un-patentable ternary examples involving energy/matter
systems, given to us for free and for our future. "Nothing"
is not some form of energy as Laurence Krauss likes to
relate, but part of some dynamical system that can be useful.
Now, if you are a die-hard capitalist and believer in private enterprise, then consider that Nature already has patented (via existence) approved-processes that are superior than any megacorp's version for dealing with matter/energy and licenses it's use to life by paying-back Nature in kind.
Nature is not
concerned about money and ownership, but with life and existence.
People one day will have to decide whether they want to live in
a world where everything is privately owned and controlled or
whether they want to live in a world that is freely "owned" and
controlled which is a philosophy that is presently only understood
in artistic philosophy.
Reverting back the Planck and the consumer-grade First and Second Laws of Thermodynamics: These competing universes would then annihilate each other,
where another new Universes would be born and so on. This would
create competing Universes that would annihilate each other at
a pace that grows exponentially and at one point would start
occurring before Thermal equilibrium can even be established
which would abrogate all the laws of thermodynamics entirely,
and everything else along with it.
This is the purpose of pure
evil and in those who have been turned into evil; or, that's
the plan.
To truly destroy is to prevent from happening,
—not destroying what already exists.
We see now, this folly, with the polar ice caps that are melting and becoming less inhospitable for mining minerals and drilling for new oil reserves, forgetting why they are melting in the first place, where those reserves themselves will eventually run out, and then what will we do? Instead of, as already related, developing infrastructure where we take the pollution of our carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and turning back into hydrocarbons, and we have the sun and its systems on Earth to help us there.
This business of preventing something from happening is actually occurring in Nature which is
where we get virtual particles and the continuity of the
Universe we know of is because of thermodynamics and nothing
else where anything happening beyond it, simply, does not or
will not exist. Virtual particles, like photons and electrons,
etc. are also infinite in number too and cannot be smashed or
split, so their fate is meaningless in any philosophy or religion one can
devise where it makes no difference if only one photon/virtual particle/electron, etc., exists
or an infinite number; they can only serve some system that
serves life. Remember: A = C.
Are you looking for god? Think of a good idea, or good feeling and that's where he/she is.
The way they describe cosmology today, there should be an
infinite assortment and amount of annihilations all occurring
at once, and all the time, which is impossible in any system,
but is appropriately Equivalent to their way of thinking, so
this is the only place where this cosmology actually exists.
Since they can't have this yet, they dream of this instead and
put the red carpet out for such ideas that either reflect or
compliment this course for annihilation.
The best thing for the
layman to do is: If you don't understand it, you don't have to
believe it, or don't pretend you believe it regardless of how
many experts that say it is true, and this includes me what I
write here. You don't have, or need to believe in anything
except what's true for you and that should be Sufficient.
Trying to be something you're not inevitably costs time, energy
and lives.
Know thyself, as in
there you will discover your own uniqueness since no authority
will tell you, save Santa Claus. Adults don't believe in Santa
Claus, but they were happier when they did believe in him. In
life we must create new connections between happiness and truth
and not separate these things, which should be seen as a protocol
of life and a challenge and not become some existential philosophy.
Here's something new from Thermodynamics:
I Don't Like Organized Science Or Organized Religion Because They, Syllogistically, Teach And Propagate Waste, In Both Matter and Energy. Then, They Tell People How To Think And What To Believe! A = C
I know that this is very difficult for younger people to
NOT believe anything since their brains are wired by Nature for such a way of thinking. This was important since in most of our evolution we only lived short lives. Today, in living longer lives we don't need this system for thinking because it is exploited by authority.
I myself, in my youth, have unknowingly incorporated poison in both mind and body for/in an assortment of causes and circumstances. Now, in my 50's and living a new life with no more interference, I have had the opportunity to divest myself of ludicrous ideas and possessions and I have found that studying the science and history of Thermodynamics has helped me enormously.
In Thermodynamics, I have found a perfect template that acts as an interface between all things and systems, and how to think about them and how to deal with them appropriately.
Nature, via Thermodynamics, makes a wonderful computer.
Just following where the
heat goes (or turn the idea into
heat) and ask why it's working here, but not
Working there, including what system is involved and compare that to other systems tells us a lot and is really all we need to know to think properly, ethically and morally.
From there we can be truly creative. We also have evolved to a point where it is better to serve Nature than serve a wasteful and corrupt society. Thermodynamics, would never allow the wasteful technologies and ideas that were developed and still being developed in another manner. For example: Aside from being embedded; Every meter constructed today consumes energy via the Second Law and no longer functions by itself like Zeroth Law devices.
Nature also provides more opportunities and combine that with cooperation we could have a new unstoppable force in humankind itself that would overthrow many things we don't need.
Believe It Or Not
This invention, based on the
thermoscope, makes more sense for a fountain that
would work continuously by "recharging" itself at night (working in reverse)
and then reproduce its fountain effect by day. If you're
thinking about Perpetual Motion, you have to start
thinking through open systems quantum mechanically where things and systems
would appear, disappear and reappear and so on, and
therefore appear as oscillations in classical
mechanics in, both, things and systems.
Here, the oval
chamber would be made of glass or transparent plastic
so we could see, in equivalent fashion, the fountain at night, in that chamber
instead. Now, compare this Zeroth Law concept to Masdar's Beam-Down Tower (based on Second law systems) which is completely useless at night. Yet that is what is considered science and technology today, besides making no thermodynamic sense whatsoever since we now know the limitations of closed systems and the Second law.
CC GP duBerger 2013
Aside from what any type of authority offers us to exist in: The entropy of the Universe Itself
does not increase,
then It must do its heat transfer another way and this is
accomplished through the Zeroth and the Third Laws of
Thermodynamics and only when the Third Law is being described
in an open system, where the incorruptible Zeroth law of
thermodynamics is always, in or part of an open system (which
is why it can't be corrupted so they make this Law go away
instead or just don't discuss it ever) and this open system
always ends up governing what goes on in any closed or isolated
system at one "point".
At the other end: I personally can't believe that the real scientific community
actually believes in the Big Bang and Time machines, Dark matter/energy, Gravity waves etc., including the theories they superimpose on those theories, and this is
actually just a ploy to make organized religion happy and that there is an actual class
of scientist being produced by/in universities (those without
any genius) to propagate this nonsense since from the point of view of thermodynamics, we find that these
ideas cannot exist. There is no model anywhere in Thermodynamics that supports any "creation" theory and there are no ifs, ands and buts about it. On the other hand, one can say anything in religion, mathematics and physics while showing how something works/functions, but they can't tell you what it is!
Gravity is an excellent example, where physicists are searching for "gravity waves" and "Higgs fields", when they have no idea what gravity actually is. If we look at were the heat goes involving any gravitational physics we start creating relationships with all kinds of things because gravity itself is a system and not some single force, but a field. The field creates the reality of gravity and the system exists to "create" it.
According to Thermodynamics, any type of "creating" and subsequent "reality" is actually part of some ternary relationship in it's most basic form, and any one element that is involved may not even be aware of the others. The only "reality" is the created relationship, which can then form new ones with any other two elements.
Even in physics there is a contradiction because the Big Bang abrogates all Relativistic proofs from Galileo to Einstein, (the universe being just a turnip-sized entity before space "explodes") and only appears as a miracle after "creation" including the speed of light. Science is not about miracles, but proofs. The only thing we need to "believe" is; There's is an answer somewhere, and a god and his tricks or the Laws of physics are no longer sufficient as an answer to everything. Thermodynamics allows one to take things farther.
The Third Law of Motion & Inertia (First Law) Demonstrated by Tim Conway
Reality meets Comedy: Newton's Third and First Laws of Motion accurately demonstrated by a comedian. The Third comes first, (For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction) when Marion (Carol Burnett) snags the telephone wire and causes DuWayne Toddleberry. (Tim Conway) to fall over with his chair.
The First Law comes after (An object at rest stays at rest and an object in motion stays in motion with the same speed and in the same direction unless acted upon by an unbalanced force.), where DuWayne "flies" across the room while colliding with obstacles along the way, altering his trajectory.
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Time: 1:11
Today, we also know that there is no such thing as no movement,
or no motion, in the Universe and everything (including god) is in a sea of
movement/motion and appearance/disappearance (which is just
another form of movement) that is relative to everything else
in all magnitudes to each other. If Einstein were alive today, he might ask what a virtual particle or a quasiparticle does at the speed of light and how does the universe appear to them?
Even Never-decreasing Entropy; one of the
things that is blamed to be injurious to Perpetual-Motion Gravity Machines besides Always-increasing Entropy, is
itself a form of motion which we have already seen in the clip with Dr. Albert Crewe's ingenious invention:
(Raster) STEM photography/video
It is only that this entropy and the minuscule movements of mass
cannot be used for mechanical work and works only
kinetically at the molecular level where many chemical
reactions and properties of matter can be created and/or
controlled, when we control entropy, or can calculate it
in advance (low temperature physics), but this takes energy
to create these changes and only a system is achieved.
One day in a few eons,
Work may evolve into something completely different to fulfill the Universe's requirements at that time, where Entropy and Exergy will reverse roles because the universe's philosophy at that time will be quite different.
If anyone wants to
persist; we may as well include quarks and gluons because
they too cannot produce
Work in the classical sciences
universe, where their movements are certainly not some form
of entropy, but Heisenberg pulsations.
EXISTENCE ITSELF IS MOVEMENT, as there is no such thing as the inanimate.
It is also not a bad thing that 99% of the Universe
in any magnitude is void and its forms of energy and
particles cannot be
used for
Work, but without them there would be no
Work, energy fields and forces and these things
contribute to matter's properties which allow for physics
to exist in the first place.
Heron wrote and illustrated the type of Perpetual Motion
machines we are familiar with, in mass media that is ridiculed
so much, while also working at the Library of Alexandria, which
was a type of CERN or
Brookhaven Laboratory for the times,
which contained archives of the works of other physicists
and engineers of the time. Fortunately, he carefully
compiled the works of his predecessors that ended up preserved and
translated into Persian and then Arabic for other libraries in different
parts of the world, so they escaped annihilation and
wherever they were read, they stimulated new physics and enlightened
ideas in/for every civilization they touched that
transcended culture and languages.
These machines were important when we knew little about
tribology, viscosity, capillary
and Van der Waals forces or simple electricity, etc., etc., where they needed to
establish efficiency for open-system technology, like
water-wheels, their pneumatic engines, sails, etc.
Perpetual Motion
Quantum Mechanics and Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle.
This is matter, not energy and this is going on with every atom and particle, in your whole body, including your brain, and let's not forget everything around you.
This stuff going on represented here creates heat, music, philosophy, existence and even the soul. All you need to do is take it or take it in; and no middlemen.
It makes no difference about what anyone thinks about
Perpetual Motion because it is a concept that never stops to
inspire and fascinate, even today. It is just given different
names and features, but it is still perpetual motion/movement.
These mechanical devices
simply have no
meaning in modern science, commerce and industry, except where
we consider the mechanical motion of atoms, molecules and those
particles that will constitute these things which do exist as
Perpetual Movement
[H], as does the Universe we
see in the sky at night, where if it were to be stopped,
there would be needed a force equivalent to all the
energy in the Universe to make it stop as per Newtons
Laws of Motion, so the Universe will go on forever and
expand and accelerate forever which defines one form of
Perpetual Motion, since there are many forms of Perpetual
Motion and I haven't even grazed the surface in how
information, matter and energy all get transferred among
each other's respective systems which a subject in
The important thing here is to consider that all movement and
motion in the Universe originates from thermodynamics since
movement and motion has existed before there where any physical
and metaphysical things anywhere in the Universe.
Fair Use
It all depends on how you want to see the Universe and what the
Universe means to you since everything is right in a way and everything is
wrong in a way, where the question should be:
"Are you
describing and open system, a closed system or an isolated
system", since all these systems exist and each can be
exploited here on Earth, in our magnitude, but they all handle
Work, Matter, Energy and Heat differently as well as their
assembly must conform or take advantage of, specific conditions
in and around their devices imposed by the system itself.
Forget entropy! A closed system has walls that say: "
can't exist or go outside of me" where energy answers back:
I will exist forever and cannot be destroyed", so
scientist's discussions and papers on efficiency, waste heat
and entropy actual don't mean anything unless one thinks he is
god or is a child existing in his own imaginary universe which
is worse than any idea about perpetual motion in the sense
that their discussions put the cart before the horse.
Before there is any purpose or any enlightenment of the mind
and body, there is the Equivalence to whom the individual
really is by what he is connected to, or seeks or allows
himself to be in, and this Nature will create for them in a
Sufficient manner that will allow its own expression. Anything a scientist or preacher says is more about himself than the subject he is using to talk about.
One can tell that the cripple, Stephen Hawking is a very depressed and frustrated individual because he has nothing nice to say about anything, and this cannot be cloaked in his prophetic mathematical systems he invents, but the emotions are revealed instead!
himself, or any individual, cannot create his own Equivalence
and can only have one that exists in Nature. It is all quite
Thermodynamic as there are critical masses of people in a crowd
where an explosion or riot will occur with the least
provocation. Life itself shares the same properties that exist
in all inanimate matter, but with more sophistication.
(research: Soccer/Hockey game incidents and the story about
Black Friday in any reference resource and look up its
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Time: 00:39
So looking at civilization from the outside: It's no wonder
that the mob loves the Second Law of Thermodynamics and all
closed systems and spend much time, money and energy to
embellish all its most primitive, wasteful and polluting
devices (just like in the cartoon series, 'The Simpsons'), even though there are better and simpler devices that
can be created easily that Nature shows us all around that
produces work and heat at no cost, or any effort, or pollutes because
that is what they are Sufficiently Equivalent too, where even
Leonardo da Vinci has said that
"the machine is just an
extension of man" (I paraphrase), but the machine, itself,
does not always have to be based on a closed system or strictly
Second Law of Thermodynamic, since wheels can be made to turn
too with open system technology and physics with just as much
effectiveness, but that would mean giving that power to
everyone and allow everyone to be inventive and creative,
regardless of your status, race, nationality, sex, gender orientation, etc., etc.,
and that would change all
societies, beliefs and traditions forever and make them more open,
where we ourselves
would exist in perpetual movement, delightful change, learning
and exploration. Everyone would be a Newton, Bach, Leonardo,
Feynman or Einstein in their unique way and gone would be our
primitive tribalisms.
The machine is as much a part its caretaker or creator as the
person is to it, (we make the Earth as the Earth makes us) which we can understand immediately with
Vitruvian Man (based on ancient
Geek Greek idealism) and in the
various machines and robots he designed/created for his
time and with his association with Machiavelli and Cesare
Borgia among other ruthless people. Man is headed
for extinction if we don't change our machines and start
becoming more Equivalent to/with the Zeroth Law of
Thermodynamics instead of the Second Law, and Nature will
take care of the rest by making us Sufficiently
Equivalent to that in all forms of awareness because A = C.
There is no
hope for anybody, but there is only a new idealism based on
Thermodynamics with the lessons and examples it has to offer
and not some individual supernatural being with anything miraculous to offer, which in the end is no miracle because by wiping the slate clean we learn nothing and are doomed to repeat our mistakes over and over again. G-D can offer us nothing, whether one is a believer or an atheist; The equations become the same answer, only the venues are different and the pretend-virtues on either side don't cut it.
Something for Nothing (1940)
Rube Goldberg (who actually existed) Explaining Perpetual Motion in a show sponsored by the Chevrolet Motors Company in 1940.
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Time: 08:47
One will find tons of Second Law of Thermodynamic "Perpetual motion" stuff on You Tube
and elsewhere in any sort of media. The artist, sees this as a
property of science itself that keeps the flame of
impossibility alive where offensive or unpleasant people have
stepped in and taken over science in matters that concern man,
and have turned it into a deterministic monster, which
perpetual motion can never be and ordinary people, perhaps out
of subconscious contempt for theoretical physicists and
intellectuals, where in an equivalent manner, they keep
taunting the scientific community with "Dreams for Perpetual
Motion", which in a way is probably some subconscious idea and ideal for G-D.
In modern times Perpetual Motion is now dead, but it has spawned a
wonderful child before it disappeared, which can be seen with all
these wonderful 'Rube Goldberg Contests' (go to You Tube and
search 'Rube Goldberg') which study creative ways to make
things stop or go in indirect, convoluted ways which is beyond
any scientific theory or protocol (as a system) and makes this a wonderful
subject for everyone to amuse themselves with, and is
impossible for the intellectual to deal with and later
criticize. Here, we must include the accidental side of this system,
where perfect accidents or pot luck occur in weird and unexpected ways when
we study the improbable physics of/on/in these associations.
Fair Use
Perhaps we don't think enough about impossible or improbable
things (but miracles are OK), yet everything in existence is also supposed to be
impossible in science (Why are we/anything here? etc.), so why be
selective? Apparently, there are millions of things that
should, and could, go wrong from conception to birth, yet these
things rarely happen and when they do, there is a concrete
reason for as to why something went wrong, but the mystery of
life and why good things happen eludes us and thankfully we
don't really need to know this anyway. In reality, genetics,
fertilization and life is treated today like the corrupt
consumer-grade Second Law of Thermodynamics administered by
private enterprise where, on the other hand, life and all existence is more like
the Principle of Sufficiency which states:
"More things are
going right than wrong", which is also the slogan for any form
of free enterprise and this philosophy/statement always
resonates in the opposite with private enterprise and would say:
"More things are
going wrong than right. I can make it right for you for a small, fee. Money-back guarantee if you are not completely satisfied" .
The best way to handle the mystery of existence is to respect
it and to respect others and should not be a matter of
scientific or religious protocol, especially organized science
and religion and their closed or isolated/isolating systems. There is also no truth anywhere, and so no one can possess ultimate truth and wisdom; We can only follow a protocol which Thermodynamics provides everyone with.
Brainwashing: To make people focus and concentrate only on the invisible (i.e. divine entities or energy) instead of the visible, like Matter.
Mystery itself is a scientific fact, no different than those
established things like Chaos theory or Entropy, etc., where there are
numerous formulae that describe situations where anything solved
or uncovered anywhere simply creates more and new queries because
the Universe is an open system, which has nothing to do with
infinity. "Infinity" is for closed system thinkers Everything and
Nothing belongs only to the Universe and not to any individual or
entity. I use the word, "infinity" often because I'm talking to
indoctrinated humans and need to express some approximation, but don't take this seriously, but use your imagination instead.
Perpetual Ocean
The Perpetual Motion of the Oceans and the Perpetual Motion of The Earth, where even if the Earth is slowing down because of the Moon and the tides and if left alone, the Third Law of Thermodynamics says it would take an infinite number of steps to actually stop the Earth completely. Only physicists and mathematician say zero or things are on or off (which doesn't exist quantitatively, but are both at the same time).
Besides the Moon is moving away from the Earth every second and having that much less effect along with it.
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Time: 02:45
The 'Theory of Mechanical Perpetual Motion' and its
subsequent philosophical apparatuses have other wonders too
which I will describe later and this will also explain why
these machines were invented in the first place which seems to
be of no interest to its critics, intellectuals, theorists and
"experts" on physics.
No one on Earth today, has ever asked
(except me) why these things were invented/created in the first
place, but they can criticize. Don't bother googling this
theory, unless you need amusement being mindful that they also involve only the Second Law.
Only art history has
preserved their essence and meaning and one must also be an
experienced art historian to find this information in libraries
while also using careful forensic procedures to reconstruct
their meaning concerning certain data that has been broken or
interfered with.
Factual and historical records archived by art historians and
others, (who are also the lowest paid group in all forensics
and research) are not to be found anywhere on the internet or
anywhere in cyberspace and their search engines and this seems
to be of no concern to anybody. We will just forget the
"modern" social networks which are the essence of mob
mentality, in machine form.
In a way, many things have not changed since the times where
you had to go to a monastery to see some ancient text that
contained important information where everywhere else on the
planet only information that contains bigotry, paranoia and
discord, and the entities they serve, is finely detailed,
generally/widely available or ubiquitous.
Von Braun Team (1959)
The last batch of good scientists that ever existed was
during WW2 where government put truly brilliant people at the
helm (they also knew Thermodynamics from top to bottom) and they
coordinated the ideas and activities of lesser
scientists where today there is only pure mayhem because they
don't know anything about Thermodynamics. Today, they hand out Ph.Ds in physics like hotcakes to "physicists" that no absolutely nothing about Thermodynamics. Things don't happen
for nothing!
Myself, in
2014 I have discontinued any automatic search-engine queries on
"Quarks" since this research is all now pure nonsense and
speculation and every new type of matter they find is getting
more and more unsustainable. (I'll probably put the 24/365 search on again for "quarks" again one day, but they really got on my nerves.)
If there was another world war today, you can rest assured that
none of these theoretical/particle physicist, or intellectuals
at CERN and many universities of today would be working for
anybody or they would be encouraged to defect to the other side
as a method to help win the war by undermining the science of
the enemy.
Anyway, everything has already been decided for people in
advance, including all their rights that make one think that
one is human, where just being a human in front of a mirror (to start off) should be sufficient and no one needs any intellectual to reflect anyone's meaning.
Only Nature can help, but one must learn its primary law above
all else: The Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics and its Two
Principles because it is equally effective to/on the individual
level, but don't go around advertizing it. One can also turn
one's own former hipocracy and use it against enemies with great
subtlety and let it do some good for a change. The philosophy
inferred by the Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics, once adopted, is
an entirely different universe with unbelievable opportunities
and potential where stupid people will think of you as a "miracle worker".
Gravity Machine
Of course, there is no such thing as perpetual motion and even
Heron and others knew this and this includes the perpetual motion
machines I describe, which stop by themselves, but they
always start again by themselves and this is the point about
'Perpetual Motion', where it is not important if something
moves forever in any given system as that already occurs naturally since the Universe is a sea of movement, but if it can start to move by
itself because of the system and this wonderful element in that system is called
Yet, we have people like Leonard Susskind (among others) who go the other way, which is just as preposterous, and claim that in a closed system the mass of their body can move through a wall!
So why not mass itself move anywhere it wants in a gravity machine? This is called indoctrination, like in Islamic and Christian cults today, they are twisting fundamental concepts and meanings for their own profit and lust for blood and become so specialized that they contradict the science/the religion, itself.
This is because the regular machines that are described
are closed systems and they only move in one direction
(not two, like everything in open and isolated systems) but perpetual motion is only possible as part(s) of an
open system(s), like Rube Goldberg's perpetual motion invention
involving Niagara Falls, (which can freeze in the winter and so
it can stop but it will start again by itself) and no open system
can be patented because no one can own the Sun, or the Moon, or
the Air, the water or all the atmospheric moisture.
This is not
for lack of trying like one sees in the activities of some governments or multinationals like, Monsanto, GE,
etc., and some think tanks like the 'Fraser Institute' who have
the nerve to think that ownership is necessary to create
property proper custodianship,
relegating capitalistic economic theory and, strictly, private enterprise as something moral and
ethical, being thus that these custodial rights can be established
eventually, where it is all, simply, disguised piracy and highway robbery
created by lobbying intellectuals, when there is proof that this is
not true or viable whatsoever. See work from Nobel-Prize winning Economist
Elinor Ostrom (Wiki for article
and references) and my
Google Drive for a short
autobiographical on her remarkable work originally from the
Nobel Prize Monthly, received by me March 5, 2014.
There are only two booming industries today: The manufacture of
cheap coffins for the rising dead population and the
manufacture of expensive fences and wheels, of all kinds, for
the living, and when multinationals, governments, think tanks
or organized religions are being or sounding nice, it is
because they either want or sell something that does not belong
to them or anybody. Detroit can be saved by manufacturing
coffins and fences instead of cars. (
Barbed Wire is the
medium of the future. -The Joker)
Detroit is also the
perfect place to show that barbed-wire and coffins are very
important in unsustainable societies and cities where people in
other unsustainable cities will acknowledge this and buy their
new products. The only things that should and could be owned
and controlled are things the Laws of Thermodynamics say can be
owned and this cannot be decided by corporate lawyers,
politicians or legislators. There is a "point" where it is the
natural universe that is to decide what is reality and
commerce, and not some expert, professional or talking head.
There are
allowances in what we can imagine and implement for ourselves
up until the level starts being perpendicular to Nature's level
or direction of things, but in these things there are two
realities and not just one, and man's reality must agree somewhere
with Nature's, just as organized religion has had to do in its
history where only the most insane bible literalist believes
the world is flat and resting on the back of some tortoise, among
other things.
F350 erratic idle and stall issue. Got a fix?
A Second Law of Thermodynamic: Wasted Energy = +80%. Newly-created Toxic Matter = 100% and that's the declared end of this cycle for energy and matter when it certainly is not. (See: 'Irreversible Process' which is pure nonsense since nothing thermodynamically is irreversible in any open system, but gets equivalently transferred)
If one in a physicist and thinks linearly, then an arrow has to go in some direction, but thermodynamics is not some linear process or set of systems.
So, this is what science and industry produces and they call this: W = Q1 - Q2, rather than say: "Only 20% Work capacity". For every pound of liquid gasoline or diesel one buys, one is putting out nearly the same weight of poisonous gas out and the rest is water. If we try to imagine the weight of all the world's hydrocarbons inside the Earth and put all that back in the air, and not simply allotting a certain amount that gets renewed, we are going to kill everything.
The world and all civilization will be more destroyed by the physics of Walt Disney than by any terrible evil dictator or superpower.
Click or Tap to Open
Time: 09:34
The only things that can be owned in open systems are
closed systems inside them like "The Air Waves", "Shipping
Lanes" or "Air Corridors" and they must be "perpetually"
watched, looked-after and maintained like any other closed
system (neat system), but more significant is that those
ancient designs for mechanical "perpetual motion", were a
standard for
Pneumatic, Mechanical and
Hydraulic machines to show how efficient, or inefficient
they were, which, themselves, operated on the slightest
amounts of energy consumption or transfer and delivering
an enormous amount of useful work in return; up to 80% in
most cases, — in those days with devices made of
hammered copper and rough hewn wood and ropes, which is a
whopping difference to the modern internal combustion
engine which delivers, at best, only 20% usable work with
all the polishing, lubricants, machined tolerances, and
fancy metal alloys and manufacturing techniques we have
today that even involve quasiparticle technology (See:
What is a quasi-particle? (1970) by
Schrieffer, J.R. published by the National Bureau of
Standards at the Internet Archives) and the rest of the
energy that was generated is thrown away where they have
turned concepts like "irreversible process" to justify
entropy and turned it into a god or a devil, where things
like "sustainability" has completely escaped them or
"mysteriously" never enters into any technology or
concept in science.
This is why these things were developed in the first place by powerful people because of enormous extortionate profit potential. All this ancient technology never aroused any interest over thousands of years because it is not profitable. It only has value.
Now, that we do have this rotten technology today and we like it, but is becoming unsustainable, this ancient stuff will undoubtedly be more interesting and can replace every stupid machine we have today.
Combine this with free enterprise, where no new technology can be licensed and regulated anyway by governments, (because there is nothing to license except permission to use in infrastructure), but only be made available.
Where's the torque?
We see now that Perpetual Motion machines were never
meant to do anything beyond measuring
Work, not create
it, where Absolute Zero Energy was the key for open system
devices where today, instead, Absolute Zero temperature and
pressure is the model for all our closed and standardized
Entropy, we see, already exists before any of these engines we
make today, ever get started the first time because the free
energy heat of the device itself is never used, and the matter
inside the device that constitutes the "engine" is also forced
to deal with this "excess energy", among other things. On the other side of things, whether it be a two stroke or a four stroke engine,
we only have one power stroke.
So, besides being energy inefficient, they are also mechanically inefficient! Zeroth Law engines employ every stroke or the cold side first to produce Power/
these types and their intellectuals go out of their way to
criticize things like Perpetual motion and use this Second Law
of Thermodynamic as a model and standard!!
They say that
Hot goes to
Cold, but neglect to discuss that Cold will go to colder and so on with just as much effectiveness, —If Not More Effective, since we are only discussing heat engines when in reality the engines that they are really discussing are
Phase-change engines (Internal combustion or Steam engines, etc.) which is the art of turning various liquids into gases where heat itself is just a consequence!
It is an irony that it is Matter and Energy discussed here and by an artist and focuses attention towards a heat theory were scientists never discuss any theory of matter yet their sciences and "technologies" are useless without it.
The endothermic release of wasted heat energy via combustion of a volatile liquid to create a phase change to a gas that turns an engine is a good example of their folly, where it has been shown here repeatedly that all that is completely unnecessary. Further: Only one stroke is the power stroke creating half or a quarter of the torque potential. We have learned that we just need to manipulate
Hot and
Cold to move anything we want with maximum mechanical torque.
If Equivalency has
anything to say about that, then it would say: "They are less
than 20% correct that Perpetual Motion does not exist" because
the entire Universe moves and vibrates and there is no such
thing as a straight line anywhere and everything appears in
energy jerks, which themselves move, vibrate and
appear/reappear anywhere.
It is actually a question of creating designs that can take whatever "disorder" the physicist tells you and make use of it. This is how we designed sails that effectively uses the chaos in wind to one's advantage and that is only one example. Ordinary people who developed these things were very smart and did not go around presiding over others like communicators and intellectuals do today. Lines or curves, or particles and waves; These things are so fantastic that we "discover" neither or both exist simultaneously and there only is the system we put their constituent elements through that "creates reality".
This has reached the point were they call any form of chaos or disorder "entropy" (useless for
Work) were there is a big difference of any theoretical chaos and disorder that is natural and everywhere, and those sorts that are made by people where in the first place any conditional entropy never fluctuates. So, where one encounters a fluctuation disorder or chaos (like wind), that is certainly no form of entropy.
(I'm certain the student has encountered a book or lecturer describing a teenager's bedroom as "entropy", but this is not so, since the disorder found there fluctuates over time, but always-increasing entropy does not fluctuate. It is more a question of how consistent a teenager is in maintaining his/her environment and how much interference that teenager must deal with that prevents him/her from maintaining the environment.)
So besides straight lines not actually
existing, depending on field, there's no such thing as a curve either. Because of
these energy jerks, physicists are, again, putting things in the wrong order when criticizing Perpetual motion and this pretty much
explains the transcendental number of π which only confirms
the Quantum in/from the Classical physical universe, but the quantum only scratches the surface because the decimal points for π, at one point, describe numbers (things) beyond the quantum as well.
There is a lot more going on than what they tell us, and what they tell us is very limited.
If we apply more heat to anything that is in a closed or isolated
system, we create more entropy most of the time to that respective system (not
necessarily to the object itself, but with its system it is
directly incorporated in with) but the entropy of the Universe is
always the same regardless of the energy it creates because of
the expansion and acceleration of the Universe and because most of it is plasma.
It is only the
system that is affected, where if we remove the system we remove
the entropy. But during expansion and acceleration of any type,
anywhere, in any type of system, in anything(s) there is no
entropy anywhere (which is not accounted for anywhere in
mathematics or physics. They only talked about the results and
never the action itself.
This is how and why quantum mechanics got off on a bad start in
its history because Planck's new formula for
"h" does not
include the effects of any energy from any open system itself and
treats the Universe as the open system for the
Violet Catastrophe from his Black
body calculations like it was some form of arena or energy
dump and not consider that the open energy itself should be
factored in as well. His calculations are decidedly and
entirely Maxwellian-based and entirely Second Law of
Thermodynamic as per Clausius, which is why his energy
bundle for
h is also infinite or indefinite (they
don't know which), of which that value is:
.000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 006 6...............
This is the effect of hypocrisy where one form of infinity (The
Violet Catastrophe) in classical mechanics is transferred to a
new type of created infinity (
h) where a new science is
created to accommodate this fact. In 2011 they came out with a
couple of figures for different applications and at the end
they put in the last two numbers in parentheses and call that
"The Standard Uncertainty" which means in
Orwellian-scientific New speak language (or Dissertationese):
"The uncertainty has a probabilistic basis and reflects
incomplete knowledge of the quantity.
All measurements are
subject to uncertainty and a measured value is only complete if
it is accompanied by a statement of the associated uncertainty.
Relative uncertainty is the measurement uncertainty divided by
the measured value." (Richard Feynman said the same thing 50 years ago, but did not use this as an excuse) and this is now employed in most
modern national and international documentary standards on
measurement methods and technology. So since 2011 we have an SI
standard for Uncertainty!
What's next: "A scientific standard for
corruption"? (Actually they did have a regular standard for corruption
in the past and they called this "Leakage", which is another story
I won't get into here.)
I think that, perhaps, we are going in the wrong direction in
science somewhere, but don't listen to me, as I'm just total fool
for writing this, but at least that can be measured exactly
because I cannot produce more foolishness than the exact amount
of words I write in these monologues, or that this has a
single quantum-sized effect against middle-class society that
only has momentary interests and these scientific and religious
edifices that I despise. This is because they miss the idea that
the quantum is itself made up of its own quanta with a variety
of different energies within besides the photon, which is why no
one, or any mathematics, can smooth out those energy jerks
(without recreating the violet catastrophe) because we are
dealing with this thing in wrong magnitude where we should be
looking in the direction of quanta of quanta of quanta..... where
it is only the idea that accommodates infinity freeing
mathematics to do its job, and for this we would only need the
ideas and purpose that can be performed in simple algebra.
Planck's energy bundle is not a bundle if it does not have a
precise meaning, measurement, or quantity, which explains why all
quantum mechanical problems that are being discussed anywhere are
discussed qualitatively (which is the irony produced and is as
ridiculous as a doctor saying: "
Died of natural causes")
and they
can never be quantitative themselves since this "corruption" in
logic, or this logic's subdivision, originates from its inception
as we see with Planck's number, and in over 100 years no one has
the cojones to say anything upon this "matter" and everyone is
awarding prizes and congratulating each other on this wonderful
achievement because this is a total crock and you don't need to
be a scientist to know this as the numbers are right there in
front of everybody to see like the
emperor's new clothes.
Look at any incomprehensible mathematical formula and we discover the overuse of "numbers" that are themselves indefinite or infinite while attempting to formulate an approximation, and that's what bothers a lot of people because those elemental numbers have no exact quantity, and never will.
The other wonderful irony about the quantum is by just
discussing it qualitatively or as/in classical science; That is
Sufficient science to prove its existence when discussed by a
true physicist and we only require high school maths, as
Einstein proved! This is one of the wonderful things that he
proved too, was that mathematics becomes ever more simpler the
smaller we looked into things which has completely escaped the
scientific and mathematical community. The only thing that is
complicated is the near infinite tables and/or matrices that
are involved, but the maths itself is very simple.
But seriously, without a precise number, and one that was
originally infinite and self-destructive converted into something indefinite and more palatable;
corrupting the very calculus that was used to finding that
number, no one is really talking quantum mechanics, but talking
about quantum mechanics, which is where we find quantum
physics. So when you hear things like
you know immediately this Ph.D doesn't know what
he is
talking about and you don't need to feel stupid. They forget
WHY the universe still exists which was the reason quantum mechanics was developed and that is certainly not "counterintuitive".
According to
Nature: You're not supposed to understand things, that way,
anyway and what you are actually experiencing is something
else, but it's certainly not stupidity, and I would call this
intelligence and it is the autistic savant mathematician/physicist
has corrupted this entire realm of physics and mathematics with
their "love" affair with matrices, patterns and tables by
providing only one very inaccurate view of Nature which is the
view we see on/in the media and textbooks.
Here we see the value of Heinrich Hertz' work and his team
because he was not afraid to walk away from Maxwell for a while
and consider other things that may exist that were not known
yet and if it weren't for Hertz there would be no quantum
mechanics at all because it is he (and Albert Einstein, through
Hertz' work and not Planck's) who provided the proof it exists
but it is the intellectual, the theorist and the mathematician
who have it all wrong and contribute to any falsehoods in their
own way, and one of them is writing numbers like this, (below
are the 2011 numbers [one example] and the numbers in red
parenthesis means they don't know for certain, which have very
conveniently been given a (imagine this!) "
Standard Uncertainty" which is fine when dealing with Gaussian physics, but not quantum mechanics, unless they wish to admit that quantum mechanics itself has a wave-form within its realm.
This number, below should be
called a "Standard Ambiguity":
h = 6.626 069 57(29)
I could write pages and pages alone tearing this number thing
apart, from many perspectives, but what's the point? Its value
is a Qualitative fact and not a Quantitative one, so there is
no necessity to disturb anything. The only real thing to attack
are intellectuals with their nonsense, if they stray away from
this protocol that present itself readily.
Those last two
numbers are precious because they are the
embarkation point (à la Step Method) of really excellent
Quantum and Classical mechanics and Physics, and really Bad
Quantum and Classical mechanics and Physics, and unfortunately
there is more of the latter than the former. This is the true
so-called "weirdness" of the quantum and we should be grateful
because it actually separates the bad from the good
automatically, in anyway you want to look at it.
The only thing
one needs to be is, simply, to be aware of this fact, which is a
form of scientific observation itself.
This is why it is important to not believe anything or anybody until you get it confirmed by/from at least two other and different sources, otherwise one belongs to a tribe or neo-tribe.
If anything real is to be discovered here, it is that quantum
mechanics has improved classical mechanics by giving it a wider
and deeper meaning in all it touches and it is the mathematics
we use that must be changed, with a new form of mathematics
that is yet to be developed and for that they will need artists
again as Feynman himself demonstrated in both his work and in
his awareness of the importance of art to the point where he actually sought training there.
Feynman demonstrated effectively that mathematics and physics must move beyond numbers and symbols and they should be drawing pictures too and these pictures of his produced amazing results!
Today we have
on video, instead
terrorists theorists (like I
already have shown with my clip on infinities) and in other
media who describe, as matter of wonder, infinities of
infinities of infinities being produced with ideas about what
goes on in black holes and then blame Einstein's Relativity
while using Planck ideas and calculus, which is an odd
mixture to say the least. These popularizers are not
scientists, but are people playing scientist who are promoted
and financed by our captains of industry to keep things just the
way they are.
Einstein's stuff does not go beyond an Event Horizon and says nothing about a black hole's interior.
Here, everyone can see plainly how the wool is being pulled
over everyone's eyes (heads?) through the media and science is
just a machine to make money like this were like Disneyland and
everyone takes themselves quite seriously and actually believe
all this nonsense based on
"no substance" à la Lord
Kelvin. My only question is: "Why do we have to surround
ourselves in stercus tauri because this can be extended into
everything you can think off, even your personal life; What are
we afraid of?".
This incessant need to decorate everything and make everything
look perfect, when we know it is not; Plato, Aristotle and St.
Augustine, et al are very much alive and well; they just
inhabit other things now and it will probably take a few
thousands of years to demolish that too, where we may ask:
"what will they (Plato, Aristotle and Augustine, etc.) inhabit
then afterwards, when this nonsense of today is corrected?".
This is like the Caloric theory that lingers to this day
because there has been no more new heat theories to replace it,
unless you count the corrupted Second Law of Thermodynamics,
which is not a theory, but is only pure BS and they still
discuss the Carnot Cycle in the 21st century, which is a total
joke, unless it's taught as science history.
Along with France's invention of socialism; I consider
Carnot's work, France's Vergeltungswaffe (revenge
weapon) upon England for losing the Napoleonic wars so that
England might choke and die in its own coal; With all the fumes, pollution, coal tar,
coal gas, lamp black and toxins that it will be producing with it,
where even more coal will be burned quince as fast, while (after their victory)
it's busy painting the map of the world British red.
In a way, this secret chemical war succeeded quite well. The English
even discovered
manure mauve with this
stuff which can be considered
another form of British red, albeit somewhat effeminized.
I'm sure Paris in those days had a good laugh!
The internal combustion engine is not even a heat engine as they teach you. In principle, it is a phase-change engine and all the heat it generates to turn a liquid into a gas is all wasted.
The genius in Carnot's "work" is that there is no condenser
anywhere, nor is it possible to install one!
Perkin's Mauve made from Coal
Its ultimate
suppression expression would be exploited and
adapted adopted by
England's and America's worst robber barons who would enslave their own
people and encourage the type of thermodynamic nonsense that
Kelvin and the Prussian Clausius produced with it, who's crowning glory
would become the
Internal Combustion engine
which in the 21st century they still don't install
Turbosuperchargers and make
them mandatory in any type of internal combustion engine, which was never tabled in the Kyoto accord so this means that this accord was all nonsense or some expensive media circus and cocktail party because we can start with some very simple band-aids that don't cost anything and start the ball rolling with more diverse technology and then later start doing some serious retrofitting.
This the authorities managed to do very effectively with frivolity and mediocrity where/when it came time to switch over analogue to digital and HDTV for the better transmitting of their propaganda and everyone's stupidity.
The Kyoto Accord talks about cutting back (which is total nonsense) instead of improving heat and
Work producing technology.
With more mouths to feed and technologies themselves demanding more energy we should be thinking about efficiency instead of pollution, and efficiency would eliminate the problem of pollution entirely while improving everything at the same time. An efficient engine does not require any exhaust pipe as you have already seen in the past pages.
A real Kyoto Accord would be working on private enterprise versus free enterprise, patent squatting multinationals, government licensing monopolies, patents, scientific peer groups, think tanks, corporate lawyers, interfering organized religions and atheistic groups and radically change these things on an international level. The rest would take care of itself automatically by the mob themselves who know what they want, but can't get it because of the above-mentioned groups.
People will have to start creating a new society based on the Laws of Thermodynamics; its requirements and wisdom and not have their minds molded by self-interested groups, that is outside society where the old one is the nominal one that we simply pay lip service to, where it will simply die peacefully overtime while it's being taken over by the new society and a new conscious awareness in humanity.
For now, if you suspect nonsense, or hear any Dissertationese,
or it sounds all too easy (like the Carnot Cycle) it's a
certainty you will find some misattributed Aristotle or some real Plato, among other nasty
things in it somewhere lurking underneath; like ants under a
picnic sandwich or grubs and millipedes under a rock, and if
you find a problem anywhere, you can rest assured that the ever
"efficient" consumer-grade First and Second Law of
Thermodynamics they give you, invented by Kelvin and Clausius
is behind it somewhere, —even in philosophy!
Carnot's "work" delivers a lot more than the non-reversible
version of heat transfer and power. This desperate military
strategy is never discussed since, as a system, it is the
opposite of the Trojan horse strategy, since the idea is to let
the enemy plunder and then wait, but make sure there's a time
bomb or slow acting poison in the plunder for the victors. The
best way to hurt an enemy after you have lost a war is to give
them irresistible ideas while the enemy celebrates which is
something Germany and other fascist nations of the time failed
to do in the Second World War.
Visiting London 25 Years Later After Napoleon.
"Two rows of furnaces on each side were fired up; the effect
was not unlike the description of Vulcan's forge, except that
the Cyclops were animated with a divine spark, whereas the
dusky servants of the English furnaces were joyless, silent
and benumbed. ... The foreman told me that stokers were
selected from among the strongest, but that nevertheless they
all became consumptive after seven or eight years of toil and
died of pulmonary consumption. That explained the sadness and
apathy in the faces and every movement of the hapless men."
- Flora Tristan - 'Promenades in
London' (1840)
Remember when I said there are different types of warfare to consider? Here, in the story just mentioned, we see that
the best and the strongest were chosen to die young to feed furnaces. In a way, Napoleon, Stalin and Hitler are still alive and well (their spirits at least) and still causing trouble because what the victor thinks of and does as "Victory", is actually 'Vulnerability'. Wars do not end with just a piece of paper and only really end when the generation's die off, but this looks great in the newspapers, but it is all rubbish.
Metatruth: Peace has nothing to do with "building" friendships. Only war does. (A = C)
We have had no major war since WW2 and live in peace, but no one really likes each other today except for what gain we can accomplish from one another. But during our major wars we had lots and lots of "friends".
It is all schoolyard politics. People are born already-equipped with a unique personality, brains and brawn they had as a child that is to developed, where the type of "education" we get only filters and focuses or suppresses that intelligence or physical awareness from what would of been naturally developed and become superior if not interfered with.
Organized religions and organized science are the supreme example where the childish nonsense they teach people from youth is practically irreversible. Thermodynamics, all by itself, allows the individual grow and develop and only Nature is your teacher.
On the other hand, wherever we find a conditional entropy, we find a system; so
Matter is a system (if you look at this backward) and it always
takes three things to create a system so this is where the Zeroth
Law of Thermodynamic comes in, which is the primary three
system, system that defines these things that exists before the
quantum. Conditional entropy, by now, reveals itself
like the god Janus in the Second and Third Laws of Thermodynamics
when matter is no longer a consideration!
In any device, when the
heat is "removed" (one cannot remove heat, but the way it is lowered is what's to consider), the system recovers unless it was damaged, but
that had nothing to do with any entropy, but with excessive energy
applied to it, nor was the disorder and chaos created from such
an explosion in the Classical Physics Universe would be in any
way some Entropy, but was Thermal Equilibrium, where the machine
became one with the air, or surroundings or space; in either
explosive or gentle forms, like the difference between a
Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster or showing a 17th century king
air conditioning in a hot building during the summer.

CC GP duBerger (2011)
In another cycle where the Universe would produce no more
energy, it would continue on with its own momentum while its own
plasma gets thinner, which increases the thermal disequilibrium of
the Universe to each new parsec of space, where this "plasma" becomes a new state of matter, much like temperature furnishes other phase-states of matter,
and then thermal equilibrium must then be reestablished, and then
this releases new energy once again and propels a new expansion
and acceleration once again and so on again and again.
This is so because by applying Statistical Mechanics in reverse, if you stretch or skew one unit of heat
energy (this unit can be even smaller than the quantum or larger than the universe itself), you
Hot going to
Cold" dimensionally and in time too, exactly
because "
Hot must go to
Cold" and this is certainly not a linear
one-dimensional process exclusively, as created by
Clausius/Carnot, but a far more fascinating thing going on that
is beyond the preposterous
adiabatic process (Q = 0 ) since this
is where we would
introduce the power of "Nothing", which provides the new "Cold"
for the thermal disequilibrium to establish equilibrium.
In effect: there is no
Hot going to
Cold", but in a vastly grander scale, heat is always finding its own equilibrium like everything else does in the universe, except human beings who apparently need guidance and instructions from authority figures to find themselves!
Because of thermal equilibrium (and Nothing), the Universe will
go on forever in a variety of ways always cooling and seeking
its own level, like water, but that would take an infinite
number of steps to do, along with an infinite number of
properties to experience along the way because that level
exists in "Nothing" and or it is sufficiently equivalent to
this "nothing" as is the A = C part of the Zeroth Law of
So it is more likely the Universe is like a
multi-magnitude/dimension open-system oscillating engine where in
either cycle it is always expanding and accelerating, either
through momentum and then through the creation of energy and
matter and so on back again over and over and all because of
Thermal Equilibrium. Thermal Equilibrium and The Zeroth Law of
Thermodynamics is the Equivalence to the Expansion and
Acceleration of the Universe and there is nothing known that can
stop either; and who would want too? Let's just say that the
Universe loves to cool itself and goes though many elaborate
processes to do this and this can be exploited by us and other
sentient beings. Once we understand and implement this
philosophy, we will begin to understand things like gravity which
is another example of this taking-a-lot-of-trouble characteristic
of Nature and the Universe.
This is essentially the difference
between Dynamics and Physics where Dynamically, one cannot stop
or prevent
Hot going to
Cold, or prevent things from falling, or the universe
from expanding and accelerating, where physics instead scorn
these processes and attempts to box in these dynamic systems and
think that things like "falling" or getting colder are a form of
doom and gloom or failure and, further, never see their cycles or
systems. Think of the expansion and acceleration of the Universe
as a hyper-dimensional "spagettifying" similar to the
spagettifying system for a black hole except, there, it is with
matter and not dimension. We must remember that the population
density of black holes increases toward the edge of the known
universe which spells unique dynamics, chemistry and physics that
are beyond the understanding of the physicist, and even less their
The point here is that any technology can be put inside a closed
system like we see happening with the Third Law of Thermodynamics
The Way it is, or can be treated in a variety of
systems. But an open-system thermodynamic can produce anything,
even new energy and matter, and is always free, which is where
the Zeroth Law comes in and shows how this creativity is produced
in open systems and, of course, matter is the key substance in
all things involving open systems as
Work is the thing for
any isolated system, which would exist in an isolated system
through its own Thermal Equilibrium. One can think of the Zeroth
Law of Thermodynamics as the answer to the Second Law of
Thermodynamic, where IF there is a situation of why
hot has to go
cold or high pressure has to go to low pressure, in any type
of system, it is because Thermal Equilibrium says so; and size or
magnitude makes no difference, where even a higher pressure of
electrons or photons will go to a lower pressure of electrons or
With photons we "see" immediately the magic of open systems
where light, without any force or will of its own, will always
go to dark (as a qualitative entity) and never will dark go to
light especially when we think about light being manufactured
in subspace and travels through space and ends up
(from our point of view) in hyperspace and who knows what's
beyond. For this to happen there must be a definite
architecture to open systems that would be possible to define
through perspective (not with arrows) where we would see why this
Universe makes
sure that is the direction for any physical and metaphysical
thing to follow and this process is metamorphosed into all
things and makes them act accordingly, regardless of what kind
of Universe or magnitude we are talking about.
The Universe just wants to do one thing and it is we who make it all complicated for nothing, whether it is a prophet or a believer, or some presider in science and the smart-Alec who listens, or is writing some "important" doctoral thesis.
The only walls, barriers or fences in any open system are
electrons and they are the only things that control and modulate
the photon (They haven't found the equivalence for the Neutrino yet) and make it go where it decides just like in any wall
in a box or fence and throwing a ball against it. The ball is
actually being re-emitted from the wall it "bounces off" of after
one has thrown the ball. The ball "bouncing" back is not the same
ball you threw there and is quantum mechanically completely
unique. Only its form, thermodynamics and physics are the same and
identical. Newton's Third Law is not under attack here since his
idea is only a qualitative law and not a quantitative one since
every electron that hit every electron on the wall exchanged and
every photon emitted thus were absorbed and re-emitted.
The magic
here is that it is exactly the same energy that is returned
during that instant which is where quantum and classical
mechanics agree.
This process can be reversed all the way back to the subatomic
from hyperspace where the photon gets reabsorbed by an electron
and no energy or matter was lost throughout the entire process,
but was only transferred and there are billions of other things
that light can do besides, but that is another subject.
So, the person throwing the ball against a wall is, "the already existing energy source", exactly like sunlight does to Heron's M 37. The different ball returning from the wall is no different than the M 37's switchover and producing the exact same amount of
Work, but in reverse. We see now how simple the universe is and both quantum and classical sciences are in full accord. It seems our machines we have today are entirely ludicrous in the baroque way they must produce
Since "Dark" going to "Light" cannot exist explains existence in
an axiomatic manner that is much simpler than anything you can
read about this subject anywhere, thanks to the Zeroth Law of
Thermodynamics. This also shows that evil is an invented thing
created along with civilization, probably for a variety of
reasons, which can be a subject of its own.
All one must remember
is: "Darkness cannot, and will not go to light, or affect it",
and you're all set and one can apply this to anything one desires
to think about, or this is a metaphysical conclusion derived from
universal functions, and "evil" cannot exist outside the Universe
or be apart from it, and act like some enemy or opposite.
"False Maria"
From 'Metropolis' (1927)
A lot of this energy in the Universe gets converted into matter
through objects like blasars, if that energy hitched a ride with
some already-existing matter, which when being absorbed by this
kind of object, is released back to the Universe superluminally,
replenishing the Universe with new matter, until some conditional entropy makes
the new matter stable/unstable and can longer travel faster than the speed
of light.
The Universe not only creates new energy and matter (as form and substance),
but new forms of matter as well through these processes.
Well it did that during the so called "Big bang", so there is no reason or mechanism to think that this is not going on right now too, unless science wants to put special conditions involving miracles, which I don't think anyone has that authority or ability in mathematics.
Maybe it's better to think of
the universe as an 'Automatic Creation Machine' (like the sun is
a heat creating machine) that has one job to do and
it does it very well because "Nothing" itself would inevitably
demand that this exists and we are here now while it does, which
will be forever. Nothingness has merely been transformed or
transferred itself into a continuum that has to do with Time.
Regardless, there is a direct connection between the physical and
the metaphysical and we have not found that missing link and this
is certainly not god since it is always the physical that leads
to the metaphysical everywhere we look.
Atomicus (1941)
Philippe Halsman and Salvador DalÃ
Gravity cannot affect superluminal matter because this new type
of matter has unknown properties than the plasma before it until
this new matter becomes a victim of its own success like we see
with every other order of magnitude before it where a new force
will also be created to deal with that in that order of magnitude
that would do the same job that gravity does here in our
magnitude, but the process nevertheless still goes on with each
new cycle. Or put another way: Gravity may be the weakest force
in the atom, but becomes the ultimate force at much larger
magnitudes that can crush atoms, and so this would be the same
for some unknown and weak force in the black hole that in a much
larger magnitude could crush black holes themselves because gravity
itself, at one point, collapses upon itself without the need for
matter like every other force in the Universe.
The link between gravity and the quantum is not numbers or
quantity but probabilities, where gravity simply becomes stronger
eventually because there are more probabilities that outnumber
possibilities, or quanta by simple addition in the given space and
the system involved because these interacting particles have to be
somewhere in space. Probability is
therefore as real as anything concrete you can touch, feel, hear
or smell. We may not have senses for detecting probabilities and
so that is what the mind is for. "It" might not be there only
because there are not enough probabilities, but the possibilities
always exist somewhere and cannot be denied and that requires the
merging with matter as already discussed where we use the rest of
our so-called unused part of our brains because that is what it is
there for, where our mind connects to the universe itself and that
is the part of your brain authority of any sort does not want you
to see or use.
As higher probabilities create more possibilities which makes
gravity the ultimate force that we know of, and so it is the same
in lesser magnitudes with the electromagnetic force, the nuclear
force and the weak force. There is no one thing in the Universe
that can do anything, but it takes many of the same thing to
create an evolving system that ultimately must be regulated by some
other force to preserve to substance of matter. This is not good for
intellectuals or believers of any types of gods.
Negative temperature and
pressure are "infinite" since
heat is infinitely additive where
in this universe we would understand this with black holes
because a quantum-sized amount of matter and space does this
too when squeezed "infinitely". The difference is here we "see"
this with matter and space, and there we "see" this with energy.
Theoretically one could extract the energy of black holes
directly from negative temperatures through some system
involving thermal equilibrium.
So by studying higher magnitudes we discover new forces so we are
studying the unknown in quantum and quasiparticle physics
automatically. It is all so childish the way these Ph.D's view
the Universe and Its meaning/purpose because they don't use their
eyes like an artist does; They just put things in boxes and divide
those things afterwards and try
to sell that, where they think the more fools there are the more
sales there are, when this would be actually opposite. It's time
they stopped writing pretty books for the coffee table set that have
hidden and embedded gods in them that no one needs.
Pyrrhonistically: Any of matter's
properties, whether they are known or not, really only
exist in the effect they produce through time and
magnitude, as there is no scientist or philosopher anywhere
who can actually say, for instance, what mass is, or
movement, or traveling superluminally, or the hexagonal
shape of Saturn's vortex, etc. except to describe its
effects, or particularity, yet any particularity is,
itself, an effect. Until science has worked out a system to
deal with this dichotomy, they should refrain from even
giving proper names to any unexplainable phenomena except
as to its location in the universe, if and when that is
possible and give it a number classification instead like
they name distant galaxies.
There we can get rid of things
like "god particles", "strings" and "dark matter", etc.
whose idea gets corrupted from their inception in the
subjective names they apply to things that have nothing to
do with what they invoke and so cannot be used by corrupt
organized religions, "popularizers" of science and the
corrupt media. For instance "String Theory" cannot exist
as we have already established that lines and curves don't
even exist themselves. String theory is a mathematical
system and not physics that works to explain qualitatively
certain things in quantum mechanics, but is never to be
taking as literal reality.
If one were the size of an atom and you looked around you, one
would also see the Universe as expanding and accelerating, but
not if one were a quark or a gluon.
We are the product of that magnitude that expands and accelerates of the
atom's Universe, with matter in it that has different and unique
properties that don't exist in the atomic with new forces to deal
with them too that don't exist in the atomic either, and so it
will be when new magnitudes come into being across the future in
eons to come which will have there own properties which no doubt
will contradict each other in our present way of thinking and dealing
with things.
All perpetual motion machines works in conjunction with something
else to replenish them by organizing free energy available all around
by design; they are dependent on a limited amount of
forces because they are part of the Universe, like everything
else is. It's which part, or magnitude, of the Universe you want
to connect them too that's important. To cite the First and
Second Laws of Thermodynamics as the reason of being their
failure is completely puerile or ridiculous because the only way to make
them work forever would be to see them work in another universe
where the First and Second Laws of Thermodynamics don't apply! This is so
because this is Dynamics not Physics.
To be able to see something as separate from this Universe while
thinking about laws of Nature in this Universe applying to them,
and then making an issue about it requires a "special" talent
from a "special" type of people. This shows at a glance in how
the First and Second Laws of Thermodynamics have been corrupted
by bad scientists, intellectuals with totalitarian views of
everything and very bad teachers in all areas of our education
because they treat thermodynamic systems as something real and
concrete when they are actually only systems which follow their
own rules. We can extend this phenomenon to organized religion
too, and the proof is in all the different sects and
denominations that exist in any one religion, which their own
founders would disagree upon.
In fact, 99.9999...% of everything you see and hear and the
people you know, and don't know, is all BS and there are no exceptions to this
whatsoever and everybody lies with the exception of people who got meningitis
when they were children or were latch babies because they missed that lesson.
You must create the value in all these things,
yourself personally, and tread carefully, and not have someone
else tell you that this is "important", "true" or whatever unless
that is what you want for yourself, but that's no soapbox-platform, for
later, to judge or condemn anybody because you would actually be
belonging to a system that upholds a fantasy and not the truth.
Most information should be treated like we treat shadows and
these shadows must be triple checked for anything that may be unusual and by
searching for any equivalence, we find their reason.
In a world of a surplus of Stephen Hawkings and Leonard Susskinds, etc:
If they can't agree among themselves, then why should you agree
with any of them, especially when they never reveal what system(s)
they are talking about, unless you want to join a gang, a society or
club because in effect, that's what these religions and
scientific societies are. Then, within these clubs and groups
what will be your role there? Will you be an alpha, or a
beta, etc., a boy, a little girl? Because that is how people see, define
and project themselves to others. Then, in each of these
fraternities there is good and evil, where you will fall to the
side that matches your affections in this particular fraternity
that encompass a wide spectrum of emotional expression
of all kinds.
What's next in our decadent society? Because these things can
reach to/into ridiculous situations, as they often do, and makes
for interesting headlines sometimes when things go wrong
somewhere and a feeding frenzy is invoked by all, where everybody
is "shocked" and express their own allegiances in their comments
regarding that particular scandal, which itself is a club because
you cannot leave comments on bad articles unless you register
yourself, or you belong to some social network, yet they claim
precedence in all forms of media.
KAOS and Education
'Functional illiteracy'. <--Read Wiki! which is itself
a bad choice of words put together and only makes sense if
one is evil since, with that, "functional illiteracy"
(amongst other forms of ignorance) becomes a tool creating a petri dish for an efficient broad spectrum of Social engineering.
Some of these intellectuals make me laugh because they don't hear themselves and we know their intentions in advance (A = C); where we see here, that with just one compound word, everything is revealed and you don't need to waste your time with them. Thermodynamics works the same way and is Nature's blackboard that is everywhere, to apply anywhere.
Click or Tap to Open
Time: 01:35
I call this "sophist"icated censorship. I can't even leave
comments on You Tube anymore because I have to be a member of
some Social Network of
small-minded members BEFORE, which I refused to join at first because the
people in them cannot read or understand anything beyond three
lines and judge your comments upon those three lines and also
have obviously not looked at or understood the whole video.
combining social networks and social media together will create
an unprecedented new level of bigoted ignorance not unlike the Red Eye TV series on Fox that has yet to
be achieved anywhere else by/on television and radio.
I belonged to You Tube before Google+ was even conceived.
This is a wonderful way for your authorities and captains of
industry to control you, by giving you your own universe filled
with morons to play in/with (like, where presented is the expected level of emotion, empathy and intelligence to follow, so you can be exploited even
further, creating a situation where those with a different approach and/or different
perspective are reviled while creating comfortable places for people who hate
rather than for love.
In the past with TV and Radio we had specific channels and networks to handle or cater to these different sets of people of different emotional capacity. Now it's everywhere.
More Poor Choice of Words
Click or Tap to Open
Time: 00:30
It's all a game and this plays into the emotions in a
sophisticated manner. How many I have known who lead hypocritical
double and even triple lives à la
Jimmy Swaggart and I spot them a
mile away and sometimes (rarely or unknowingly) I even have
fun with them too and if anyone wants to make life appear
as a monochromatic existence or place one ideal over an
other is very wrong. It is always the guiltiest or most
ignorant who spew the most morals or "theories". The only
healthy "double life" (as a system) one should have is one's
dream life while one sleeps, and one form of existence is no
better than the other, but both are equally important in the
exact same ways.
People and their lives are far more complicated than any
religion, psychiatrist, psychologist or sociologist can imagine.
Just look at me for example: The HTML'S MAGIC site is listed
somewhere as "
a site for kids learning thermodynamics"!
Where they obviously have no idea what I'm talking about and I
have no idea why/how I ended up here or there anyway!
"God" (as a system) can only be one thing to all people and all
must believe, otherwise it's just stercus tauri, especially
where there is a devil who believes in that one god himself,
and at least when it comes to the devil he is more or less the
same and understood in the same way (without any heresies too!)
in any religion. If only God were so lucky! God appears to be
many different things in different locations and environments
where He is only different in all the things that exist all
around, like the difference between electricity and the
electron. No wonder scientists and religion hate perpetual
motion machines because these are the type of questions that
inevitably come up with dealing with these things and you have
to start thinking about the Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics.
LTD (Low Temperature
Difference) Engine - Principle
This is the basics on how to make things move and THIS IS NOT A STIRLING ENGINE, as I see everywhere! (a Stirling heat engine must have a Regenerator).
This is why the air moves (wind, from zephyr to tornado)
except that here, this is controlled to produce work.
Notice here, that the power stroke coming from the Cold side and this system works more efficiently with Ice (cold) applied to it rather than with heat. Nature seems to be especially generous when one uses already-existing heat and manipulating that. Nevertheless, the oscillating function of this device (energy and lack of energy) is converted to unidirectional motion, which we don't see with closed-systemed "perpetual motion" devices.
Fair Use
LSD LTD heat engines are the closest
thing there exists as a real perpetual motion device because,
theoretically, there are no two atoms in space that have the
exact same temperature, moving at the same speed and direction,
at the exact same time, nor are there, anywhere in the Universe,
any two quanta or photons that have the exact amount of energy in
its bundle, any time, and these energy differences can be
exploited by intelligent beings, who can make them work together
in a strategic manner (placed strategically), which is far
superior to burning things. This is why particles and
quasiparticles appear and disappears and everything moves and has
motion everywhere in the Universe.
It is not a question of tricking Nature, but exploiting what Nature has to offer while It moves things along.
If any fluctuation of anything exists and can be indicated, it can be turned into an engine. Theoretically, it would be possible to build virtual particle engines since their appearance and disappearance can be indicated and measured with
Casimir plates.
It is unfortunate that our brains are not constructed like our
stomachs, where when we are hungry we learn how to find and pick
berries, among other things, very quickly where it would be the
same in physics where we learn to pick energized molecules
instead of berries and place them into an environment, through
principles governing thermal equilibrium to extract work, energy
and heat and this would be just as free as wild berries. Instead,
we use systems that are as old as the Bible to acquire,
distribute and burn everything away into nothing.
Our job now is to create more ways to do this "combining
different (already existing) heat energies to produce mechanical
work", and that is where artists still come in, to this day.
Unfortunately this is impossible now and anyone who would present
such devices would get assassinated immediately along with his
research, so this is now the job of/for the people to do (see
Inventor Has Been Waiting 43 Years
for His Patent by Matt Cantor - Newser Staff).
An artist, now, can only show humankind a way, or where to look and
what philosophy is required, where among all, people create their
own floating nation through social networks (thereby improving them
automatically) and start changing things for the better and
take back this planet and restore our species into his proper nature.
At one point we will need millions of "law" breakers (not
revolutionaries) driving vehicles without permitted engines and
heating their homes and businesses with sources of energy that
cannot be taxed and are free besides. They can't throw everyone
in jail, which any clever lawyer would be able to defend and get
released anyway, and they won't be able to start shooting if they
know what's good for them and, besides, bombs, tear gas and
machine guns are only effective in/with crowds so effective
revolutions in the future will be without crowds. They will have
to learn how to play ball with this new reality.
So "Crowd control: has a new meaning in our time since it is authority
and the media that encourage manifestations in the first place so that
authority can use their obsolete or barbaric weapons against the people if
necessary and this is where social networks come in today to
"organize" these things. The intelligent way to protest or change
things is with things that start at home and nowhere else because
everyone is to blame for our problems in one way or another and not just the Governments, Banks etc.
We are all rotten by way of the technology we endorse and the wasteful way we use these things and if any middle-class individual miraculously became CEO of some corrupt corporation or bank, he/she would not change a thing or would do exactly what the venture capitalist would tell him.
Perpetual Motion brings up Art and the philosophy of the workshop
(not the laboratory):
Participating in the NRC committee, and seeing the immense
amount of research that had been done but not synthesized, taught
me a major lesson. The way we organize the modern American
university fragments our knowledge badly. Not only are we divided
by discipline, but we are divided by the methods that scholars
use. Economists using nationwide statistical data are critical of
economists using the experimental lab to test theory. Scholars
who do field research are critical of the use of any other
- Nobel Prize-winning Economist Elinor Ostrom
Science, like art, allows one to go deeper and deeper into things
and it all depends on how far you want to go. We see that the
regular person does not like to go too far and prefers simple
"established" principles and conclusions, which are created by synthetic
scientific societies whose chief purpose is to legitimize
nonsense for the exploitation of humankind, and people go for this
because it offers the same type of comfort as religion with its
utter simplicity and disregard for Nature, which are necessary
for existing when one is far from the natural world, like living
in civilized societies or big cities, where, as represented by
artistic philosophy, a modern city is just a sculpture that
paints itself in whatever vanity it likes at the moment, or
represent for itself.
It is like absolute zero, the Third law says: it takes an
infinite number of steps to reach it, but it does not say you
can't reach it in some form of closed system, and for a variety
of reason as this depends on how you see and apply the Third Law.
Here, there is a problem with infinity and infinity does not
necessarily mean NO. Maybe it's the number system that's being
used, where if we used a 'step method' system there we may find
an approach, or maybe it simply does not exist mathematically,
but does in another realm that can do the same things as
mathematics that describes some physics in the Universe that we
can't even imagine yet, but would be equivalent to the "classic" quantum
mechanical question of the coin thrown in the air:
Heads or Tails?" The answer is, "
It is redundant to say that perpetual
motion does not exist, but more appropriate and accurate to say:
All closed systems must stop/end which is a philosophical
problem involving organized science. Going around and blaming
Nature is also highly unscientific.
The Drinking Bird
Another type of LTD heat engine
Vendors of this 'Drinking Bird' device, at right, will tell
"Explains the Second Law of Thermodynamics "[V] and Wikipedia will tell you,
"this is not a Perpetual Motion Device"[W], and the two assertions are
entirely correct, — in a classical-qualitative manner
provided that you're thinking about closed and isolated
system's physics or Thermodynamics which would include the
First Law of Thermodynamics.
This is not the same with Open System Physics and
Thermodynamics (The Zeroth and Third Laws of Thermodynamics)
where these things
are considered Perpetual Motion
devices because they get their energy by energy transfer from
already existing sources of heat, energy, movement and matter that
are all around them to create mechanical
Work, which is
where the Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics comes in and is the only Law
of Nature that can explain devices like this in a quantitative
manner without using any quantum mechanics as this is unnecessary
here and classical mechanics is quite Sufficient. When dealing with
systems and dynamics:
"The answer was already part of the
question without having to look at it or look elsewhere" which
trumps Heisenberg, but then Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle
deals with energy and not matter, (or sees matter as energy)
so this should be no surprise by
now if you have been reading this monologue and history from the
Regardless if we are utilizing an open system or a closed system,
if you ask a perpetual motion machine to do additional mechanical
work its answer will be NO, or to stop or do nothing. So a
perpetual motion machine is not unlike an Inverse Analogue
Computer because it reacts differently to any input of different
forces and applications and functions logically by itself as a
NOT gate from an Open System point of view. When you put energy
into it, it becomes an AND gate. When you put work into it, it
becomes a NOR gate because any work will be changed into another
form of work BEFORE it can be applied to the machine since no
work can exist as a complete cycle itself, AFTER the fact.
in those days, these "perpetual
motion" devices served as analogue computers and not machines to run mills etc.
Another Boo Boo for modern science and these devices demonstrate today how little many physicist know or understand Thermodynamics because they would not criticize these things, but they do anyway. That is probably because their bosses tell them to say such things so people won't start thinking of energy and matter in different ways.
It is and always had been a theoretical device which forces the
person to think, improvise, experiment with the substances of,
both, matter and energy as a field and what system is best for
its operation, and only makes sense and actually work quite well
with Open System technology and ideas and then it's just a matter
for philosophy to decide whether the Universe is going to last
forever or not and that, in the end, is always some personal
thing to any individual.
As the pilot can steer his sailboat around the world with the already available winds, we discover now that we can do the same with Heat and Energy themselves.
Perpetual motion devices are the perfect computer that programs and "reads"
itself, not unlike Stonehenge, and consumes absolutely no energy,
but provides a wealth of
Work information for open system
technologies and machines. This device shows that not only
Work should be included, primarily, in Thermodynamics, but
so should Information theory because Thermodynamics is more
fundamental to both physics or mathematics and both are
immediately apparent there.
You call this an explanation? I call this NASA Stercus Tauri
The First Law: "Energy can neither be created nor destroyed". It's that simple; not the BS you read in the NASA explanation. These guys who wrote this piece of crap should get out of their offices and go camping in the forest for a couple of days and feel the contrast themselves. People who write things like this need vacations. People who haven't slept in days talk exactly like this.
People are taught through surreptitious means or by plain
incompetence that the First Law of Thermodynamic only applies to
isolated and closed systems (look it up yourself), where this Law applies as well to
Open systems too especially where the never-increasing Entropy of the Universe
also cannot be created or destroyed, hence here, in the open
system, we see all the wonderful contradictions, and things
turned completely upside down in how "normally" the First Law is
handled in an isolated or closed system and people should only
see those things because they have been programmed by idiots,
madmen and "fundamentalists" of this and of that because
'fundamentalism' is not just confined to religion by any scale
and as I said before for other things, the First Law is not a
real thing, but only a system and this system can change, or
reverse itself, where a new magnitude presents itself in that
open system.
There is no creation and apocalypse. In the Universe and all existence there is only Quid pro quo ("something for something" or "this for that")
Entropy balance equation for open systems
Entropy is a reflection of the system it exists in. For one it is
"Nothing", or it never decreases (isolated system); For another
it "Increases" (closed system). For another it is "Unchangeable",
or never increasing (open system) of which none of these
phenomena or directions can be described mathematically since
they are not quantities or qualities but systems.
With systems there are higher and lower magnitudes that reverses
the system, and it is just a matter of metaphor: Which kind of
basket you want your eggs in and how many eggs will there be?
—which alters all probabilities.
This also indicates a portion of the true logic gates that exist
for Nature as there are certainly other entropies to be
discovered or acknowledged (like the always-decreasing entropy in the subatomic, which only I describe here), if there are to be found other systems in the
Universe and that is the job of philosophy and the
We definitely need new schools of thought and competing
academies like the ancient Greeks had, which all contributed
enormously to science, philosophy and art, who all shunned
intellectuals, as they were disparagingly called "sophists" or
pharisees in those days.
Note: The UK benefited from something quite similar as great figures like James Watt, Micheal Faraday and Arthur Eddington were all members of out-of-the-way Protestant religions, which influenced they thinking and there devotion was unquestioned.
This surrealist calls the modern
sophist or pharisee a "theoretical/particle physicist",
"cosmologist" or a "
popularizer", "communicators", a member of CERN
or the Royal Society who standardize thought and
philosophy rather than standardizing scientific nomenclature like they used to.
Any kind of Perpetual Motion is
impossible in any closed system, like what is demonstrated here.
Knowing this, there is nothing proven in any demonstration except to
an ignorant public that knows nothing of open or isolated systems which account for 99.9999....% of the Universe. Scientists, "education", religion and the media validate and make us focus on only .000001% of the universe.
This problem with the Zeroth, First and Second Law of
Thermodynamics and education, — even religion, can be
summarized with a dispute I had with a professor once, who was
laughing at Benjamin Franklin when explaining why in any
schematic, a current is represented as negative going to
positive, but voltage was from positive to negative and that
this was Benjamin Franklin's fault where "tradition" was the
reason this was still represented this way, but
Franklin was completely wrong". Well, since this was a
theoretical question I put to him, this was a despicable and a
closed-minded answer because it is true in a closed or isolated system that
electrons flow from negative Ions to positive Ions,
but in an
open system a large potential/amount/system of electrons flow to the
lower potential/amount/system of electrons and this can only be expressed with positive going to negative.
Since, we only discovered and began research in electricity via electrostatics (which works this way) this "professor" was denying the entire existence of electricity and even semiconductors, which he would end up having to teach at a higher level. (Sounds a lot like the way they teach Thermodynamics.)
So both are entirely
correct for the systems being utilized, yet this "professor"
only saw the Universe as/in a closed/isolated-system
thermodynamic/electrodynamic and saw this as a personal matter
as well and not as anything to do with theory, so he was
laughing at me too for not acknowledging this, in a classroom
of all places.
I was just struck by the emotion this man tried to invoke in me and with the class, that was completely out of place, and I never forgot it. It's always little things like that, that got me into trouble, beginning from elementary school where I was even punished by the principle many times for asking the wrong questions just once. I learned at a young age that it is not necessary to make radical political gestures or say/do things contrary to the norms of the day, but simply ask obvious or penetrating questions, —even rhetorically.
Well, I was a chain-latch baby, so I was never "properly" socialized and/or conditioned before I started going to school. My world, nature and personality became entirely my own. The walls, ceiling and floor of my sparsely-furnished room were my teachers, or my introduction to society. It was quiet a Zen or Buddhist experience when I think about it now and remember.
Teachers from Jupiter
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Time: 00:54
I always suspected, since I was young, that most teachers are evil and would be very interested to know what planet they get their training from, and what they are told in how to mold young-fresh human minds.
I'm older now and these teachers are probably dead or have gone back to Venus or Jupiter, so: What of the electrostatic Van der Walls
force? Without it, Cold-temperature physics would be
impossible and the Van der Walls force completely contradicts closed system
electronic theory that's taught in the classroom. I'm sorry to
say this, but Benjamin Franklin was right too, as any coil,
capacitor or Cold-temperature experiment will show how to anyone because how could a coil store energy in a electromagnetic field and a capacitor store energy in a electrostatic field and liquify "noncondensable" gases.
Electricity, like Thermodynamics, is a vast wonderful universe and not just something you see on the wall to plug something into or watch a heat engine run, unless that's all one wants to see in life, because that is always a political choice, or becomes one.
Ignorance is not bliss, when it comes to isolated or open systems, but becomes a necessity in closed systems. The type of ignorance that manifests itself becomes pathological and destroys the individual and his ability to adapt. Disease, is not just something physical and happens to the body and mind, but is associated with many systems, where we have not even scratched the surface yet, but Thermodynamics can certainly point one where to start looking.
As if that was not enough, we have
reports that shows the entry bar is higher for state-school
students and ethnic minorities than for their privately
educated Caucasian peers, which makes perfect sense according
to the Zeroth Law of Thermodynamic (as a philosophical tool):
The level of stupidity with people who are raised with
conformist ideas and closed systems must be maintained, and let's not forget the importance of white skin. See:
Top universities face accusations
of discrimination GD, and See:
Institutional racism.
Universal Education Saves Hundreds Of Thousands Of Lives
Click or Tap to Open
Time: 04:00
So, it should be no surprise that
Negative temperature and also
pressure can be "infinite" since
Theoretically one could extract the energy of black holes
directly from negative temperatures through some system
involving thermal equilibrium.
From Wikipedia:
The energy required to detach an electron in
its lowest energy state from an atom or molecule of a gas with
less net electric charge is called the ionization potential, or
ionization energy. The nth ionization energy of an atom is the
energy required to detach its nth electron after the first n
− 1 electrons have already been detached.
Each successive ionization energy is markedly greater than the
last. Particularly great increases occur after any given block of
atomic orbitals is exhausted of electrons. For this reason, ions
tend to form in ways that leave them with full orbital blocks.
For example, sodium has one valence electron in its outermost
shell, so in ionized form it is commonly found with one lost
electron, as Na+
. On the other side of the periodic table, chlorine has seven
valence electrons, so in ionized form it is commonly found with
one gained electron, as Cl−
. Caesium has the lowest measured ionization energy of all the
elements and helium has the greatest. In general, the ionization
energy of metals is much lower than the ionization energy of
nonmetals, which is why, in general, metals will lose electrons
to form positively charged ions and nonmetals will gain electrons
to form negatively charged ions.
See: Ion where you will see that
Michael Faraday was involved in this, were we get a peek at
his interesting nomenclature before the rest of his work
was Maxwellianized, before Benjamin Franklin had anything
to do with anything; and
Ionization energy, where you will
see nothing has changed since 1978 and is now, "Not
Recommended", which is preposterous like their "Standard for uncertainty".
Let's start talking about science sitting on the fence and the U.S. patent office not patenting anything to do with Perpetual Motion. This in effect tells the world that open-systems don't exist or are "Not recommended".
Now, I'm sure that my visitors here at this exhibit, understand why I discuss teachers, lawmakers, intellectuals and religion because they all only present universes that are closed or isolated systems and Perpetual Motion as a Thermodynamic system is perfect for putting a flies in their ointment.
There is a lot to learn and create for/from one's self with this thermodynamic-system
approach, or way of seeing the Universe because it's impossible to discount one system over another (which is easy to do in physics and chemistry), but all systems must be considered together and simultaneously. Thermodynamics forces one to always think in/with ternary systems which I consider a gift.
It all depends on
if you want to become a robot and follow orders or be able
to feel the creativity in Nature because electricity flows
across insulators and in open systems as well as it does
down conductors and closed systems. It even flows down corridors.
It's not the monopoly
of the physicist or a utility to tell you were electricity
comes from and what or where it goes and does exclusively because then that really makes them some political/economic/social philosopher.
How does one learn from such incompetent, closed-minded and
vain teachers/professors who are not open to discussion, or be
able to describe theory, (he should of explained that most
schematics for technology are closed or isolated systems, and
not spew subconscious philosophy) and will brook no
contradiction, and they are legion? These people ruin lives
unless one is a second-rate flatterer.
This is intolerable to Artistic Philosophy where artists in
engineering, physics and chemistry are crushed of their own
potential and made to become robots. How is one supposed to know
these things, differences and equivalencies when you're a kid
trying to create an interesting career or profession for yourself
and you realize too late all the stercus tauri around you (and
what's coming) and he is not properly equipt psychologically
and emotionally to deal with this nonsense (and may I say bullying)?
Instead of a professor happy with a classroom full of
eager minds where all he has to do is separate the
creatively inclined ones, from the not so creative ones and
provide each with the proper material, tutoring and study to further their
inclination where sometimes with the not so creative, there
appears a spark, but it only took a little while as is the same
with the creative ones who lost interest somehow.
That is the
professor's job, is to get involved with his students and steer
those minds gently to their greatest potential and worth, and in
school there are no stupid questions and all must be treated with
the utmost seriousness, at least to any possibility to their
validity. Most "professors" are actually lecturers who play
professor and a lecture
does not necessarily mean you're going to learn anything, but
more likely get programming instead.
Not to mention on how small society can be made to appear,
including its ideas which are automatically made to look that
much smaller by Nature Itself; which is probably why people are
not taught about Open Systems and its "peculiar" Thermodynamics
and Electrodynamics
except in the awe inspiring way as if The Universe were God, and
we should be humbled when looking into the cosmos and bow down
while we are in awe and other programmed nonsense.
In comparison, stone-age man never bowed down to anything and
worked hard to keep being a bi-pedal species. If there was any
form of worship, it was in doing the act of walking, not
kneeling. So kneeling and bowing is a degrading and taught
behaviour and does not exist naturally as a means to, even, be
in a stationary position. Human beings have a specific
attribute behind them, designed by Nature, for being in a
stationary position and this is called a "posterior" and one
sits on that.
The Universe has no given name, or any need for one, and is the
product of inevitability like
everything else is, where it is all the same that you see on
Earth everywhere, but inside-out. The First Law of Thermodynamics
is the Universe in this case, when one is in awe while looking at
pictures of goings on in the Universe, and for us it can be a
machine or device in a closed/isolated system, where we are on
the outside of the application to that Law. The Laws of
Thermodynamics are the same, they just appear upside-down from
the Universe's open perspective and appear upside-down from our
perspective, while looking outside-in or out-there in.
The Universe owes nothing to Its existence nor is it in any way
responsible for existence, and existence itself is its own
inevitability, and so on.
Third Law of Thermodynamic
Zero Energy Superfluid Fountain
Remember, this is matter (Helium 4 below the Lambda point and photons) doing this all by themselves. Only already existing lack of energy and existing abundant energy in these matter components are involved here.
There are no
theoretical internal combustion engines based on the Second
Law of Thermodynamic so these things are no good for
theory, but there are great deal of theoretical heat
engines that work off the Zeroth and Third Laws of
Thermodynamics and some are Perpetual Motion devices, where
some work and some do not work; but it is why they do the
things they do, whether they work or not, is what would be
behind any new theory that can appear out of nowhere
because one is studying theory not application and the
study of hot and
cold, and Work, which is
still only in its infancy.
So, it's all very nice to jump the gun and discuss god particles
and Higgs fields but "What system, or systems, do these things
fall into and for what purpose?" This is where we discover
that the Standard Model itself falls apart, all by itself, into
as many particles they think can exist, without using any
particle accelerators either because it's all a load of
closed-system mendacity from small-minded intellectuals, who
should get out more, or do something different, or find a hobby
because things like the Perimeter Institute, hire autistic
savants so the organization can look impressive and get more free
money from government grants.
The Perimeter Institute think tank was founded
by a Canadian Greek billionaire, with the sole
purpose to create research papers that were good for his businesses and to grab millions in tax payers money for bogus research
grants (research this yourself).
Greek businessmen/woman do this in Greece too, with impunity, and that's why Greece is bankrupt in 2015.
The Perimeter Institute provides the public with corrupted, obsolete or esoteric science for young people and we'll just forget thermodynamics altogether
with these guys.
This you can check out at You Tube under Perimeter Institute.
Robert Boyle's Flask
The Second Law of Thermodynamic
Here, Beer foam is used to make this "PM device" work.
Imagine what we could accomplish if we did this "change of
density thing" with electrons or quasiparticles or virtual
particles instead!!
I've seen some pretty imaginative work done with these PM
machines and, of course, they fail or the whole thing was fake,
or they got much needed extra help, where in this example at
right, The Carbon Dioxide in beer bubbles create foam which has
less density per volume in the tube, so the liquid beer pushes
the foam back into the glass! So long as the beer nucleates
carbon dioxide gas, producing foam, motion and Work, in
this manner, will be produced.
One could use this system/device
as a means to calculate exactly how much carbon dioxide there is
in the beer, in a variety of ways, including its qualities, as is
demonstrated in the video this animation represents (Click or tap
to go to video demonstration). Remember, these things are computers!
It remains
that the experimenter, experiments with matter and energy in ways
that would be impossible to arrive in any other way, and a lot of
these collateral discoveries are very useful things that never existed
before: all because people are fascinated with Perpetual Motion.
Perpetual Motion is the next best thing when considering or
studying something's intrinsic value, which would be invisible to
most people since most are not artists, so working with ideas,
systems, materials and designs that involve the concept of
Perpetual Motion is an indispensable tool for this kind of
So, when one person says perpetual motion is
impossible because of blah blah, we know what that person
believes in and how he understands Nature (closed/isolated systems) and is
very rigid.
When another person says: "Perpetual motion is possible", we know
that person believes in nothing, and how he understands nature
(open systems too), and is open to studying other possibilities and
philosophies. This is a pure syllogism.
To err on the side of caution are two things
entirely different for these two I have just described, and each
side tries to ridicule the other. They should not bother.
Science is all fakery and business today, and any new truths that would be discovered would be suppressed, unless it puts money in their pockets, or focuses attention upon their "being".
V-Gate Magnetic Motor
This device plays with creating different densities of
magnetic fields and then put that system into a
Where with the first, it is best to stick with the tried
and true and establish laws where he thinks a system can be
beneficial and promotes property, where with the other, the
reality of life is in the seeking of new things and never heard
of ideas, and these things promote prosperity. Both are right and
both are wrong because neither can claim any moral superiority
that applies everywhere, but it does mean that we all need each
other, and we all need our differences too, where the information
we provide each other is as transitive as the Zeroth Law of
Thermodynamics, making each other's approach beneficial to both
because both can achieve great things in their respective
paradigms, and where there is concord, Nature takes care of the
rest regardless if you are talking about heat, Nature or people.
It is the stupid simpleton who will claim that his philosophy is
universal and must be the only rule to follow and belongs to that
tribe by choice, and it is his
kind, if we let them, who will destroy everything inevitably
because of their vanity, and vanity is always the overture to
evil in any form of awareness.
1911 or 1912, Frozen Niagara Falls
Note: Readers will note that I practically celebrate things stopping in a monologue on Perpetual Motion because they involve open systems, where instead, I want my visitors here to look at all these closed system "perpetual motion machines" and discover for themselves that none are reversible where all open systems, whatever they involve, are all reversible.
Some will say that the Sun will not last forever so Niagara Falls
must stop one day, which is true, but it won't be because of
entropy, but because of internal changes within the sun and the
sun whatever it becomes when that happens, will still release
gravitational energy which can become part of another system that
creates heat in some way (all Forces in Nature, along with Matter
and its Properties, can create Heat and
Cold and ultimately an Electromagnetic
Field), and since gravitational energy is part of an open system,
the sun (which would only be some focal point for this type of
energy and higgs bosons and/or "gravity particles", intrinsically do
not evaporate which is purely a classical science phenomenon. So
this energy will never be depleted and the more gravitational
energy it releases the more massive it becomes, not the other way
around and may even turn into something else entirely different
in the eons to come.
By the way, there is no such thing as any conditional Entropy in the Sun
whatsoever, except in matters concerning its Fusion/Fission
processes (Explained in HTML'S MAGIC The Principles of The Zeroth
Law of Thermodynamics), but "globally" it is an extremely
well-organized, adaptable and efficient heat engine. It works with subatomic particles where entropy always decreases, for a classical closed system whose entropy always increases in a universe whose entropy never increases.
The sun uses different entropies like a musician uses different harmonies.
It has a job
to do and it does this job perfectly and exactly to schedule,
despite an enormous and diverse number of probabilities in the microscopic that go
against it to do its job, like all good things.
This we will learn, in the before-mentioned article/monologue with the "Principle of Sufficiency".
Ironically, today we use open-system technology to move
indicators to tell us what our closed system devices are doing,
where in ancient times they used closed systems (perpetual
motion devices) to measure or indicate what open systems were
doing. This is why I say the Second Law of Thermodynamics
should not be scraped (among other reasons), but only it's
consumer-grade version, expounded by idiots who should also be scraped
and then we can talk real science, design and engineering.
Working "Perpetual Motion"
machines, as opposed to flywheels and the truly theoretical
ones (they don't work at all) like in this animation, are
the only things that can be used as a "working" standard to
calculate efficiency for open system-based devices, which
involves the transfer of matter, work and energy, but no
heat, which is why they had different types because they all
do a mechanical work of some kind (unlike flywheels) and
they would use the machine that was most compatible for
their research to compare, and denote any specifications and
efficiency of an open system device. So as you can see,
'Perpetual Motion' in mechanics, pneumatics and hydraulics
was a tool, using Equivalency, for measuring invisible
phenomena (Work not Energy) in a system that has motion for
comparison, for creating/measuring anything, as they all
slowdown and stop eventually, — as they were expected
to and was also very important, but it is the time they took
to do this that was considered and how much addition energy
was require to keep it functioning, and this was used to
compare the efficiencies of different Open System Technology
that does not employ thermal energy directly and also does
not involve measuring anything by breaking the thing apart
into pieces like they do with the Second Law of
Thermodynamics and never put them back together again, like
fuel, for instance.
The concept called "Energy" did not exist in ancient times until used/created as a system by Aristotle "with the sense of actuality, reality, existence" (opposed to "potential") and once again, like our previous story about "physics and metaphysics", there was another mistranslation once again from another quarter where "energy" was now given, "force of expression". It's scientific use is from 1807.
The only thing the ancients knew about was Work.
So it is ridiculous to even make any kind of "scientific" comment on Perpetual Motion, because they don't involve "energy" at all, especially from/derived from closed and isolated systems.
Let's not forget that Aristotle is criticized too with invalid arguments because of our ubiquitous mistranslations and misinterpretations created by intellectuals which we are now discovering are all over the place and only Thermodynamics could show us that.
If these things "worked" forever they would have been useless to
measure anything, nor would we have a need for any technology
since everyone would have "free energy" that could be used for
anything on any scale. So it's no surprise that since the
invention of the wheel and then the discovery of cycles in all
sorts of things that machines like this were "invented" in the
first place.
They go to the heart of man's awareness of the
Nature of things and his true devotion to Nature Itself because
he wants to imitate Her affectionately with these things. These
things represent the intrinsic being of existence itself, so they
are works of Art and Engineering, where science along with
religion should mind their own business, who/which discuss all
things before the facts. Let's not forget this, previously described, business of "controlling Nature itself" should be thrown out the window.
The Final Joke
Ridha Ridha (2010)
So using the First and Second Laws of Thermodynamics as an
argument against these machines, which shows more a mind that
works as/with the First and Second Law of Thermodynamics and not
the machine itself because these things only produce Work,
— Not Energy, while Work and Information Theory has been, very conveniently,
left out of the Thermodynamics that people are "taught", so they
can say anything they want and it cannot be questioned except by
Artistic Philosophy, and even Art History, which will have none of that nonsense.
much as energy cannot be created or destroyed anywhere, we can create as much
Work as we want, anywhere we want, out of already existing
matter and energy by way of any conditional entropy. It is with Work the Universe improves
itself, moves things around and builds things, —not with energy.
Ancient scientists and engineers had formulae too except they
were Notating in the Step-Method approach to mathematics, so they
are meaningless in today's world with the Zero as an integer and
they certainly do not want to show them either, but Art history
has preserved them. The only thing that survives from ancient
mathematics is geometry and its various formulae because one
cannot convert that into a Metric system or place a zero anywhere
as anything specific, which the Arabic numeral system insists
upon, so the indispensable ancient geometry survives untouched
and unchanged. Zero degrees would be a dimensionless point; so
there would be no geometry, or it wouldn't make any sense if they
used the Arabic numeral system with it.
Shut Up!
William Medeiros (2008)
There is no zero integer on any clock and you cannot put one on anything
round or cyclic either that would be used as a dial, but there is such a thing as "Zero hour"
and this is the point where there was a countdown that's finished
and where a new count-up/down will/could begin.
Zero, shows that maths is a system and cannot be part of any form of reality (like an electron), so it is normal that
"π" would be a transcendental number that can never be
resolved if you look at it from a closed system in either the
inside or outside and consider the rest of the Universe as a dump
of which the Universe is not.
So whatever area or length of line
various forms of π tries to define, there is obviously a
missing component or connection to the 'outside' and to 'nothing'
that is there to produce such a number that is never taken into
consideration simply because mathematics, as yet has no
relationship with either 'open systems' and with 'nothing'
(which always involves time and energy and not space or matter
except as virtual entities), which
the latter is only an integer for accounting and has no place in
higher mathematics. One cannot, place "nihil" and "something"
together in one system, but they must be treated like hot and
are treated in/by there transitive relationships. Even in
double-entry accounting, bankruptcy and having assets and capital
are two different things, but because of credit and fiat economic
systems they become invisible and the same phenomenon, in its way,
exists in physics now.
There is no difference between bankruptcy and owing a trillion dollars except for someone to have the power to be able to tell a country (like the United States or the UK) that they are bankrupt like Greece is. With their military might no one would dare. Without their military might, their creditors would foreclose on them without batting an eyelash. If Greece were a nuclear power and had a powerful army instead of wasting its time and resources squabbling with Turkey (who they should be making friends with instead), no one would say anything to them either and there would be other things happening, where its market would be quite different.
Might is right.
So that's the type of answer you get (or want) and all because of
vanity, and there's plenty of that in science (which includes economics).
The Universe is
automatic as one could work on these types of numbers on plain
paper and produce these results, yet people are programmed to be
happy with these anomalies that corrupted or powerful individuals have
created, —not discovered, who have even gone to the extent
to create philosophies, instead of proofs that go against Nature
to justify them.
Then, humankind and every individual, must live
with these things throughout their lives, where it becomes
natural to not see the whole picture, and that missing "piece" is
very conveniently furnished, suddenly, to us by any intellectual
controlling some form of information or media, and of course,
it's the wrong piece, which creates new problems and so on.....
It's all a system to keep humankind in chains in one form or
another, that's it that's all, while providing all the illusions
of freedom and prosperity.
Chinese Fake Trillion Dollars Counterfeiting Business - Special Documentary
Fake is in,
but this video shows that we need different forms of value besides money, which can be accomplished by an economy based on thermodynamic systems that can deliver a minimum of twice the amount of work at less cost. These things have been available for thousands of years so far. All we need to do is implement them.
Click or Tap to Open
Time: 1:35:16
Regarding this video at left: The "great depression" has not
gone away; it has just moved to new geographical locations,
where different nations and cultures are being exploited.
Today, everyone only sees closed systems because of
pre-conditionning in our education systems (because we didn't
when we were in our Stone age), where open systems are made
invisible today in an existential manner, so these mechanical
gravity machines and other mechanical perpetual motion devices
find no place in any debate or study anywhere except with those
who use their faculties of Imagination and Instinct, where
instinct will consider the physicist's explanation upon these
things as insufficient as there are other things at work in these
devices that are not accounted for in the corrupted First and Second Laws
of Thermodynamics and their respective systems, but our instincts
are so strong in this matter that many will create elaborate fake
devices because being fake is the only way to survive or
reproduce anything in today's societies with things that
rightfully belongs to all people and creature and then was taken
away from us and them because Nature gave us this and we lived by
its forms of energy and matter for over two million years (in
various forms of man). This is feeling, instinct and/or DNA that
some organized religion, conglomerate or state can't get rid of
in one lifetime, or even in a thousand years.
There is nothing wrong with technology and progress, so long as it involves all systems for energy/matter and not exclusively closed systems.
Magnet & Gravity
Perpetual Machine
This shows us how different we are today and historians
should stop comparing modern science to ancient science, as if
there was some connection, but these wonderful machines from the
past, by building them yourself (even if you would build one
badly), can literally transport you like a time machine, to our
time in the past and live their experience as they, understood
Nature then and its beauty, — NOW, which is a view that is
incompatible with the modern treatment of Nature. Alternate time-lines seem to be very popular in science fiction and entertainment these days, well here's your opportunity to create some yourself.
To artistic
philosophy this is absolutely fantastic! Science, like art, must
be experienced and not just talked about, if you are going to
discuss it and there is no such thing as failure because one will
always learn something new serendipitously, but you have to go
there yourself as things like Twitter, etc. are not sufficient.
(See: More Than 11 Million Young People
Have Fled Facebook Since 2011 by Christopher Matthews)
Closed-system wisdom says: "Don't try; do!" and
Open-system wisdom says: "Try and you will be
already a part of it".
This use of Perpetual Motion, in ancient times, was used by
ancient scientists, physicists and engineers like Absolute Zero
is used today, or with the Big Bang theory (because if the universe expands, this expansion must of had a beginning, which they calculate against the Steady state theory (now obsolete, but used as a reference) which would be at around 13 billion years ago), which is also impossible with the available
physics/mathematics here on planet Earth, but is today's standard
for all of physics and thermodynamics involving closed systems
because we only use closed systems now and only value thermally
available heat and latent heat that has been derived from
chemistry and fission.
As much as modern science laughs at
'Perpetual Motion, an ancient physicist or engineer would laugh
at 'Absolute Zero' and the systems it serves, who themselves
would of eventually discovered the Bose-Einstein condensate with
these machines had it not been for interference.
Slavery still exists; It is only the names, the rule books and the
games that have changed. The ancients had their happy and
complaining slaves and freedmen and now we have our happy and
complaining middle class and bourgeoisie. In the future when the
middle class has allowed itself to be embedded, like one can do
on a web page and completely replaced his central nervous system
with all forms of electronic stimulation and virtual reality,
there will be another form of exploitation with a new name and so
anything approaching a Bose-Einstein condensate becomes part of an
open system that is quantum mechanical since there is no
such thing as quantum mechanics, and even a lot of particle
physics that are closed or isolated systems where things
appear and disappear all the time inside the closed or
isolated system of laboratories or accelerators where there
is nevertheless some form of transfer of energy and heat going on
from the Universe itself, which is no different then something that is
alive now and "dead" the next. Because of thermodynamics, systems and
"particles" (which are systems too except at/in smaller magnitudes)
are the same and act accordingly to the dictates of their magnitudes.
This is why everything you read from CERN about particle
physics is worthless because there is no amount of shielding to
prevent any experiment, there, from experiencing interference
from the Universe itself. Nikola Tesla already invented a death
ray that would make warfare impossible since any invader could
be repulsed with this technology.
As I said before, they want a particle beam weapon that can
wipe out entire planets or solar systems with one button for
the future conquest of space so that the, present day, super
rich and those families will be able to devote themselves to
more extraordinary vulgarities beyond what exists presently.
These are the easiest people to get rid of. Simply stop being
loyal to their brands and they will die as an entity, while
creating one's own values that are in accord with Nature which
happens to be the oldest and largest matter/energy producer
that follows the principles of free enterprise and it is the mob's job to create free enterprise and change societies accordingly.
Note: It is the spirit of
free enterprise, —not private enterprise that created the modern
computer and internet revolution. See excellent documentary:
Modern Marvels: The Internet Behind
The Web.
CERN and all other particle accelerators should be demolished
and sold for scrap because people pay for these things yet will
never gain any their advantages, and is certainly not worth the
trillions spent with these facilities (when we put all their
price tags together), where that money could be better spent in
all the other sciences besides particle physics.
These things
are simply, very bad business models that offer no returns to
the actual investors of these things, which happens to be the
taxpaying people and that money could be better invested in
educating everybody about Nature and not just serve scientific
societies and think tanks, and their cronies and the people they serve people
because this kind of research and experimentation in dollars
was only necessary during World War II. So we are still at war
in one way or another because the intellectual backbone for
this nonsense is still financed generously.
It is also not constructive to know the beginnings of creation if we live in polluting and wasting societies. How could we appreciate that knowledge? I say fix our technology first to be in line with the Zeroth Law and then we can go hunting for things we may never understand anyway.
The data will also be corrupt and is incompatible to the Second
Law of Thermodynamics since, there is no such thing as quantum
shielding or complete particle shielding, as there is also no
such thing as gravitational shielding, outside diamagnetic
shielding, although it is diamagnetism, itself, (the beer
droplet in the animation above) they use in their accelerators
is the purpose of their super magnets that makes the particles
fly around near the speed of light, using electrostatics, which pollutes the experiment as a lot of these particles they discover probably only exist because they used a diamagnetic field, etc.
modern-day particle physicists completely miss the point that
there are, at least, two other unknown systems beyond the Open
System we know of because Quantum Mechanics and General
Relativity only exist in an open system, where the Zeroth Law
of Thermodynamics says that everything must and can exist in
three different systems above and below the systems they exist
naturally in. So, there are things in existence that we should
know of exist because of Quantum mechanics and General
Relativity and all, only, through Thermodynamics, but this is
never explored and there is no philosophy yet to conjugate this
either, but emphasis is in self-satisfaction, which is not true
existence or life. The universe is big enough, but the way they
created it they actually imprison everyone forever because
there is no ultimate knowledge, but only a journey; as life and
existence should be.
It is a total waste because there we can generate new science and
look for things that only exist in "Z" system, but not in X and Y
systems and use those sciences discovered there and
Thermodynamics to discover even more "new" systems beyond them.
Only the artist explores such things because the bigger the
Universe becomes the more significance there is to life, and this
spirit can be captured by each and any individual within
him/herself where they become a part of these new fields of substance.
In later articles I describe, in different ways, how we will
experience a paradigm shift back to Open Systems, in the
future, much like physics and engineering had existed in the
past, but with closed and isolated systems working alongside
open systems and this will change society forever, in many
magnificent, wonderful ways since we need all three systems to
survive. But, of course this is a completely Euro-centric and
North American view as we both may end up obliterating
ourselves and it will be in (say) in a Polynesian society where
this will be achieved in the future as a race and society.
We have to be recognizant of our responsibility of either
being an example to avoid or something to follow.
Universe Crueler, More Uncaring Place Than Previously Thought
Now, for some comic relief!
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Time: 01:27
Finally, we do not need the intellectual since by just
observing Nature and learning from It, we gain an insight into
truth and can grow from this, all by ourselves from the
simplest things one can find around anywhere. That, and only
that is the only protocol any science should be based upon to
promote evolution, — Not make corrupt societies and
civilizations better. We have no choice but to evolve whether
we like it or not because it will happen one way or another and
evil only tries to impede this and that is the extent of their
power, where with good there is no limit at what can be
One side vainly tries to prevent the inevitable,
while the other side creates the inevitable by putting out the
red carpet for it.
Human beings,
one and all, will have to
decide whether the existence of the species is a closed, or
isolated, or open system or are all three together and willing
to move beyond.
The only way to stop evolving is to destroy ourselves and even
there we might reemerge elsewhere because it would be
impossible to destroy every bit of organic chemistry that has
some of us in it where after being transported across the
cosmos over the eons, we and our animal and plant friends would
start over again somewhere else and re-evolve, as if nothing
ever happened.
Intellectuals like Pythagoras (not all of his stuff was good),
Plato, Aristotle, Augustine, Kelvin, Clausius, Neoplatonism and
later Christianity, 'Perpetual Motion' machines got corrupted
into other meanings and ridiculed as well that would probably of
shocked Heron and others like Archimedes including the philosopher,
"In this house, we obey the laws thermodynamics" — Homer Simpson
The problem with this is we are not just dealing with closed systems. Electricity was originally conceived and thought about as an open system by
Natural Philosophers as we see with people like Benjamin Franklin
concerning electrons, but it is instead, today, some mutation created by
Kelvin and Clausius et al that makes it a closed system
exclusively, and makes an unsustainable and a low
quality Industrial Revolution and greatly increases profits in a
form of elaborate extortion that makes it all look very scientific and ultimately
normal and legal.
They create arguments that justify destructive practices
by using the name of Nature and this argument is not even complete! It
is not Nature that is bad, but the focus that is wrong where whatever
they discuss, the cycle is not entirely complete (the tail pipe is not the end of the cycle nor is it at the filling station anywhere the beginning). So, naturally things
go wrong eventually whether we are discussing electricity in one way or "heat" engines in another way.
If Nature him/herself looked at these patents they grant to people and groups today; don't you think he/she would laugh? "I don't see anything new here!?".
What is funny is that those critics took "perpetual motion" very
seriously to ridicule these machines so much, as if these things
were some threat, and by creating Dionysian fantasies about them;
where perpetual motion is actually not that important, whether it
existed or not in any system, but is only important to those who
need to exploit. It is they who are ultimately in a serious
You'd think that religion and philosophy had better things to
discuss especially where, on top of this, Aristotle, Augustine
and Plato were still around in medieval history and the
renaissance where this "rebirth", we may ask, is from what and
what did it promise because the renaissance was no Messiah, yet
it is treated as one.
It was never man's dream to create a machine that would work
forever (that's for heaven or hell) and these things were only
tools to measure, for the physics of 'Work' in open systems of
the times and they were built by ancient scientists who are
renowned even today, but this
example also demonstrates today's ability
to get a Ph.D with a sort of incomplete knowledge of physics
and, as previously shown, no formation of all the laws of
Thermodynamics, where the first thing they create is dogmatic
criticism instead, where the entire idea of physics is, itself,
based on obtaining, explaining, developing and, if possible,
privatizing at no cost, unlimited sources of energy, work and
power by any means necessary; where developing those types that
are not sustainable (not automatic) are a top priority.
This is what made people like Robert Boyle, Reichsgraf von
Rumford, Michael Faraday, James Joules and others, great men
because they investigated and did not criticize or theorize,
and the proof is that their stuff is still working today in
both cutting-edge science and in everyday things we have in our
homes and all are "absolutely" indispensable.
So as if in perfect thermal equilibrium, today's mechanic torque
wrench is practically the only thing there exists to measure
'Work' and these theoretical/particle physicists and cosmologists
tell people what life and the Universe is all about, where even I
have difficulty, with all I know about expression, in how to
present science in any form of media since this thing, like art,
can be beyond all human experience and I'm only researching and
presenting simple heat and
cold and look at what my
research from an artist's perspective comes up with.
Just discussing hot and
cold themselves is enough to
create an explosion of ideas like it was the birth of the Universe if
one cares about such things because, originally, in 2010, this
thing was just a small rant about a video, — A couple of
paragraphs and that's it. Suddenly things started appearing out
of nowhere; where 'put this in' and 'put that in' became the
voice of this document.
Fortunately, I chose to express myself on a website originally meant for blogging and not on some social network like Facebook because I could practice/learn/use/develop HTML here because websites have HTML editors and social networks don't. (I wonder why?)
This way my research can grow within a central core which would be impossible in a social network and maybe that is what social networks are good for: To keep ideas and research incoherent, anchored and moving away.
People actually end up learning absolutely nothing about anyone or anything, but anything on their wall can be used against them. Facebook is some nifty sh*t. Places like that ensures that stupid people don't have moments of clarity or an ability to express and prove them when they do.
Get a website please instead of a social network page! Learn some basic HTML (start with the simple stuff), it's actually lots of fun and there are tons of sites who will teach you this and more, where then can go in any direction you want.
You can even connect your blog/website anywhere where it's better than Facebook and Twitter combined in reach-ability. Best of all, your pics and videos controllable/defendable to avoid DMAC/copyright issues and you can earn revenue, you learn about computers, browsers, Apps in ways you would never expect!
With your own website, you are an author/artist/developer/producer and actually get respect. People can love you or hate you too, but they approach you differently and only the best or the worst of the lot get a chance to reach you. It also costs nothing (Blogger/WordPress as examples).
Bohr electron energy level
diagram of a hydrogen atom
click or tap on picture for a careful description and
Even Electrons don't make that kind of quantum jump with
its respective neighbouring shells of allowable orbits, like
theorists do with their theories, and they disappear and reappear
too between jumps after receiving or giving off a photon.
Location and direction seem to be irrelevant or equivalent to
Nature at one point, and this seems to be handled by equilibrium
instead and answers only to some open system, but matter's
reappearance after it disappears seems to be very important and
there are never any probabilities to play with there, in all
quantum mechanics. This
is not unlike the :"distance is irrelevant only a connection
to the Universe is important" thing I discussed earlier
concerning matter computers of the Stone age and so it is the
same regarding life and death, youth and old age, etc., —
it is only the connection that's important and where you connect
these things to. There are only absolute Inevitabilities
involved with matter and they are still looking at quantum
mechanics in a classical science way with this position and
direction thing/obsession where regardless, the particle in
question Will appear at the theoretical place when Matter and
Thermodynamics decides this and not mathematics.
Art, not science, from inspiration to application is the only
thing equipped to deal with theories within this area of quantum
mechanics, today, since this form of inevitability restores the
First Law of Thermodynamics the way it was first conceived by
Natural Philosophers. This, probably, in a way makes sense
because there are many ways to see and study science and
appreciate Nature. The artist, if he wants to pursue this, only
needs to notate everything he does, reads, studies and observes
and put all of it together and then create new art — not
technology where the new technology will naturally evolve out of
this, like what happened with the first colourless glass, among
other things.
As an artist, I think it's the most wonderful thing to just think
of something and it will inevitably become reality by its mere
expression, in one way or another, and like all our creations,
ideas and inventions. We can create fate or we can create all the
beauty we want, but we must create one or the other and cannot
have both, or even borrow one or the other if someone says we
need to do this one day.
The scientist, and the person he works for, usually gains the
patent of ownership, but the artist always retains its
philosophy, and is the only person qualified to discuss its
philosophy, as to its Meaning, Idea and Purpose for the future.
This is why scientists should never discuss God or politics or
their meaning in any manner because they do not and never will
understand the philosophy of their discipline in the first place,
especially if they work for someone or something (which they all
do), where in the same situation there are no living artists,
—even artisans anywhere, who work for anybody, except
themselves and humanity.
Further, when middle-class people ask stupid questions to a
physicist who has an IQ of over 130 if he believes in God (like
one sees on You Tube), it is a certainty that the questioner and
physicist view God entirely differently because of the
differences in intelligence, knowledge and experience, even if
they come from the same church or belief system.
This is where I enjoy using polymorphisms in applied abstract philosophy when one can add or remove gods, at leisure, like one can do with zeros with the Step Method for counting and this approach can explain things in a way no other way can that are better than using metaphors and more efficient than parables.
Concerning the importance of standards and systems of
measurement, they must be handled differently with machines that
produce work through Thermal Equilibrium and the Zeroth Law of
Thermodynamics, where a hypothetical 'Absolute Infinity'
(perpetual motion) becomes relevant in taking measurements and
Entropy becomes an entirely different thing because it is always carried around and
away by matter, not energy; or entropy cannot increase in an open
system, where energy cannot have different states like matter can, and things like Absolute Zero
are good for measuring 'Heat' efficiency in closed systems and
entropy in, chemistry, particle physics and quantum mechanics
where, again, as we approach a Bose-Einstein condensate, the
properties of matter and its entropy comes first before we start discussing the
goings-on with energy alone, and all quantum mechanics is part of
the open system of the Universe and cannot even be imagined in
any closed or isolated system.
Rudy the Valet and Mr. Pat Pending; The Inventor
Another classic argument against Perpetual Motion. My answer is: Who needs to work or have a job? Instead one can instill in people to work to improve themselves and society, enjoy the gifts of life because everybody throughout this planet would have all the energy and machines to do our menial work for us and not have to worry about the bills.
Click or Tap to Open
Time: 01:56
One of the functions of art is to turn "nothing" into something
like those great scientists and engineers of ancient times that
created useful energy, or work, out of what was thought
of,— as nothing. As a matter a fact there were many times
in history where scientists and artists were indistinguishable
and it was science that broke away from Nature each time, and
turned philosophy into a monster like what happened to
Renaissance Humanism. Jacob Bronowski wrote in his 1951 book 'The
Commonsense of Science': "It has been one of the most
destructive modern prejudices that art and science are different
and somehow incompatible interests"[Bronowski].
So today, instead of "creating something out of nothing" they
divide up the universe into bits and make those parts appear as
something new and even call these things "discoveries". Someone
should tighten the bolts on these theorist's necks.
Hospital Snafu
Foul Up!
Click or Tap to Open
Time: 04:17
The same as with medicine which from time immemorial was
considered an art, where today everyone in the medical profession
insist upon being taken seriously like scientists and then
professionals, where not one can give an accurate explanation why
a patient given six months to live, lives another 50 years and
another dies on the operating table for a simple appendectomy who
was perfectly healthy otherwise. They only accept that medicine
is not perfect after the fact, not before, which is not exactly
great for any patient and even after the doctors kill you, they still
send a bill addressed to the estate which is about as reliably scientific
in anything that goes on in the medical profession.
This, nevertheless is useful in demonstrating some of the differences between science and art, which is not unlike conjugating differences between a medical profession and a paid-for assassin.
Rather than musing using the 'Scientific Method,
doctors and scientists now use the 'Economic Method' in their
disciplines which contaminates their professions where the
'Scientific Method' enhances their professions. If I start
talking about what people think they are, including the shorter
and shorter deadlines they are allowed to work out problems and
produce "significance" rather, than ideals and principles which
take time to express and realize, we will never be finished
this story because they, themselves, don't give Nature the time
needed to be able to manifest anything beyond a personal goal
or man-made idea, and on another level everything in the
universe including any form of reaction takes a certain amount
of time and cannot be interfered with and they all take
different amounts of time. There is a total lacking in
equivalence and equilibrium in these affairs.
Take for instance the Four Stroke internal combustion engine,
in how people are educated about this device: We have intake,
compression, explosion, and at last exhaust, with its piston
corresponded accordingly, and that's it! In an open system this
entire thing appears differently where the fuel that provides
the intake has its own cycle in chemistry as does the exhaust
have a cycle and there is no system to renew the exhaust and
turn it back into fuel, so this device is really only a piece
of hardware because it makes no connection to any other heat or
chemical cycle in the Universe. Putting a fence around any part
of any cycle, one puts a fence around oneself and one's existence
and it is that person who becomes static or no better than a
screwdriver. Yet it is these types who tell me all the time what
is the meaning of life in one way or another.
People are "educated" that this is the ultimate thing when it
is not, but only part of a much larger system involving
heat and cold.
Carbon dioxide can be viewed as a dead battery and hydrocarbons
as a live battery where with the power of the sun and its
systems, we can recharge the "dead" carbon dioxide back to
"live" hydrocarbon. Now if we accept this renewing concept with
electrical devices and what powers them (batteries), why do we
not do the same with our chemical devices, which could be
renewed in principle the same way, using technology appropriate
for chemicals, like we do for electricity. Like Heron's
automatic doors for temples, it's wonderful that we can produce
chemical reactions —but do these chemicals restore
themselves afterwards?
Concerning genetics, the morality and ethics of playing god
with life would be arbitrated by a system created by scientists
so that they would get all the credit and financial gains but
share none of the responsibilities which is very convenient and
there are no malpractice suits we could serve scientists with,
where they kill things and people all the time with their
closed system inventions. When something in science goes wrong
it is mankind and humanity that pays the price and not society.
Further, where does science get its information to determine
what and how to genetically modify existence, or create new
life or reanimate old life that has long gone extinct. So,
besides looking for perpetual sources of energy, scientists,
also, want to bring the dead and extinct back to life, and we
are supposed to all benefit from this!
Physics and chemistry have become a performance sports where
few of the laws of science apply and the laws of greed and
becoming god do. Things like cheating, fixing and enhancing
apply to beat another invented thing like 'the clock'. So.....
for today, the best Principles and Ideals of all these
technologies, both modern and ancient and open and closed
systems, should be redesigned and a way found where they can
work nicely together to create a better future for everybody
and for our progeny.
Since we are not in any real war, things like competitiveness
and being the first are ridiculous anyway, especially where
science is supposed to serve all humankind and not the ego or a
nations prestige and this certainly does not produce better
science or philosophy as only cooperation and collaboration can
achieve this. If other progressive nations are supposed to be
allies, then they all should act like allies. There is not one
artist in all history who ever claimed to be the founder of
anything or rushed to the patent office first, yet they, through
their work, are responsible for most of the most important things
that exist today and will be in the future if we don't decide to
Holy Water Vending Machine;
Another Ancient Second Law of Thermodynamic device.
These things show that ancient Greek scientists and
engineers worked with both the Second and the Zeroth Law of
Thermodynamics and applied them, both, to their
Heron, Philo and Ctesibius's designs for engines and devices
are based on technology designed to function primarily with the
Principles of The Zeroth Law of
Thermodynamics of which he, probably, instinctively
knew as a 'function of Nature', which can move
heat and cold around mechanically in any direction, to
where it's precisely needed (when designed to do so),
where there is no loss in this transfer because whatever
loss there is, it is part of its function, and no work is
being done until it is transferred to another system
without any need for regulating and additional devices to
control them.
To the ancient Greeks it was inconceivable to separate matter
from work and energy and only consider energy and power instead
like most scientists do today. This is further compounded now by
separating physics and its philosophy in half.
Think of heat and cold as the "Quantum Mechanics" of ancient times
(just as mysterious) and, in many ways, it still is, and the
philosophies they derived out of hot
and cold are still much better than the
balderdash they discuss today.
180° Position Indicator
Fair Use
Without Zeroth Law machines attached to Second Law machines, no
one would know what these Second Law machines are doing. They
are the indicators that function, or can function,
independently like speedometers, odometers, gas/oil level
indicators, battery power indicators, warning light, etc. etc.
that relate only to Nature in comparison to any idea the
Equilibrium device is designed to indicate. For instance: The
Car is not going at sixty miles an hour; it is moving in
relation to the Earth at an equivalency rate of 60 miles an
hour of relative difference because the speedometer cannot tell
you where the car is going. What a Zeroth Law of Thermodynamic
device cannot tell you is just as important as the information
it can tell you and what that is, is established from the
Unlike the water or gas meter, an electric meter anywhere is a
embarrassing device for all electrical utilities because it is
the only "metering" device, probably in the entire Universe,
that uses power to measure itself (using the Second Law of
Thermodynamics) which you also pay for and also means it is not
actually a meter but a device that consumes energy and produces
lots of heat, which is also aside from the "meter charge"
rental fee they add and you could plug that meter anywhere and
on any device around the house or factory and it will do the
same and tell you the "consumption" of the device along with
the rest of the electrical circuit. To an electrical utility,
your house or factory etc.
this is just an appliance and the meter acts like a pilot light
on your stove, which also consumes energy. That is billions of
dollars gained through pure extortion.
In effect you have to pay for incompetency in science and electrical
engineering because we still have not
learned how to use the electron's matter/mass itself to measure
its flow and only use its mass and electrical energy, instead,
to do this. It's wonderful that theoretical/particle physicists
can talk about the mass of an electron, but let's see it in
action like any other sort of mass or change the word entirely.
They don't because they can't because mass is mass is mass (just
like a rose is a rose is a rose).
They don't do this (the Zeroth Law says it must exist) because
such a device would change civilization, thought and philosophy
entirely. Forget what they say goes on in black holes since
they can't even build a decent meter to measure old fashioned
everyday electrical consumption and ironically there is the
technology available to do this in particle accelerator
technology that is right under their noses which no one sees
and no one cares. So when I hear someone complain and doesn't
want to understand the problem or want to see the underlying
system, there is nothing to be done and I myself won't care
Don't talk to me about "smart meters" which are even worse and we can
add pollution with these things to already an overwhelming assortment of
pollutions, but these new things do show everyone where we are
headed with the ordinary things we use now, and how they have
been reconfigured; we don't need to look at places like CERN to
see incompetence and unnatural philosophy where a new generation
is born into these things and cannot know the malevolence around
them because they have nothing to compare this technology to and
they are programmed to despise their elders, who knew technology
when it was less malicious and its faults could be easily
explained as a necessary evil for the time.
Where the new things of today that
are actually evil and are made to look good, or as an improvement
over the old, which they are not, but are only designed to grab
mort more of consumers money out of
"nowhere". The very people
that criticize perpetual motion are themselves its proponents in
a perverse way. Since these "geniuses" cannot be that stupid, then
this is all done purposefully. To find the truth, just follow the
money, and this is only cynical if you actually believe in modern
society, its authority and/or virtue.
The entire internet and all the planet's entire electrical
grid including all nuclear energy, is actually all thrown
together and has absolutely nothing to do with science. It's
all business and because of Patent-squatting, everybody must
use the first invention that came along when is is now possible
to build fission nuclear reactors that can be operated by
children and cannot melt down for any reason and produce only
useful and non-toxic isotopes. This patent squatting which is
also tied into industrial contracts and guarantees that go on
for decades (We are still using and building nuclear reactors
designed in the 1930's).
This not only demonstrated greed but also demonstrates how
delicate and effeminate money and power is by imposing these
delicate situations and the cost of maintaining these economic
structures because there are costs involved in actually
maintaining our wasteful economies themselves which are never
revealed or discussed for obvious reasons. The Thirteenth Amendment to the United
States Constitution which was created to liberate the
slaves and protect them was used by lawyers to create rights
for legal entities (corporations) so they can work for doing
practically nothing and charge extortionate fees because
only a lawyer can represent a legal entity or anonymous
society and not any chairman of the board or president of a
company. Lawyers and legislators just created new things to
represent, thereby increasing their influence and power
everywhere, with the ability to control entire systems
beyond the greed of avarice.
It also costs money and energy to maintain your broker,
Hollywood/rock star, your scientific society or organized
religion etc. so this goes on everywhere and they all build
fences to keep certain people out and protect those inside
those fences and people foolishly support these things because
they cannot get their resources, money and energy from any
other source, when these things, if they were true and good,
should be able to maintain themselves, like the rest of the
Because of private enterprise, we cannot use the latest
technology that was invented more recently, not because of any
engineering problems but because of corporate lawyers. Then
they wonder why kids today can't find jobs unless they become
courtier-like total knee-bending flatterers of the
wealthy and powerful. Where in the past a masters degree in
anything guaranteed you a stampede of employers running after
you and courting you like a peacock. It's pure hypocrisy where
the system which teaches now irrelevant things is always
polished and shined and the human being and the future is being
These corporate lawyers actually run everyone's future and keep
antiquated toxic systems alive and running smoothly, like any
mother would do for her family, and they actually believe they
are doing universal good too. The younger generation and the
one's that will follow cannot build their own societies, but
live to serve the old guard who don't want to go away and do
other things like older people and older corporations should be
doing. Forget getting your invention through the patent office,
now you also have to get it through the corporate lawyers
office too, and those corporations they work for are all
controlled by international banking where free enterprise is
1938 Phantom Corsair
Fair Use
To recapitulate: To know where the car is going we need another
equilibrium device like a compass, but the compass cannot tell
you how fast the car is going, but the same thermodynamic rules
of the Zeroth Law ultimately apply. Heron and Engineers of the
time simply made those type of machines big enough to power
things themselves and would probably be very amused with cars
and all our elaborate Second Law of Thermodynamic devices and
tell us; "You've got everything backwards", much like in the
future, Refrigerator magnets may be used
for cooling themselves, and if you read the contents
in this link from MIT News, they also complicate things
by using Second Law of Thermodynamic thinking because
they don't see cold as being part
of the transtive nature of heat.
Quasiparticles, it seems, are going to be the new
thunderbolts of the knights of the new
sociopathic-megalomaniac order of science in the future,
but of course this may be overlapped by a new Embedded future, where man-made things and Nature fight another round, in another magnitude. It's all stercus tauri.
A refrigerator does nothing except move
around to a different place. It does not create
heat or create cold, nor are hot and
cold substances as is implied. It
is a certainty that Heron would understand immediately
how slavery has been transferred transformed since
his time, but is still recognizable today from his time.
Postmodernist neo-tribe overlap
This is the foundational philosophy of all electronic social networks and how we will view our lives and implement Second Law of Thermodynamic technology.
The only problem with The First and Second Laws, aside from the
postmodernist society it is creating, is that people
think or are taught that their closed and isolated systems are
actually real which, of course is a perversion created by
Kelvin and Clausius, etc.. People believe that the car itself is
moving (where it is actually moving and you are moving at the
same speed à la relativity), any points of reference are
universal, roads are used to navigate a closed system (so you are actually
going nowhere), the battery is "dead" and so on, which creates a
reality with no substance and people spend their entire lives
in this and even fight or argue over these fictitious things.
Even acceleration is acknowledged by the physics community as
being a fictitious force. People
already live among specters and disembodied spirits
before there is even death to consider.
A perpetual motion device attached to a open system device
would act as a differential "Efficiency indicator" or be made
to do so because there is no need for "miles per litre"
indicator in such systems.
get a real feel of the Zeroth Law of Thermo-
dynamics, you must consider the three systems (coloured
boxes), shown here, are what's important where by being
inside any of these systems (the boxes) you would feel or
know the other two instantly by some form of sufficient
equilibrium between all the boxes, and this applies to
everything in the Universe. This is how we know we live in a
universe and we are floating and spinning in cosmos in the
first place. Not by quantum tunneling (which exists, but cannot be experienced.)
Further: Each box (In Thermodynamics they would be called an "Element") is conserved.
Other systems can be added on top of others to create
more sophisticated devices (not more complicated) like Heron's
Temple Door Opener and Closer and within them, already contain
two or more systems such as the siphon and ludion effects, in
the example already shown. Or they can be like the Air
Thermometer, which can be either a thermometer (to measure
heat and cold) or a barometer (to measure atmospheric
pressure) and don't exist naturally in/as closed systems and is
unheard of today in "modern" machines because you can't Patent
these versatile machines or devices as you can with Second Law
devices where this law, itself, can be "imagined "in this same
illustration as: B (representing Hot) going to C, or to A
exclusively (animation below), where the Blue and Green boxes
represent Cold with no connection between A and C and that's
it!. Unless we are at war, there is nothing fantastic or
superior about the Second Law of Thermodynamics.
Now, go and buy more Energy to make this thing work like a good
and obedient thrall because the red square below must
continually be fed with fresh chemical energy and/or fresh
supplies to make anything
move, by any means possible. This shows that the First and
Second Laws of Thermodynamics are a way of life, therefore they
are philosophy or a game, and everyone who subscribes to these
philosophies or games are subject to their rules and errors
including its poverties and extravagant riches.
The American Dream is just that: A Dream. One day people high
and low will have to wake up and smell the coffee and realize
they are not the tea and the longer they wait, the more the
coffee burns.
The Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics is different because there are
always options available directly to anyone at anytime without
the need to consult any outside expert, because only you know
what the problem is and energy is available everywhere in all
moving matter in a multitude of different forms, especially the
type that does work directly, like using sails to move a ship. With the Zeroth Law we consider all forms and manners to create heat and not just focus on combustion.
Since The Zeroth law of
Thermodynamics is more fundamental than the Second
Law; this would be the actual proper representation
for the Second law's with three systems and not with
only two, as the scientific community always
erroneously describes. The third system would then be
treated as redundant or secondary but it must exist
nevertheless. The third system is usually Entropy
and/or "Waste" heat or the human being, itself,
utilizing such systems involving the Second Law of
Note: I should of put $ symbols instead of dots in this
animation I made, where the smaller and smaller
dots/dollars moving to green or blue would represent
My apologies.
So you can see it is a very different philosophy and way
of life that involves 'merging' of the most elementary level,
but it is the only way to live sustainably and keep humankind
"perpetual". People If they are involved into huge systems, the
systems can only be equitable ones and never exploitative. The
entire Universe is matter, energy and information in
equilibrium or seeking equilibrium and all exist in a universe
in different forms and all we need to do, if we are to
rightfully call ourselves "self-aware", is to manipulate them,
otherwise we are just monkeys who think very highly of
themselves. The difference is that we can change where other
apes cannot change, but in deference to monkeys and apes, they
don't do the things we do either.
Nature itself provides all the things necessary all around us,
to not only survive but to grow, prosper, better ourselves and
even heal ourselves too. Of course, I'm describing a different
world that doesn't exist, and may never exist, but that is what
artists do. We are not prophets; we are dreamers. When and if
we finally do destroy ourselves it will be important to know
why we are disappearing from the Universe so that humanities
death can be acknowledged and recorded if he doesn't change his
childish ways and attitudes universally, from itinerant to
Society and big cities are fine; just build these things more
in line with Nature, and believe me Nature wants everything to
grow and proper. If one wants proof; look at anything where man
is not interfering and one will see massive projects being
built on an enormous scale in any magnitude one cares to study.
Imagine extraterrestrial archeologists and geologists visiting
Earth long after we are gone; what will they discover? They
will discover a species of animal that burned everything and
never considered that energy was already everywhere. Prognosis:
Extinction. Then they will close the file on us permanently and
study something more exiting, like some soil sample.
The Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics is based on logic and the
Universe happens to be logical if you didn't know this. Even
man must admit that the minimum requirements to create any kind
of logic gate contains three elements (one of those systems
within a Zeroth Law system can be two like an ordinary switch
but it is treated, rendered or registered as On-Off-On, or
Off-On-Off and not simply as On-Off etc.) or to create anything
that lasts, takes three things.
So whenever anything odd
happens anywhere for any reason, you can be assured that
something is involved, that is in collusion with the First and
Second Laws of Thermodynamics and nothing supernatural because
they, themselves, are already supernatural as per the
interference science has created for them, which can only have
two systems or things, which are also closed or isolated
systems, which means escape is possible and sometimes even
Sabotage of a Guillotine (Only SLOT* machines in whatever form, and/or their mechanical equivalence, as seen here, can be sabotaged)
*SLOT = Second Law of Thermodynamic
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Time: 05:32
Just pull the plug at the appropriate place (outside the
closed system) or the appropriate time, or add the appropriate
matter into the system (my favourite) and the problem is over.
For instance: Any bomb that is constructed has an 'Isolated
system' somewhere, — say, a can of butane or TNT where
the energy would be released by a detonator, or around the
system strike a match in a room filled with 100% methane and
see what happens, — Nothing! Adding or removing any type
of matter, and even being creative about it, interferes with
any of those two systems in this device in a variety of ways
and one deactivates the explosive system and can then be safely
disassembled or rendered useless. Since entropy demands that no
closed or isolated system be perfect (the Third Law), they are
all vulnerable
in this way. This is why all bombs are purposely booby trapped
to try to circumvent this, but any bomb can be easily
deactivated using matter in a variety of ways because they all
use and demonstrate plain old Thermal Equilibrium as their
Jean d'Orléans
21st Century Update on the French Revolution: A remarkable Prince and today's heir to the throne of France: Son Altesse Royale, Prince Jean d'Orléans, Duc de Vendôme, Dauphin de France, (Dauphin de Viennois)
It seems France is doing very well just with Princes and Dukes instead of having Kings.
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Time: 52:36
In one second I could screw up any experiment at CERN if
I were there and they wouldn't know what hit them and I
wouldn't tell them either, and this could be considered as a
form of artistic expression from those in the know. A person
who knows how to play and cheat the odds would be banned from
any casino in Las Vegas because of how he uses the Second Law
of Thermodynamics and physics, and Las Vegas relies exclusively
on the Second Law of Thermodynamics; and a person who knows the
Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics could be banned at CERN by how he
can use the Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics and its physics
because CERN is susceptible to this Law of Nature and is just
as fake as the silicone-breast implants at Las Vegas, but at
least Las Vegas is far more interesting and "barely" believable.
Basically, anything going on in these behemoth particle
accelerators is pretend physics and in quantum-like fashion,
it's real if you say or think its real, or you only live by the
First and Second Laws of thermodynamics and in their closed and
isolated systems.
Nature applies equivalency through
equilibrium in a sufficient manner to all things, so why
not we do the same and treat each other all equally with
equilibrium in a sufficient manner. The beauty of the
Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics is that it focuses on the
fact that all matter already contains heat energy and so
there is no need for combustion just like every living
being contains life so there is no need for slavery or
coercion. People who need slaves have no life themselves.
One day, for a surrealist art exhibit, I might design an engine
and produce a working prototype of a device that runs only on
gasoline but no combustion is involved whatsoever, but only its
vaporization and condensation where Work in a variety of
ways is the only things that's applied plus it uses the same
gasoline in its tank over
and over, and send the thing to the press and an oil company
for fun, simply because everybody forgot that Heat and Cold is
a Zeroth Law of Thermodynamic process, and an electromagnetic
field and part of the
electromagnetic spectrum which must be also treated as a field
and not just as separate waves pasted together, and there is
not one scientist in the world describing it like this except
nuclear physicists working on cryogenics and they call it
'Second Sound' which also happens to be quantum mechanical too
because those waves only can exist, or are only allowed at
certain frequencies! Heat Waves in a Quantum Field where there
is no entropy or resistance in matter!
In fact, it is because of resistance, impedance and entropy,
etc. that we have waves of all frequencies where if these
things were removed, everything in the entire Universe would
only move according to exclusive specific frequencies and
speeds and we would never be able to measure anything because
these frequencies appear where Nature designates them! Ask any
mathematician. So according to open-system theory resistance,
impedance and entropy, etc. is a way to create more efficiency
and not undermine the Universe, especially in matters involving
information theory. Without friction or entropy, nothing would
These things are more like fields for heat, energy and matter to travel through while on their way to cold or a lower potential.
fascinating and much better than things like god
particles and higgs fields. Maxwellian physics is
attractive because one can control a wave and make it do
anything you want (it's the perfect closed system for
electromagnetism), but the photons pushing that wave do
what they want and only exchange info where and when they
replace each other all the time from/to their specified
locations and movements.
The transverse wave of light you see from a distant star or galaxy which can be stretched (red shifted) because of the expansion of the universe, was
transported by more photons than the original quantity of
photons of the original transmission source and somewhere this
information is in the photon itself in how many times the
information was exchanged and this, one day, may come in handy
as it is already because this accounts for the final size of
the wave of the information, in classical mechanics, when the
size of that wave is much larger than the original wave.
One can only "see" as far as those probabilities of photons and
their intensity allow, where in the future new telescopes will
need to be created to go further and "see" photons that would
only appear intermittently from "one qualitative position" or
point by point in the universe and put that data together and
make a
picture of the Universe beyond the thirteen billion years we
know has existed.
So, we now "see" that information exchange between particles,
when they replace each other and propagate, is not only true
but is absolutely necessary where the results of things like
the double slit experiment should
not be any surprise, and this fits neatly, or rather,
shares nicely into both classical and quantum mechanics
harmoniously because all particles exchange info and
identity with other particles all the time, as do all
classical systems involving matter, where there is no
doubt that there will be interference (where all we need
now is a new type of relativity that handles particle
theory to sort this interference out), and not just move
from point A to B.
As a matter a fact Information theory,
itself, cannot exist in and any closed or isolated system
unless its some internal illusion created by living
beings for nefarious purposes. It might look like
information, but its not. Beware of any information
theories that are anything like the Second Law of
Thermodynamics, as there are plenty unless that's what
you want to do, but remember then who is your master.
There is a problem considering mathematics, physics and
geometry with quantum information theory, in how does one
photon exchange its information to another photon, when we
consider things like π and other forms of transcendental
information. Let us say the photon, as part of its data, needs
to describe a circle, or its spin, while moving at the speed of
light, in Nature's language and relay this to another photon
before it goes off elsewhere to do whatever.
Clearly Nature does not use any form of Calculus to do this,
which means in open systems there is another mathematics
waiting to be discovered, and this is further indicated by the
number π appearing for us all over the place in quantum
mechanics. So somehow Nature has a way to reproduce
and propagate this information
somehow, without using magic, which when we discover what this
is, will put Calculus out of business because Nature transmits
or exchanges the entire π number sequence instantly and
perfectly (without any degradation), while it is being
exchanged with other particles. We can even go so far as to
say: "Information theory acts quantum-like in classical
physics and acts classical-like in quantum physics."
It's time they opened up mathematics to some form of architecture
equivalence and move beyond their closed and isolated systems.
Before they start talking about Higgs fields and God particles
these theoretical/particle physicists and cosmologists better
get back to their A B C's first and your job is to stop
worshiping these scientists or buying their books filled with
garbage and/or read them very carefully and study the research
yourself and apply some Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics there in
your analyses because that is seriously lacking everywhere.
Can you imagine coming out with this kind of science today that
functions in reality for all to see and yet this would be
rejected exactly like when James Joules experiments and proofs
were rejected by the Royal Society in his time. Yet unproven
nonsense is discussed all the time like Dark Matter, which has
no properties of any kind, yet they assign properties to it
nevertheless and these things find their way into Royal Society
papers today.
This is why I say that the edifice of science is
a system serving a political, religious and economic agenda and
is mostly fake and we are all slaves where mysterious particles
and mysterious forms of matter have replaced mysterious gods.
The only science to believe is what your own verified research
finds for you and not what anybody tells you. Everybody lies
in science unless they have a demonstration to present and even
that has to be double checked.
Nita, the Omega
Just because it is not some fake Second-law perpetual motion device does
not mean there is not some fakery there too. Like wolves, Alpha science needs its "outcast" or Omega science to amuse itself with to be Alpha science, but it does not mean they are perfect or right.
Even better, scientists are only the small fry in matters
concerning the consumption corruption of
energy. I remember when gasoline was 25¢ (today's money
$2,00) for an imperial gallon (1.20095 US gallons ), not those
tiny liters (4.54609 liters) of today, then they had to
increase the taxes, and politicians needed to get involved,
Weights and Measure government bureaucrats all over the world
converted to liters which was a big rip off, then different
nations with their cartels got involved to increase prices
ostensibly to stabilize prices, then the future's market
invented new scheme's, then deregulation, then the
international banks, etc. which makes for lot of interference
and people making money out of something that doesn't belong to
them in the first place.
The petroleum pie, displays the most disgusting form of
capitalism that practically everybody is involved in, and to
get hold of this petroleum pie, it is being sliced into smaller
and smaller slices while shareholders demand a larger and
larger percentage of control and profits, without any of the responsibility
that comes along with it, and without having to own the thing
except for a minute percent of some fictitious scheme that does
not exist anywhere else in the Universe and people accept this
as the only reality possible on this beautiful lush planet,
filled with energy and life in all matter.
This will only get worse as new schemes and ideas are invented
and implemented. It will be a better time when we let Nature
handle these things for everybody, instead of people and their
groups, and let It Provide all our energy needs though open
system technologies that are everywhere in Matter.
We should be able to create Work producing machines like
Nature produces life itself (which is far more complicated than
any energy system), — Automatically!
It is impossible to separate matter from energy and one
cannot exist without the other, and space cannot exist without
the presence of matter, and mass can exist in space without
matter, but depends on matter's presence somewhere that can be
unseen because of different types of cosmic horizons, yet
through the First and Second Laws of Thermodynamics they do
this separating-of-things all the time for obvious and selfish
economic reasons that are not necessarily good for the entire
economy and future. Einstein's theory of relativity says that
matter tells space how to curve; We can also add: "that matter
tells space to exist in first place" by its own nature to be
either virtual and/or be able to move, among other things.
Again, it should be no surprise that the majority of the Universe in
any magnitude is all void (there is more nothing than "creation", but because there's a lot of
matter moving around and things appearing and disappearing all
the time too we get a different impression. The Universe weighs the same as it always has. Just remember, Quid pro quo and today this thing is called "Mass". In a few eons it will be something else entirely different from mass, but whatever it is, it will just be another form of heat energy (like what's demonstrated with nuclear energy) that will be able to be released by some new form of trickery.
Space itself can be considered a field that exists because of matter and different fields overlap space/time that affect matter/energy.
How mathematics can make things real
RTSP Video
Another example how things can be real by just being mathematical, which is just as insane as believing in invisible supernatural things, like in organized religion. In this clip, there is no way to prevent an attack by having simple intelligence-gathering were we would have a possibility to know where the enemy will attack next. There can only be random attack and random retaliation. Unfortunately, people like Hawking and Susskind etc., are endeavoring to create a world just as portrayed here where we may witness a scientific and technological Dark Ages.
This reality created by mathematics, also, does not allow for new tech, developments, allies, diplomats from outside or mediators. There is only the enemy where attacks are launched mathematically and masses of people, who were randomly selected, go to disintegration booths.
Only the philosophy and knowledge inherent and given to us in/from Thermodynamics, and not mathematics or physics, can prevent such a philosophical disaster. Warning! This already exists in economics. See: Markets In Turmoil As Price Of Money Skyrockets To $90 A Dollar
Click or Tap to Open
Time: 04:49
We simply would know the amount of anything that
exists by its quantity of nothing because that "nothing" can
only exist because of "something" that was, is and will be
there and "nothing" when it is created, cannot be destroyed,
but only moved mathematically! (expansion)
Anyway, philosophically, this is also a disaster because
scientists still subscribe to Plato, Newton, and Democritus'
atom (while refurbishing Aristotle behind the scenes!), where in fact there is nothing solid anywhere or in
anything, including particles, in the Universe.
Even Michael Faraday knew through his Electromagnetic Field
Theory that, ultimately, the Universe was only composed of
forces, — that's all and this includes matter being that
its entire substance is made up of an infinite assortment of
different forces, and if you want to put your finger down on
anything, anywhere and take this thing seriously by treating it
as solid, then the subject itself becomes subjective and you
become limited to the rules it creates by the boundaries the
philosopher or scientist imposed before
hand which makes it more real than the rest
of the Universe which ultimately creates monsters, —
without fail rather than allow reality to form itself which
would be perfectly logical because reality, itself, must come
first before anything outside of it decides what it is.
The fact that you exist proves this, as existence did not come
into being because there was any science or philosophy to
decide this,
therefore the Universe knows perfectly well how to
run its own affairs and you are part of this where it is simply
a matter of you being a responsible part of this, or an
irresponsible part and Nature will take care of that too
inevitably. Perpetual motion machines are just the toy
executive decision makers of the past that were applied to open
systems and it's technology. Just get it going and wait for the
time it takes to stop, —not where it stops.
By the way: Fire is matter (one form of Plasma). Heat is energy at different temperatures. Everyone must be mindful of this distinction, especially these new teen and 20-30 year old physicists and chemists on You Tube and Facebook presiding over their Asperger-loving tribes.
The original Four elements: Earth, Air, Fire and Water have
only been replaced with Solid, Gas, Plasma and Liquid
(check for yourself with link) which is not much more
advanced or better than these original ideas. On the
other hand, this shows that the Universe is not an
illusion because by, simply, determining what it takes to
make the simplest form of matter, is beyond human
comprehension in its complexity, but we could easily
understand the basics of its principles and forces that
would make up its substance, which can also never be
owned by anyone.
So the difference between 'Earth, Air, Fire and Water' and
'Solid, Gas, Plasma and Liquid' is that the first set cannot be made
propriety and the latter can.
In effect, science like religion, is stealing from people what naturally belongs to humanity all along and privatizes it for their profit.
Here, we see how science directly
involves politics, economics and even religious beliefs by its
intellectuals who set tones by changing nomenclatures as if they
were demagogues, but these new terms do show whom they serve
primarily. This sets the future paradigm of all science and
philosophy where everything should eventually be privately
controlled and this will include all human life unless we put a
stop to this since it would be a simple matter to rename and
reclassify life itself through a form of politics and embedding
that would be amenable and applicable to this and this is
already beginning to happen with digital addiction.
Nature has already seen human nature and his behaviour before
he even existed and we ourselves can only create new matter in
an ungodlike manner since we need "seed" mass to do this with,
and it is still theoretical where this new matter comes from
during the acceleration of mass/matter, where this could be
accounted for with better information theories alone. Therefore
if we can already do this we know through equivalency that we
are not gods because we cannot create new matter out of nowhere
or nothing, nor can we ever know any god personally. We can only
realize our own humanity and build upon that.
From a spiritual point of view, once touched by G-D by creating you, one should not have to go back to him/her and pray for anything and ask for favors. Your relationship with any divine entity has terminated in you becoming a human being. The butterfly, does not yearn to become a worm or caterpillar again, yet this, in principle, is exactly what any organized religion teaches and endeavors to turn us back into worms.
Regarding physics: We can come back to Feynman who was amazed that if one split a proton with an electron with low energy we would get three quarks, but at high energy we would create an infinite amount of particles. To create new matter we would have to accelerate a given unit of particle mass and split that while it's moving at high speed.
With a mathematics more in tune with open systems X's
don't mean one thing or idea like a solid or liquid, but can be
quantum mechanical, fields or a quasiparticle-like substance that can
take many forms and positions in the Universe and can be
already a construction of many different forces, force carriers
or information carriers in different proportions within them.
With closed system mathematics; by giving something a definite
and unchanging property (like a "Solid") one creates its form
already, where the question is already part of the answer.
There are no perfect questions, as there is already part of the answer contained within, as there are no perfect answers because they beget new wonders and questions themselves.
This is where graveyard
graybeard-intellectuals like Clerk Maxwell come along later and
spoil everything, by dividing and reclassifying everything and
introducing god and an Electromagnetic Aether to do
the transmission work of light, where Faraday already
shows us that these components (god and aether) are
entirely unnecessary with his Field theory (which did not
require quantum mechanics) and is able to do and prove
more things than any of Maxwell's equations since
Faraday's work continues into the future and fits neatly
into QED and The Theory of Relativity among other things
and Maxwell's "work" does not in the slightest. Maxwell's
Electromagnetic Aether and with it's gnostic god was an
obsession with 19th century physicists and cosmologists
where it was finally disproven to exist in 1887 with the
Michelson-Morley experiment.
Maxwell survives today, only because he's great for
business and extortion (private enterprise) and for people who put him before
Faraday,— well, we know exactly who and what they
are and what they're up too, so that's not so bad after
As usual we got it right the first time again (with Faraday and
his Force-field theory) and it is the intellectual who always
comes later to spoil everything, —as usual.
This never fails to happen as you can see if you've read this
from the beginning with the many examples I have provided so
far. It is because of Maxwell's Wave theory that there is a
split between Quantum mechanics and Classical mechanics (not
QED). Fields, themselves, are actually looked upon today as a
nuisance by theorists, like the seventh harmonic problem I
already discussed. (see book review: 'The Particle at the End of the
Societies praise Maxwells and others and call them geniuses
when in fact they could only understand things or parts of the
Universe in extremely small parameters and then they put these
things in boxes, where with men like Michael Faraday or Albert
Einstein, they were capable of seeing the whole picture all
together and tried to share this "vision" with everybody too.
Michael Faraday's Field theory establishes for the first time,
Substance and connects them to Forces where, according to modern theories,
each field of force is associated with some kind of
particle, which can be further augmented by removing the
idea of particle, itself, in many areas and replaced that
with the quantum or the quasiparticle instead. This is pure
genius for anybody to appreciate as if this were a work of
art. Poor Albert Einstein's ideas, on the other hand, have
truly suffered from scientists, theorists, popularizers and
intellectuals who everyday malign his theories (and very
unscientifically I may add) and, today, now can be seen in
any BBC/PBS science show dealing with the cosmos.
The way
they explain relativity and science in general today, in
social media, is inaccurate and non-sequitur and sprinkled
with copious amounts of misinformation including "histories" turned upside down and inside out. Fortunately, we have
the internet to watch videos with, now, so everyone can verify
the facts and the "history" they relate, but it is a wonder
why documentary producers and directors don't do this themselves.
They don't because they are actually soft-selling something else and you can be sure that some private multinational, committee, board or group is behind that.
Tesla, like Einstein and Faraday also believed that there was a
'Universal Energy Field' across the Universe (and this is
remarkable for Einstein) and this came from their two
diametrically apposed theories about Nature and the Universe
which happen to be in complete total agreement with each other.
"Naturally" there are theoretical/particle physicists and
cosmologists (who don't invent anything) always interfering
with this concept which is odd because no other area of
scientific study does.
These thinkers actually take the trouble to interfere with
things because their brain tells them too and for no other
reason that would be based on any physical reality. Maxwell's
wave theory is strictly an energy theory with no 'Substance' or
'Properties or any Properties of Substance' and reduces
mankind, itself, into a kind of robot since humanity itself
becomes the third system needed to create Sufficiency and
Equilibrium which ends up as consumerism.
It's no wonder the youthful masses talk about monsters,
vampires, zombies and poltergeists, since the Second Law
of Thermodynamics, the way it is implemented, must suck
the life out of people to obey the more fundamental
Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics and its three systems. Where
if the Zeroth Law systems were more prevalent in
technology or the Second Law of Thermodynamics were
implemented more responsibly, where we start managing
exhaust pipes and their products, this would not be
This also shows why Thermodynamics must also
be discussed and analyzed historically, philosophically,
economically and politically (like what is being done
here) and must be part of a social conscious and not just
as a scientific thing hidden away in statistical
analysis, especially where Equivalency, Sufficiency and
Equilibrium are the most fundamental things, and are
apposed to statistics and closed-systemed mathematics.
Image of a glowing
red hot pellet of plutonium-238 dioxide to be used in
a radioisotope thermoelectric generator. Courtesy of
Los Alamos National Laboratory. Click to know more
about me.
For instance: If Archimedes, Philo or Heron (open system
thinkers) had known about radioactive decay or the 'spontaneous
disintegration of isotopes' (the weak force) they would of
built Open-System-ed Zeroth Law of Thermodynamic based Nuclear
Reactors that would produce no toxic emissions, and are
completely disaster proof, and produce no toxic compounds or
other radioactive isotopes that could be harmful or be made
harmful and would only produce energy and useful isotopes in
the same way Nature produces lava or new elements, but at more
manageable levels like they do in things concerning energy,
with the Curiosity rover or with cardiac pacemakers that use
radioisotope thermal generators
(RTGs), aka nuclear batteries.
There are all kinds of "creative" ways, using The Zeroth Law of
Thermodynamics and it's inclusive open systems to create any
kind of fast or slow moving neutrons which are needed to create
very useful radioactive isotopes. These ideas are not developed
commercially because no one can patent radioactivity but one
can patent a process of fission or decay that can only exist in
a isolated or closed system, regardless if it's good or not,
whereas, if you try to bottle up and try to have absolute
control over anything in this Universe, your sending an
invitation for trouble and trouble will always show up
inevitably. Please See: Natural Fission
Reactors (Note: They have recently discovered many
natural-fission reactors on planet Mars).
A Light-Hearted Take On Matches & Their Importance
The importance of matches in the 19th century; he shares how adding phosphorous to them revolutionized life - in both good and bad ways.
Click or Tap to Open
Time: 02:43
People, on the other hand, are still irresponsible when it
comes to the disposal of any kind of pharmaceuticals, plastics, batteries, motor oil,
cleaning agents, pesticides, electronics, florescent
bulbs or radioactive device which shows that they do not
fully understand these things (they just know that they
work) nor are people given the proper education in
elementary school to imprint some form of progressive behaviour
with any of the new generation; like smoke detectors, and there
are still cowardly terrorist savages around, among humanity,
who would love nothing better than explode a dirty bomb
somewhere because death, to some, is more important than life,
or think that life is just an other form of politics, or they
think they will go to heaven or be favored by a god, which is
According to them, god is only capable of experiencing a extremely limited band of emotions, imagination, interest and reasoning. Fortunately, all religions are becoming increasingly boring and now only really appeal to the inbred sort.
People are taught about 'conveniences' through propaganda and
by irresponsible advertizes and nothing about responsibilities
except for those that society deems is important to it, —
like making war.
Besides science only exists to make money, — That's all.
All these carefully scripted ooh and aah inspiring science
videos are nothing but stercus tauri and exist for economic
reasons to make science a form of fashionable consumption and
drive people to ultimately buy only products that are "created"
or put together by procurers.
RMR: Rick and ZENN Car
Rick takes a spin in a ZENN Car. (originally aired: November 20, 2007)
These cars are illegal to drive
Click or Tap to Open
Time: 05:42
It is society that creates misfits and miscreants by only
licensing and teaching closed system technology and ideas:
Electric cars for instance, need Federal, and/or State and
Provincial approval to drive on highways and roads even if it's
the same regular car and only the engine was changed, where
obtaining permits for these things are a nightmare (see Video
clip). They want free trade and control minimum wages
throughout the planet via "free trade", yet they won't allow
the consumer or the market to decide or implement any gradual
change to different car technologies that are readily available
that would be good for everybody and help them adapt to new
economic realities, not to mention humankind's future, while
stimulating and creating a new type of economy. This "free
trade" nonsense is just not happening in places like Haiti but is happening everywhere in
ways that are distinct to every region.
"Free trade", which is a wonderful idea, is instead some
perversion designed for the institutionalization of a new form
of serfdom where in the past people were tied to the land and their landlord, now
they will get to be tied to their economic circumstances,
markets and status instead, while attempting to control wages
and markets, throughout the planet, in perpetuity.
See: 'Why Texas Bans the Sale of Tesla
Cars' - ABC Nightline August 22 2013, or my Google
Drive text copy GD.
It is a strange thing, where the
rare and precious minerals we need to create mobile
devices are available, but the services are not, to
the continents where these precious and rare minerals come from in the
first place. Science and technology is racist.
Not all attempts to catch the signal were fulfilled.
Some would stand in one place for twenty of thirty minutes,
waiting for their phone to grab the faint signal which
never appeared, only to return another evening to try once
Click or tap for story here
I say: Let the people decide what they want to buy; it's
the consumer's market anyway not the government's or the
multinational's and the middle class should stop acting middle
class by giving away their power and rights to entities and
start studying and understanding, by autodidact, what is
political and economic power and avoid institutions of
"learning" to acquire this knowledge (for a multitude of reasons)
and use alternative ways
of acquiring knowledge. They can start by reading and be a bit
more responsible, stop living off credit and start building
some capitol and create some new values for themselves that
involve a future and not just presentation or looks. This
includes the idea that free enterprise is theirs to compete
against private enterprise and their position in society is not
to be used, only, in the service of procurers. Any capitalist
philosopher, or economist or law-maker better include some
"free enterprise" dialogue in there dissertation, essay or
article, or then it just means private enterprise is all he's
talking about and should be treated as such.
U.S. Government Stages Fake Coup To Wipe Out National Debt
Uploaded on Aug 4, 2009
Congress says that with no way to actually pay back our debts, faking a coup to eliminate financial obligations is the best plan for the U.S. economy.
Click or Tap to Open
Time: 02:30
Europe had its problems with their aristocracy and in
North/South America and China we have a problem with the middle
class. Overtime, the position of governments and energy
corporations will look stupid or extremely weak because of the
way they handle matter, energy and people, if the general
population's average intelligence does not deteriorate to
beneath today's levels, and things will change naturally and
peaceably for the better. (Today Dec 28 2013 I met a cashier
who could not calculate how many bottles made up 3 cases of six
bottles and one case of 12 bottles and had to count them one by
one and she still got it wrong!) All economies fail eventually
because governments and corporations only allow their schemes
on the market and fail to provide or prevent alternatives from
being around which is completely contrary to capitalism and the
ideals of 'Free Enterprise' and only favours Private Enterprise
which is no better than feudalism.
Capitalism requires both Private and Free enterprise to
flourish for many reasons I won't get into here. By using
consumer power and party membership we can get rid of the old
companies and governments and replace them with new ones
willing to explore new ways to do business and the world is
fine again and not one drop of blood is spilled, or one bomb
exploded and the populations, through increased affluence and
education, are also reduced naturally because there will be no
need for large families to survive.
Dangerous Tech!
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Time: 02:02
A human being is not a failure (as organized religions like to relate), it is the insistent
procurer or the pimp that is the failure who will never be able
to provide a never ending supply of something he actually has
no control of anyway. People on the other hand know what they
want and will consistently work to achieve their aims or goals
and this supply of 'endevour' will never run out. It is
"progressive" governments, religions and corporations that
actually kill progress by maintaining an obsolete status quo. If you ever noticed: The ugliest people and physically challenged individuals on planet Earth are millionaires and billionaires.
People are still driving around and using
19th century technology. The hydrogen fuel cell technology (also invented in the 19th century),
that they are planning for the future, will be a hard sell.
People would rather go back to horse and buggies than move
around with that technology. But it's amusing for me to see the
efforts of pimp energy corporations try to sell this because it
reveals that they really don't know what they are doing because
these things, by their nature and how they work, are more
unstable than the worst designed nuclear reactors without the
Psychiatrists Warn Nation's Used Car Salesman Going Insane, Practically Giving Cars Away
People deciding not to buy cars
anymore with internal combustion engines in them.
would be a simple matter to retrofit these vehicles with hundreds of new types
of engines based on the Principles of Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics and
that would make a smooth transition and be
quite painless while revitalizing any economy.
We need to manufacture new
things that no one had before and people will buy these things,
especially if it saves them money and trouble or they are fun.
If you think I'm wrong, then go ask Apple, or look at some manufacturing history for the consumer market.
Click or Tap to Open
Time: 01:07
Thermodynamically speaking: When you see things on the
news, it is society creating these things with its closed
systems for/by themselves, and it should not even bother you
unless you are a participant in these systems. Nature said
"Thou shalt not want" too, but with Nature this applies only to
systems, not people. You should be able to see these remote
wars and other disasters like earthquakes and politics in the
media brought to your home or carry-on media device more
effectively as we would view, appropriately, a "disaster" like
a supernova from ones balcony, — with amazement.
We cannot get personally involved with a supernova unless you
are an existentialist, were we find a lesson here instead:
Don't concern yourself with things you cannot change but
concern yourself with things you can, because a huge per cent
of media presentation is useless and unnecessary because you do
not have the same power to reciprocate in any way whatsoever.
The media is a form of information that cannot be exchanged so
it can only serve a closed system outside of it that must be fake, but all information in the
Universe of Nature requires exchange to be called 'Information'
and only can exist for an open system to have any meaning. Remember when I said earlier that in the past the news was the future and today it is the past? (Meaning that what they report today has already occurred and what they reported in the past would come to be)
That is the beauty of/in Isolated systems; they cannot transfer or exchange matter or energy, but they can exchange Work and/or Information because any movement or motion applied to them will give us a reaction or produce an internal change that will return back the way it was when no longer disturbed.
That is were you find out where and how your personal Energy
and Matter should go since you are already part of this
Universe, but not part of the news. When you hear of conflicts
in the world and your government goads the population to
interfere, it is better to pray for those people than send
troops. Let them handle their own problems, and it is most
likely the whole thing was orchestrated in the first place by
one's own government and international banks and conglomerates.
Remember when I said the the UK and the U.S. are actually bankrupt? This is why England has not converted to the Euro because Europe does not want them, especially Germany, and not because of English pride although that's the official story more or less. So it's important for them and their creditors/enemies to rattle sabres on occasion and all these conflicts involve the United States or the United Kingdom.
Since I have been writing this there has been conflicts,
changes or revolutions in Libya, then Egypt, North Korea, then
Syria and now we hear about the Ukraine and every time they
call for troops, arms and money, where this is none of anyone's
business except to the conflicting parties. The United States
of America, France or the UK are not the United Nations and
none of our kids should have to die in any of these conflicts.
Let these country's governments and factions hire mercenaries
like what was done in the past and those "conflicts" will
resolve themselves faster than the speed they can buy bullets.
The Roman Empire had terrorist and agitator problem too, so
things never change. You have an empire?, you'll have problems!
Empathy is Sufficient for any remote occurrence. Also, with
media devices and systems, the passive recipient becomes
equivalent to its stupidity or intelligence and the person
becomes an indicator, like a speedometer, of whatever relative
cognitive awareness he/she incorporated through the medium
which is expressed or reflected by any output/input from that
individual. Human beings as a collective are completely
different and demonstrate a resilience as a species to survive
under such horrible circumstances and so this equilibrium
indicates our worthiness as a magnificent and very adaptable
species that has more possibilities going for it than against
it provided that there is no interference. Leave people alone
and they will find a way for themselves to suit their every
needs. The less intellectuals there are and dependence on
consumer-grade Second Law systems, the better off we are.
Now We will Begin With: 'The General Principles of Thermodynamics'
(when Matter is part of these general principles in accord with the Zeroth Law)

Alpha Type Heat Engine Functioning
Through Thermal Equilibrium in an Open
Here: Hot goes to cold and cold goes to colder, and so on to an open system where Nature deals with that heat. Nothing has been changed chemically and only Work, Power and 100% Torque is created to do with as you wish.
A Zeroth Law of Thermodynamic machine or Thermal Equilibrium
system is, ideally, always in direct contact with an Open system where matter also
gets transferred in/though the system or gets utilized in some way and
not just energy, if you allow it to do so, as seen in these
following animations (here it is cold water and the Sun's rays
providing the heating and cooling), which the ones on the next
page are treated as Second Law Heat Engines (closed system) and
the one here is the Zeroth Law represented (open system).
modified this animation with some elementary JavaScript to
express how these things are actually much, much more; and
much, much less for others if they are placed strategically in
any natural open system, anywhere in the Universe. The entire
animation is one open system for the creation of Work. Here we
see a machine that is as much part of Sun and the Earth as
Earth is part of the machine and the Sun and they are totally
connected, and inseparable from each other. Free chaotic energy (statistical mechanics) is just a natural resource providing heat, and at night it could do the same giving off energy and produce Work (as already demonstrated). It remains, in a ternary way, the same: Hot goes to cold and cold goes to colder.
All life (including
human) starts off, evolves and maintains itself in the same
manner by getting its matter and energy from already existing
sources and was never created suddenly.
Nothing is created or destroyed; things, by design,
are only put to Work. Our job as human beings is to
celebrate this reality and contribute to each other and not
monopolize energy, matter, resources, and systems for a small
group of monopolizers.
It all depends what type of person you are;
considering needs, location, philosophy, obligations and
outlook. Even perception, empathy and sensitivity is important
here. Nature not only creates life, but encourages it too and
all you have to do is take it with no obligations. For humankind
versus Nature:
Machines are life not status symbols. Zeroth
Thermal Equilibrium Machine-Systems are remarkable because they
are the only things that can be "self-fuelling" since all
matter already contains copious amounts of energy is many
forms, which can be accomplished through configuration by
effectively taking advantage of naturally occurring properties of matter, chemical
cycles, moving matter (like air and
water) in/from any location of any open system and moving
matter spells;
'Energy' that can be delivered at no
cost to your Work producing device and all mechanical
work, regardless of how its made, can be stored or
transported elsewhere for later use and even turned into
Here we make plain that Rumford, Joules and Mayer were correct in that Work can be turned into heat/energy as easily as heat/energy can be turned into Work despite what any Sheldon-like person (The Big Bang theory sitcom) tells you and it's also plainly and elegantly simple. As an artist I show my visitors pictures, animations and references and not symbols, mathematics and theories.
Remember, to keep things simple, we are only
examining Work producing devices, — not heat
producing (reproducing) devices and from there we branch
out with new possibilities.
If the First and Second Laws of Thermodynamics are so wonderful, how come they can't explain how old-fashioned thermometers or bathroom scales work? Never mind not being able to explain/criticize perpetual motion adequately. Today they create indicators based on the Second Law that consume energy to indicate and they call them "digital" indicators.
instance: A Thermometer, as part of a system, always
assumes that there will always be temperature differences
in any matter it comes in contact with, somewhere
(since everything in the universe is already in/with movement),
so that
it can be equal to it; we only apply a coloured liquid, or
gas, and an temperature scale, or scaled-mechanism to it
and watch it go up and down, or back and forth,
(mechanical work) and no two things anywhere in the
Universe at any magnitude are the same temperature just
like there are no two clocks in the Universe, of any type,
that say the same time. (For fans of GPS, please be mindful
of Relativity as those clocks linked to GPS satellites are artificially
given a standard time at some standard elevation.)
So, according
to the Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics, a simple thermometer
is a Perpetual Motion device since the temperature always
changes, all the time and since the
thermometer and temperature-changes are both part of the
Universe, they become one machine as you cannot separate
either from each other, except by destroying one or the
other, and this destruction is accomplished by
closed-system theorists, scientists, organized religions,
philosophers and intellectuals who make you think that all
these things are separate, but they in fact are all
connected and Nature makes all this happen for free and
for everybody.
Our future resides in learning to focus
this type of power and developing this into something
practical that can power cities and then we can leave the
chemistry of the Earth alone and let that system do its
natural thing; which is the promotion of life. Has the
Earth ever let us down? Who do you trust more: Your
multinational or the Earth?
When theoretical/particle physicists, cosmologists and
popularizers try to capture your imagination with ideas like
quantum entanglement (where different particles can effect an
identical changes in each other regardless of distance if they
are entangled), they are describing an area in the
subatomic (like quarks and gluons etc.) that cannot exist in any
classical system and exist as part of what makes up atoms only.
Their forces, powers or effects cannot exist beyond the atom.
The Earth is indeed paradise and it is bullies who have
convinced the general population that it is not, or say we were
thrown out of some paradise. There are no two identical things
in the Universe; there are only identical systems. The clocks
they use for GPS are systems and not clocks which is why they
can be made identical, but no system is perfect. Electrons put
together are a system, each electron itself is unique but the
"Idea" of Electron is once again a system and so on....
In an other example: A bathroom scale's design assumes it
will always have some added matter with mass to weigh
against a constant gravity to move any indicator
(mechanical work). Now if we had a flowing fluid, like
water, traveling in waves over that scale, the indicator
would move around all the time and mechanical work would
be created, or heat could be recreated.
According to The Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics: Oil companies
are not producers of oil, but are providers of a service that
delivers oil from land that they privately own or control in some way.
They never produce anything and they are not gods
either, but pimps. People on the other hand are buying a system that they
have accepted in their lives as something real when it is not,
and could be easily replaced with ten thousand different types
of systems that could also provide energy and work and improve
the economy and be more equitable at the same time.
RMR: A Message from Canada's Oil Producers
Click or Tap to Open
Time: 01:17
Stephen Harper's Winking (Not Working)
The boundary differences of open and closed systems are a
grey area because it is mass, not energy that takes on the role
of Entropy, but in a completely reverse architecture and the
remaining energy/mass never gets lost because the matter never
left the open system it came from. Some will still argue that
this is a closed system by pointing out other things which, by
the way, are all theory; especially Closed Systems. Look up
Thermodynamic systems and you
will find much debate in this area concerning boundaries.
Good or bad, there is no theory involved with open
systems, Thank God, because that is all we need is
intellectuals to start thinking about that, even though
open systems are
99.99999999999999999999999999999999999999%++++++ of the
Universe. It is also interesting to note that all
sociopaths are incapable of conceiving of open system
theories and, ironically, take an enormous amount time
and energy to argue with proponents of open systems, as
has been my own experience with both physicists and with
people I realized later were not mentally/emotionally
Black officer helps white supremacist suffering from heat at KKK rally.
The key
to any madness or insanity is to create a closed system
and making only that the entire universe for everyone
around you. You should see some of the Email I've
received over the years from people who cannot understand
systems beyond closed systems, and yet insist they they
are right and, interestingly, think they have the
higher moral ground as if
morality was the subject of these monologues. A system
cannot have any morality or ethics. Only people can have
morality and ethics and they are only effective when they
are personally applied consistently without any exceptions.
So my reasoning's describing open systems for Zeroth Law
Equilibrium Engines should only be considered nominal, but this
is also done for other reasons, where theoretically it is
consistent that a boundary exists when there is independent
movement of matter and mass beyond any theoretical closed
system, or any chaos theory, and any two of these three systems
(matter, mass and movement) affect the closed system directly
and this is my standard for a Thermodynamic-system boundary.
The Chaos-theory boundary I describe would conjecture something
like: Any star that blows up will not in any way affect the
entire Universe detrimentally ever, therefore Chaos does not
exist or have any effect in any open system except as being
part of it.
Click or Tap for Part 8:
'Stirling Engines, Politics, Matter and a History of the
GP duBerger
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A History and Monologue on Thermodynamics