Page 14 of 'Extreme Cold'
'A History and Monologue on Matter and Natural Systems
in Materials Science of/for Energy Systems within
any Macroscopic Scale'.
by GP duBerger
These days, physicists, cosmologists and their communicators in social media have truly overstepped themselves.
If you read this carefully, you'll see that there is something seriously wrong in this statement.
In the circled, should read "the system" (i.e. specifically "closed system") -not "the universe".
The universe is an open system because (among other things) the Cosmos is Expanding and ACCELERATING. Whether this is because of exothermic, endothermic, or both types of activity going on simultaneously; we don't know yet.
The universe is a dynamic and a very, very, very big place and the Earth-human perspective is not either, or big enough to even remotely start making these grandiose conclusions about, "the effects of always-increasing entropy". From this corruption from the beginning in something's Thermodynamics, we find that the physics created out of it, serves things other than humanity, growth or evolution.
What they teach is opinion and religious philosophy (made to appear like science), not physics (which should only be stating known facts and their dynamical systems), and this is all over the place, so this is another system that promotes indoctrination, programming or antiquated religion.
Only Thermodynamics, good maths and chemistry together, can make claims of what goes on anywhere in the universe. Click or tap for source
So, what's the point of philosophy if they only ponder systems that must change or destroy themselves?
The scientist's sole contribution in thermodynamic technology: Consumption, Destruction and Depletion.
Everything appears beautiful until the fuel runs out, or is cartelled by private enterpise groups. This is a situation they put all into, regarding everything they touch, develop or think about.
They never contritube to free enterprise. So science is a political arm whose platform involves slavery.
Why today's philosophers, teachers/professors and scientists play us as victims of/in "Natures Wrath" (and they don't miss a beat), is their problem and not the problems of humanity.
They talk about systems, our future, our survival, or patent and build the machines with closed-systems included, that features ALWAYS-INCREASING ENTROPY in all consumer, commercial, industrial products, systems, devices and in the published works of intellectuals. Then, in a quantum leap, they blame Nature? This, because it's called "progress" doesn't make any sense.
Few scientists have ever used their knowledge in/for peaceful applications, or are in tune with Nature's energy cycles and humankind, or do experiments and research on Thermodynamic Isolated or Open systems to produce Work but only with fleeting political powers.
This may be difficult for many to accept (especially intellectuals and philosophers), but everything in the Universe either changes or moves all by itself.
Care to see, or care to take a ride?
The physicist sells victory in wartime and monopolies in peacetime.
Everything they create is unsustainable and don't follow the Law of Conservation (The First Law of Thermodynamics)
Then, like priests, they tell us what the universe is all about.
They, their intellectuals and mathematicians and their sponsors, are the ones who design, build and use the bombs that EACH cost the equivalent of 250 complete university educations; so western intelligence agencies can kill a couple of suspected terrorists? Schools filled with children and hospitals with patients are top priority too.
This is supposed to be better than sending, from military intelligence, actual professional assassins to do the job. This would also include that the job is well done by an experienced and well-trained professional. Nothing, or no one was, or would be collaterally damaged, disturbed or killed. (Unless ordered or contracted to do so.)
Assassins are also useful in providing accurate information, provide evidence of a confirmed kill, while being discrete and can easily, or creatively be away from the prying eyes of infantile social networks.
Further, this is definitely lot cheaper than sending drones or platoons, whose price tags for any mission is in the price range, beginning in the hundreds of millions.
One would think the "enemy" would be happy to ponder that, "the enemy" sending drones or platoons, is a bargain from their point of view since they only lost a few expendable and easily replaceable operatives.
In the reverse: What did it cost Osama bin Laden to take down the world trade center? Not a single penny.
If only our generals, strategists and military intelligence were as smart as that, or; there is something else going on because these situations, we see in the news, do not add up. Then, authority wonders why there are conspiracy theories.
In the end, their stagnent cultures and traditions will go on, while ours will disintegrate because our brightest are not getting a proper education, because the economics of war take precedence, where the real mission going on is probably to make everyone stupid again.
Universal Education for all (and providing an ample budget for it) is the only example of a civilized country.
Paradigm: For the first time in over 2000 years, they have not had a war in Europe, in over 70 years! I wonder why?
European countries have collectively made the choice of allocating more taxes for education that create diplomas than for war-budgets that will create expensive bombs that destroy more than just the enemy.
Educated professionals suppress, or don't go to political rallies, and listen to hate and war-mongering idiots, but create inestimable value on all levels. This means more taxes that can be reinvested again and again. Here, there is no level in the good that humankind can achieve and create because of this situation.
These war mongers and its facilitators should remember that war is waste on all sides. There is no good side or bad side, because all sides are diminished in one way or another. No need for complicated philosophies or religion to say war is wrong: We have Nature and Thermodynamics to prove and demonstrate this at any time.
These religious cults/heresies (that run the show in those regions) think in very long terms, where private enterprises (whether governmental or corporative) think in very short terms/gains.
In one way and the other, the way Western intelligence agencies take care of things, would eventually, send everyone back to the stone age and these ancient cultures don't care about that, but we should.
I don't see people in modern societies going back to hand weaving or using simple implements, and getting their education from superstitious religious groups, etc., etc., to get by, be proper members of society and raise their families!
I don't see billionaires finding out one day that their money is worthless because all they can buy is slaves. They need educated people around them and educated innovators and they need consumers.
Now: Nature demonstrates that usable heat-energy is everywhere and it is the machines we create, exclusively for closed systems that create "always-increasing entropy", where there is a whole family of Entropy to consider in Thermodynamics.
So, in actuality "The Second Law Of Thermodynamics In Terms Of Entropy", states that we waste energy into nothing (This includes water management) because our ideas and technology remove available energy usable for Work from their own natural cycles, or draw chemical energy from cycles that take millions of years to complete their system and renew themselves.
Nature's Thermodynamics also shows that wealth and poverty in any society are also manufactured things. This is equivalent to turning Existence itself into a game. The problem here, is when these games are all only closed systems.
At one point, because of Thermodynamics and the form of consciousness it creates, humankind will have to choose what it wants to perpetuate: Life or pollution.
To recapitulate: It turns out that in the preceding page I "entropically" wrote nearly an entire web page dedicated to "Entropy", instead of the Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics.
In a surreal manner, the original intention had not become latent, but became dynamic instead, via its sudden transformation, into an invitation because looming in the background and getting unavoidably closer was an invented part of heat's story that was supposedly evil!
Now, we can't have a good thermodynamics and a bad thermodynamics, that exists simultaneously together as one, while being separate and doing its own thing, can we? Well, that's what all physics teachers and professors do today, starting from elementary school.
Nothing horrific, for something that is treated in physics like, Nature's effort against man and invention!
So, 'I went with the creative flow', where, it seems that always-increasing entropy has some other thing that science can't recognize, but the mediums, methods and tools of art can embark upon and even enjoy a free ride. After all, the "Entropy" I accidentally discovered is also part of Nature and I'm a firm believer that Nature is good and self-creating,—not bad and self-destructive.
If truth, from its beginnings from anywhere, is ultimately a matter of opinion, then there is always the possibility for error. Therefore, it is better to err with beauty, trust and love as guides.
The mind that inquires defines a form of existence, whose original position is free from prejudice, envy or anger.
This is precisely the point where the opinions of science, religion and philosophy leave us in negativity, and art will attempt to prove with countless arguments and insights; 'Nature's Munificence'. One might even say that Nature has, as part of its being (and our discovery), a sense of humor regarding It's delivery, that relates directly to joy, and so is as real, as any form of mechanics describing matter and energy.
Well, if I were Father-Nature, I'd be proud and experiencing joy too. All I would need to do is look around and experience a vast universe pulsating with life, dynamics and movement.
God would never say: "It is good", because what was created as an open system, is inexpressible and cannot have a conclusion like that, therefore the book of Genesis is balderdash.
The 'Invitation' I mentioned earlier, acted immediately and beckoned me to look and feel beyond the physical, the clockwork and the mechanical universe I was taught in life, and look instead at a whole universe in the possibilities of fluidity and permeability. This protocol goes to the extreme where concepts like the "Devil" and "God" are connected in many ways and must not be separated.
If one reads Genesis as if it were a metaphore for any Thermodynamic system, we find that there is no devil and every character in the story are the same person.
The research, itself, involved in the writing of this entire monologue had already introduced me to fascinating people of science, whose remarkable forward-looking and progressive ideas, invention and thought we never hear about from any type of media, who go way-beyond Quantum, Newtonian or Cartesian-like scientific opinion.
Well, what better way is there to steer people away from something enlightening, then by giving something an arbitrary bad reputation? Ex: it's impossible to destroy information, but to bury it under a mountain of rubbish is very possible.
This has the signature of politics which does this, "burying" and "sweeping issues under the carpet" all the time; so this is policy of the powerful, which is necessary to maintain their wealth artificially, whose game is to ensure that only they make money.
(See Part 1 of Extreme Cold on the flaring of Natural gas in North America, but energy producers build pipe lines for the same natural gas from the Caspian Sea whose purpose is to be sold, where if our natural gas was sold too, it would contact many diverse markets and lots of different industries. All would make money and not just "the energy producer", who controls the market in, how it benefits and in how a product is to be sold.)
Like the Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics, "Entropy" keeps one reminded that we are only looking at, or talking about systems and each system, whether open, closed or isolated has a different form of entropy to consider its fate.
Lovers of physicists, mathematicians and their "communicators" should beware from now on and realize whether they are really thinking about SYSTEMS with elements, or are they thinking about REAL THINGS that are elemental.
I was always fascinated why, among others, theoretical physicists, religious people and mathematicians meddle into Thermodynamics, with their preconceived ideas, which through their indoctrination, are only suitable to their areas of study.
They end up distorting the reality of their own field or beliefs while treating Thermodynamics as a by-product, where they forget that before any physics, math or supernatural event/miracle ever occurred, there was some thermodynamic cycle that already completed itself!
Even a god has to deal with the heat and pressure collaterally generated that It creates or generates with miracles and changes (especially in the way gods do things), and that heat and pressure has to be apparent, do something and go somewhere, and there are no exceptions.
This part is always left out and things are always perfect. (See page 9: Thermal Equilibrium In All Its Wonders)
If one sees things appear or disappear, happen or not happen, without some report from Nature where one feels, in one way or another, a change in temperature and/or pressure, then one is hallucinating or that was some manufactured illusion.
(Even the teleportation and replicator devices in science fiction like 'Star Trek' would produce huge explosions and so, could not perform their desired function. No matter how wonderful an idea may be. One, simply, cannot ignore Thermodynamics. In this case, Thermodynamics would be Nature's reaction to any sudden changes. ex: What about, what occupied the space before and after something appears and disappears at ± 15 psi? What's that supposed to do, and where's it supposed to go so quietly?)
In fact, there is not just one miracle occurring in these stories of god and in science fiction, but many miracles! Deities and future inventors are not getting the full praise that is their due, if you believe these stories.
Another thing: God/gods never does/do ordinary things. Gods only does extraordinary things. This does not make any sense.
If god does not do ordinary things then why does god exist? —except to contradict Nature. Those of/in any society or group that believe in anything that manifestly contradicts Nature and is "good" is inherently psychotic.
Nature, on Its part does both, very ordinary and extraordinary things all the time.
(This would be the beginning of logical questions about the nature of god/man (and a lot of science fiction), in a modern age backed up by plain and simple thermodynamics)
Now, human beings have been given, by Nature, an observable dynamic that is everywhere and can create real benefit or do serious harm, and authority distorts, or makes us ignore these things, and it's sole purpose is to sell humankind, everywhere, complete and total balderdash and stercus tauri (bullsh*t in Latin) in all sorts of ways.
Accordingly, by the Bibles own reference, in listing miracles, the Earth should of been impossible to create, destroyed or not created with all that missing heat/pressure created from any of the Jewish Jupiter's gestures and activities.
If there is any Abracadabra going on anywhere, it is with Nature, in subatomic and the very real and very important subatomic/quantum universe is nowhere itemized, recorded or even mention in Genesis.
These are therefore fairy tales -Not miracles, or even "Creation". This is probably another reason why Only the consumer-grade First and Second Laws are the ones only taught, or is passed off as "education" where their type of nonsense coming from everywhere can be made acceptable.
One must tread carefully!
In fact, the modern purveyors of all religious-like miracles are physicists and their communicators in social media with the "Big Bang", their "Dark Matter/Energy", "gravity waves", "time machines", "walking through walls", etc., etc., which are all different ways of getting something from/for nothing. These unscientific ideas infecting science are also evolving into a dynamic dealing in/with faith, opinion and belief where they exist like spirits to "explain" physical phenomena and dynamic, but themselves have no place in any universe, and this is considered acceptable today!
Thermodynamics does not deny many physicist's or mathematician's, or religious people's ideas, story telling, or dogma. It merely sees those ideas (most likely a closed system) as something else; i.e. fairy tales -Not facts or proofs. There's no argument. It positively demonstrates and proves that these people are perfectly capable of telling bedtime/fantastic stories to extremely young children and this talent should not be wasted, but only restricted there.
This is probably another reason thermodynamics is not popular. Within it one cannot argue anything like one can with religion, maths or physics; and intellectuals love to argue. Thermodynamics draws a very clear line that separates facts from fiction. Oh yes! Everything is possible, but there may also be consequences.
Physicists, who having replaced, "The all seeing and all knowing", with their laws and maths, cannot account for the collateral benefit, or collateral damage of any reaction, movement or occurrence.
There is nothing wrong with "Big Bang", "Dark Matter/Energy", "gravity waves", "time machines", "walking through walls", etc., etc., but there are thermodynamic consequences in those ideas that would make all existence impossible. These days, they can blah, blah, blah themselves into all sorts of PH.D theses, but they can't explain or describe where the heat comes from, its relationship with all existing systems and/or where it's going.
For instance: A thermodynamicist, with a knowledge of simple dynamic systems and their manipulation, could tell a bishop that God Itself is the ultimate and original creator of sin and is himself, the very First Sinner in the highest order with his systems (regarding how energy and matter are redistributed, via sin), and so is responsible for it all. i.e. A = C
There is also a temporal error, in that god discovers sin and evil (after the fact), where he/she /it should of been aware of these systems infecting his creation closest to resembling him, or at least, be more careful beforehand.
C = A
Therefore, sin has nothing to do with good and evil, but with a redundant blind obedience, to an entity that (according to Thermodynamics) should never be obeyed anyway, for himself being a defective element. So, being "expulsed from paradise" was the best thing that ever happened to both man and woman.
All could of been avoided by creating a better (simpler) and clearer system. Then, God could be doing better things than being an accountant, counting and evaluating souls, and discussing/arguing/fighting with His/Her/It's lieutenants. That's that, and it's all a waste of time.
After all, this is God we are talking about, and the way He is represented (but not regarded) is like that of an autistic child and his thinking.
(A Thermodynamicist would think the idea of god is wonderful and even has merit. It's the system and situations we put god in, that are ludicrous, and one cannot question human-religious authority, which all deem themselves, in one way or another, "holy" and so are all blasphemous by making themselves equal to god himself!
These people are all psychopaths practicing their own brand of psychopathy.
Beware: There are all sorts of "flavours" in Physics. There's Quantum Mechanics, Quantum Physics, QED, Classical Mechanics, etc., etc. They are all different and tell a different story and history of the universe. Thermodynamics has no such nonsense.
Anyway, the only reasonable explanation I could find for this meddling in thermodynamics by theoretical physicists was in the BBC Documentary 'The Clash of the Titans - Atom' Episode 1, which is a good history of Quantum mechanics (not Quantum physics) and rediscovery of the atom because the producers and writers specifically avoided Thermodynamics! Bravo!
(Quantum Physic's history (as apposed to Quantum Mechanics) starts with Maxwell, Hertz and Planck and not Boltzmann/Einstein)
Its only inclusion is, where they describe how proof of the atom became important in the 19th century because of the need to build better and more efficient steam engines. No one yet understood the dynamics of heat or pressure. So, at first, the then "resurrected" idea of the atom (which was assassinated by the church) was used by Boltzmann (a harmless and inoffensive abstract in a mathematical model) to make calculations and accurate predictions.
Religious people, and the people working in/for their organized systems understand little about heat and pressure, basic math systems or even simple choo choo trains, but they took it upon themselves to brand Boltzmann "IRRILIGIOUS AND A MATERIALIST".
I doubt that, according to the video, this was the only reason for his suicide as everyone is accused as that, -even today, and I don't see many hanging themselves over that.
Romanticism was kept to a minimum after that little "quantum leap".
Then, before Thermodynamics could be properly developed, Quantum mechanics and Nobel Prizes were invented.
Well, Thermodynamics was totally abandoned. It never had a chance in that systematized and putrid petri dish, which is now history. It took another century for Thermodynamics and/in all its wonders to be rediscovered (stumbled upon) by an art historian!
What's this?
Look at what I found in the garbage!
Who are the idiots that threw this out.
Look! It works and it's beautiful!
Among other things, we find from the very beginning of its modern history (see Extreme Cold Part 1) that there was already a problem regarding "measuring and calculating", very much like Heisenberg's discovery in Quantum Mechanics, but this was back in the 16th century.
With the exception of "the foremost of mathematicians", Carl Friedrich Gauss who addressed this problem in terms of, "What is "accuracy?" (which is an important point). No other mathematician, philosopher or scientist ever bothered to ponder this connection with reality. This problem, instead, became a playground for business and private enterprise.
The clues were already there, but were never used because our greatest thinkers couldn't think of how to exploit this and make money out of it. Quantum mechanics, along with new ridiculous laws providing protection exclusively to private enterprise, became the money-making system in exploitation of these discoveries via physics as its medium, where this has nothing to with physics, but with Thermodynamics.
The perpetual motion and the forever wiggling and jiggling of all atoms and subatomic particles everywhere is HEAT, —Not physics, a presence or god or whatever. Heat is not a thing, but a situation.
To this day, we hear people who follow Niels Bohr et al. teach about quantum mechanics to what they should be describing for heat. Further, they delight in teaching that "heat itself does not exist". (see BBC video, "What is One Degree".)
They say only energy exists, disregarding that heat is one of the most basic dynamics of energy and is therefore a basic system underpinning all existence. They say only maths can describe quantum theory, yet how does maths describe the dynamic difference between chaos and variety involving movement?
Well it can't, and what we hear are opinions generated by self-interested and self-seeking committees.
To me, this also explains why a lot of theoretical physicists and "communicators", speak about things like "Dark energy", walking through walls, time machines, etc., etc., have that 19th century Boltzmann-like air about them. Too bad it's not also followed (like Boltzmann) with some noose around their necks.
So, despite their inability to see "Entropy" as one of many dynamic systems: The Earth, the universe, etc., are doing fine and will continue to do very well, regardless of any conditional entropy.
Along with the verbal diarrhea, called "diegesis"; It is the systems we create in them (that must/will have some kind of conditional entropy associated with it) that might not be doing well. If they are classically-based closes systems, they must transform in one way or another. There is nothing one can do about it, —even god.
All closed systems that produce power and/or Work, whether it be the sun or a gasoline engine, etc., etc. change one thing, or a combination of things, into another thing, or combination of things. Open and isolated systems that produce power and or Work do not.
The universe works this way for closed systems, where CHANGE (good or bad for us) is the only thing that must be considered in those sort of systems. i.e. Are we made up from star dust from ancient stars or we made up of their nuclear waste?
From this perspective, We find that existence is not a matter of opinion and these created elements, via the fusion of hydrogen that make carbon-based life possible today, are changes in the composition of the universe that directly reflects evolution. Evolution itself also includes matter and energy, and not just life.
This monkey-man nonsense is propaganda and a media circus "designed" to undermine science and promote religion. (It is interesting that they must distort the thing they are against to create their arguements)
For any god to be unaware of Always-increasing entropy in his/her/its own created systems, this entity must be extremely stupid, or does not exist in the way his C.V. portrays him/her/it.
The moment where reality becomes more beautiful and important than faith we rediscover the wonder and soul of science.
This, I promise you, is infinitely better than faith.
So, for example: The next time one hears such things on the news as tradition, culture, religion, "way of life", economy or any other form of trouble or stercus tauri being threatened/created (usually one closed system against another closed system); remember that they are only talking about systems, because that is what these things are.
Those people involved and dependent in/on those systems, who take them seriously, will suffer. The rest of the world, within other sorts of systems, will do fine. (unless they get involved)
People who think and act that way should go to Venice and Rome instead, and there take things like Tintoretto and Caravaggio seriously. This way, one can do serious harm to oneself and others of their kind, but the world remains untouched.
This is the civilized way in dealing with people who take systems over real things too seriously. "Send them to Venice and Rome!"
On top of that, as an individual, it's probably not even your problem where thermodynamics would be very clear and would state specifically: "If everyone took care of themselves expanding their dependence into other available systems instead of other people and not impose their redundant/unnecessary wants and allusions upon others, this world would be a wonderful place".
The world is not a small place. There are only small people taking on the mantle of authority, or of superior emotion and intellect, who deserve neither or none.
Like the weather report, the news only reports and discusses systems and there is nothing to get bothered over except (like the weather) to put on the appropriate clothing and protection when going out.
Any type of Philosophy is just a discussion or explanation of a bunch of elements for some dynamic closed system (i.e. "Programming" or "Indoctrination") and is never an elemental reality or truth.
How deep in the rabbits fur you want to be in any of those systems, will bring you along with it. Fate itself is subject to the type of system one belongs to, via its unique inevitability and no system is any different than some thermodynamic system, where you will discover for yourself that all educators, communicators and authority teach/uphold only CLOSED systems.
Time to think more in terms of the verb, "To be" instead of the verb, "To have" since, "to have" anything in either a closed system, or open system, or an isolated system are entirely different things in themselves and they work against each other, if we are to believe the lessons taught by matter and energy among these available systems.
The verb, "To Be" is more complex to conjugate, but this pays off incalculably very soon, and does not present the problems "the easy verb" creates. 'To be' is also the same dynamic in any system, so one needs not have to adapt, where, one intelligence, protocol or proceedure is the same for all.
There's nothing bad at all with always-increasing entropy unless your entire existence lives in/as a closed system, with its particular technology, and expecting built things to be "forever"; along with the belief systems and indoctrination that support and uphold closed systems exclusively, as the only way of life and existence.
Besides the many beliefs, there are many thoughts and ideas floating around in people's heads that don't belong to them at all, that will affect them and others by lowering the quality of their lives.
Entropy is the only guarantee in this universe that everything that is not free will become free eventually and nothing, including the Pope or Acme, etc. can stop this.
Depending on one's character, attitude and sense of value, one must be negative or positive, victimized or enhanced about always-increasing entropy. "Are they pieces of a broken dish, or are they now good drainage for potted plants?" So, the dish is no longer any good to serve food.—Don't worry, you wont starve!
Save those tears: Break those pieces some more and we have a handy abrasive for cleaning/polishing, or an anti-glissade that may save your neck from getting broken!"
Like the sailor, who works the sails of his ship with the wind dynamically and not against it, and can go in any direction. Life and existence who's wind is time; we must adopt a similar progressive attitude and dynamic about all fate, regarding open and isolated systems and not just with closed systems.
Contrary to the teachings of any religion or indoctrination: Nature demands that any form of existence create more complex and dynamic relationships with other/new things and systems, as everything is moving along.
Just like Super-evolution, we see, that the former dish, now, has a more complex and useful relationship with other things AND other systems. What is stopping human beings from doing the same things that matter and energy do and demonstrate across the entire universe? Why is the closed system stercus tauri that authority teach us instead, so important?
It is actually A SYSTEM INSIDE A SYSTEM to make it so dogmatic and inflexible. Left alone, always-increasing entropy has positive sides too, creating the reasons why we exist now (i.e. stellar nuclear waste), and today can also be taken advantage of, if one has the talent for it.
Now, one can beware when scientists, religious people, philosophers, politicians, etc., are talking about systems, or are they talking about real things and trying to carry you away with them, with their biased conclusions.
Even their discussions on very basic things like, 'Life and/or Death' are fantastic and invented closed systems. They are also impossible to exist and so they are all lies.
All the conditional entropies of/in the universe are more pervasive than gravity, and exist beyond that.
(this sort of evolution includes all life and all things whether animate or inanimate)
The physicist's "arrow of time" is actually an Closed-system Abrahamic philosophy, where in reality the discussion should flow within the idea that elemental entities evolve initially from complex systems (like chaos). From them and their evolution, those simpler systems (less chaos), by themselves, evolve complex relationships outside of themselves.
(Simply stated: In any system, there are always three dynamic elements to conjugate while working together, —Not two. Forget maths for now: If you can conjugate verbs, you can conjugate systems!)
For example: Plants and trees, which have been around much longer, show this flow for evolution (evolving from more complex dicots to simpler monocots). It is their interplay between different species that becomes more complex, of which we (humans) are going in the reverse, which spells eventual extinction for us, if religion, science or lawyers have their way, along with our Id and egos.
Work and energy, because of matter, evolve too where the requirements of those things to perform their purposes become alien to intelligence originating from/in the present universe.
April 18, 2017 by Kevin Stacey -
Researchers developed a device to measure heat flow at the quantum level in an exotic form of matter.
Pic Credit: Mitali Banerjee
Click or tap for source
The Atom, can be seen as a system for organization and simplification in the function of matter and energy where complexity was transferred to interaction between different atoms and the new systems they created. Always, Thermodynamics was there, in the before and after.
Intelligence, awareness, imagination, perception, including all mathematics and the value in/of all things are to be different too.
What is Work energy and matter here are other things in the future, and "future" also means "there". In this other universe, time and space will also of been simplified to the point they are one system, but with some other complex relationship with the, as yet, unknown.
It's also very nice to know in advance, that wasteful systems you don't like will all die horribly and there is no way to help them either and what one simply has to watch is what will replace these systems that will need replacing, where we will decide, in advance, whether they are sustainable and automatic (à la Heron) and in line with Nature or not. A = C.
Life is actually quite simple and harmonious. It is also nice to know that the universe takes care of itself and you are part of that system of self-care. It might not be immortality, but maybe something better.
No one's life, no matter how long or short, blissful or painful, is a waste, but has important meaning and is recorded in an entirely different kind of book.
No type of Authority, except for Art and artists will tell you about this book.
It just made me depressed when I thought of the road that was laid before me when I scouted ahead because it got worse, just like the story I related about with Robert Boyle and Guillaume Amontons where it was a concern in the 17th century, just how cold it could get.
Here, as I approach The Third Law of Thermodynamics, is a scenario more resembling a grasping of nature's secrets as if Nature was something to be won and the spoils are treated as trophies of conquests and less about those who would approach nature cautiously and respectfully with wonder while It shares Its infinite point-of-views willingly, even playfully.
These people, who make their appearance after 1823, but can be traced back to characters like Francis Bacon and even Plato, whom I feel soil this wonderful story by contrasting so much with those who were and are truly, honest and virtuous in the scientific community.
The Marketing of Fire
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Time: 01:04 of your time.
Suffice to say, if Prometheus came down from Olympus, today, and gave man Fire, it would be certain that some cretin would come along and steal it for himself, like a Marconi, and then license its use for a fee, along with the ever-present standardizing committees/communities for those bodies who would regulate its use and decide its proper format.
It is amazing to find that "The History of Thermodynamics", reflects exactly the changes of/in attitudes, economics and morals of society, in each "progressive" period, from the paleolithic to now. It seems that the understanding and control of matter and heat-energy are directly connected to the human psyche, in every form of closed system.
This story of 'Extreme Cold', as we approach modern times, is replete with, boringly-predictable, Tonya Hardingized-based plots and intrigue, without any of her twists.
At best, the evil Tonya Harding gave us a complete a triple axle jump and her name has established an excellent new and useful adverb, or adjective, in line with the morals of the modern times.
I questioned any reason to continue, since it destroyed my original inspiration for this story and the conclusion I had in mind to finish-off Europe's mini ice age and all its achievements and move on to the future when considering whom I have to discuss.
The story is: Originally back in 2010 I was minding my own business and spending the holidays in my favourite place and time, — space. Since I'm a "Scotty Beam Me Up" kind of guy, you can, easily, imagine that my holidays were, contentedly, spent in the "Delta Quadrant" with Captain Janeway, and Captain Sisko in the "Gamma Quadrant" and with Picard and Kirk in the "Alpha Quadrant", or Captains Jeffrey Sinclair, John Sheridan and Elizabeth Lochley on Babylon 5 in hyperspace, and on any other ship or space station I could find. Anything to get off this crazy planet and disappear and avoid Santa. Yes! I don't like Christmas, but I'm no Ebenezer Scrooge either.
It's just that these holidays make me fell violated because they tell me a how I should feel, how to act and what to do on specific dates! (Maybe this year, I just don't feel jolly, or I have better things to do and feel, but that does not make me a bad person.)
The reverse side of this idea and process called, "Holiday" is "Astrology" and maybe it has an explanation for my lack of expressing their brand of "joy to the world!" (Sounds like a good idea! Let's institute this Christmas spirit year-round instead!)
Personally, I feel great and I'm happy for no reason whatsoever and don't feel the need to express anything to anyone or wear funny costumes and lie to, or perform blackmail to children. (Halloween does not have even 10% of Christmas' pathology. No wonder we can't wait for "New Years Day".)
So, during this blissful holiday excursion across the galaxy à la Harcourt Fenton Mudd, running away from his wife, "Stella" by going deeper and deeper into space; of many voyages and adventures, while looking for ships,
Of course, my appetite for documentaries is also insatiable. The unbelievable things they say in most of these documentaries are more entertaining to me than a movie.
That's how I ended up discovering that unbelievable science/thermodynamics documentary called, 'Absolute Zero'.
From always-increasing entropy to Serendipity and Augury!
In this situation: I'm treated to very well-made political/Navy propaganda and in another, very lousy science. To me, that's an amazing eye opener.
I, somehow discovered I was trapped in some system within a medium (social media) that, collectively, was saying one thing, while itself was doing an entirely different thing.
I asked: "Where lay the purpose". It now seemed to me, that philosophy itself has its own equivalence to optical illusions!
This was compounded when I did some cross-checking and research: I discovered even more things that didn't make sense, culminating to the part where I write: "turbulence in my creative-imagination". Then, and there it occurred to me (as, simultaneously, the story itself showed me), that turbulence itself had the answer to save this story, while I was watching a demonstration, in that video, of Liquid Helium forming itself into a superfluid through the use of evaporation and condensation and nothing else.
It was an amazing thing to watch the turbulent "anger" of liquid helium boiling and condensing, vehemently, (just like me) in its Dewar flask and then suddenly — out of nowhere; complete, utter, calm and serenity while matter was becoming quantum mechanical and now part of an open system because of this. This became a personal lesson for me and demonstrated naturally, by this example, what can be demonstrated with chaos and turbulence, which all by itself became calm.
It appears that chaos and anything by Boltzmann and his statistical approach has limits and is certainly not universal or "infinite", and we need not venture very far either.
With all due respect to Boltzmann, I'm also aware that he was working on steam, not temperatures approaching absolute zero. Why, anyone would have to remind scientists about that today, is the real problem!
Today, there are too many things that scientists, philosophers and mathematicians discuss, and they don't bother telling anyone where, and into what their systems actually apply! One would think, in this materialistic world we live in, that showing some purpose to some application by/of some idea or invention, would be useful, helpful, etc. i.e. Statistical mechanics = Steam
No! They, and writers, journalists, encyclopedias and historians are so enamored by their creation or discovery, that they feel it should be loved and studied by all, for its own sake. Today: everyone is programmed with consumerism and materialism, so let's make use of it, and explain things to people in that venue, and leave esoterica to the artist, like it's always been.
In this clip, Physicist, David Goodstein says that Liquid Helium 1 never freezes, when in fact, it will freeze but only under high pressure, but this was not known at the time.
Here, is an excellent example of, in autodidact, where we can update old research with what is now available and, as well, provides an excellent example in the value of questioning any professor, since we see by history that someone later proved him wrong.
Following history and cross checking other research, is just as good as theory to learn anything you want.
![Thumbnail for Video](
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Time: 04:06 of your time.
What was the liquid helium doing? How could refrigeration occur with the liquid helium not boiling anymore with no more convection possible (super heat conductivity). It is as if the helium atoms were, spontaneously, moving into a new threshold as if they were preparing to exist in another plane of the Universe where turbulence of convection in boiling could no longer be accommodated, but evaporation and condensation could (my first impression), later discovering that heat was now being transmitted without any resistance.
The new system the helium atoms were under, while themselves incapable of differentiating each other (super heat conductivity = no resistance), were still separating the warmer atoms from the colder atoms (evaporation)!
Now, like the story of the broken dish and it's newly-discovered dynamic entropy, we keep mindful of Matter's cooling capacity and not heat capacity, where matter can be, or is responsible for space, too.
This phase change between one liquid to another liquid is like the phase change of one universe to another universe (classical to quantum), yet the Laws of Thermodynamics have not changed, even though some forces and effects were now quantized and every atom "thinks" it's any other atom of that liquid helium 2, behaving like one single entity thermodynamically. (The apex of this process is the 'Bose-Einstein condensate'.)
Well! That's too bad for mathematics, physics and chemistry. Their fault is that they have too many prejudices to start off with, where they make conclusions to quickly, which effect expectations! A lot of that is the fault of, Newton and Descartes, who are dragged into our modern age of physics and chemistry, for reasons that have nothing to do with chemistry and/or physics!
(You Tube has many excellent videos from different sources with demonstrations, in classical mechanics, on different flows [of water] including the differences between laminar and turbulent flow and their causes that are worth checking if you are interested in such things. Just google the highlighted words above, and type: /You Tube)
Lene Hau's laser experiments
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Time: 03:09 of your time.
Some people have asked me how come the laser light carrying the information is stopped and does not heat the Bose-Einstein condensate?
The only explanation I can give is that laser light can be at any temperature including temperatures encompassing matter that can only exist at such low temperatures. It is used, after all, for cooling already. This light at a specific temperature travels at the speed of light in free space until it is forced into a Bose-Einstein condensate. The "control laser" light used to send the light on its way again is probably much hotter.
I'm an artist —not a physicist and can only provide an obvious explanation based on Thermodynamics. What surprises me, is that people would ask me. I suppose, in this situation, I would be a bridge between layman and physicist.
Lene Hau is getting accurate predictions of the behaviour of a photon in the system she invented to carry and store information. Her system seems to work and so it may be commercially available one day. She's not "proving" anything. Science, nowadays, has gone way beyond "proving things" or Dr. Frankenstein's way of thinking. (this experiment is an excellent example).
The danger of private enterprise versus free enterprise.
We see via historic developments in thermodynamics, that the first destroys civilizations and the latter builds civilizations.
Unfortunately, like the steam engine (which, they also didn't understand how it worked at the time), they are already patenting this technology and its specifications (yes! One only needs to patent a specification!) without knowing how or why it works and call these things "effects" with their personal names attached.
(In the past, doctors would name new diseases by the names of the patient who first displayed it's symptoms. Today, doctors name new diseases after themselves!)
(I'm not criticizing the people involved, but the existing situation in "modern" society. Today, patents/copyrights/trademarks and now, Creative Barcodes are absolutely necessary since if one does not take appropriate action, one would have to pay to use one's own research and discoveries because of unscrupulous individuals, universities/institution, anonymous societies and/or legal entities would take your idea, creation or invention for themselves.)
Think: "The Wild West", where Manifest destiny and the fastest gun is the law and takes all.
They should remove the "right" to patent anything if the inventor can't explain how something works or can be demonstrated as to its immediate practicality since by being allowed to patent devices that produce "effects" one creates patent squatting instead (⇐ Google the highlight because there are many good articles on this.) where someone who can build a better device and actually explain the thing concisely is never awarded the patent.
It is the difference between an idiot tinkerer owning something, who's only superiority in any faculty, is that he has all the time he wants/needs/waste, to tinker in his basement/garage/dog house.
Or a genius, who works hard, owning, developing and controlling the growing work. Society, i.e. politicians and law makers, must decide whether to reward blunderers and/or thieves, or reward hard-working intelligent people.
(This is the big difference between the natural philosopher studying Nature and the modern scientist/tinkerer who just throws things around and see what happens.)
Another solution would be that patents and their royalties would be shared between those parties. One for discovering, and the other for explaining if such a situation arises, which is most of the time.
The way inventions and new ideas appear is always quantum mechanical anyway!
Suddenly, different people, who don't know each other, from different fields, from different parts of the world, come up with the same idea, at the same time. That is quantum mechanics! Hopefully soon, we will have a better humanistic understanding of quantum mechanics, that appears in all sorts of creative and fascinating ways, existing beyond the atom, and affecting life and lives directly. When/if this occurs, it will be Thermodynamics that will lead the way.
The idea of a god doing these strange things, might be colourful (as like crayons) , but is childish and obsolete, because such an idea automatically and unfairly favours one group over another. Conflicts are inevitable and unavoidable. Nature, the way she handles "miracles" does no such thing.
As a species of life, that is becoming more and more important, in both the good and the bad, that has its hands and interests in everything, we need to shed small ideas like gods and learn to adopt Nature directly to guide us.
Awareness is Nature's first introduction to any phenomena (usually by the senses).
At the right time, suddenly, everything falls into place and we understand perfectly because of evolution; Overtime, with endless and repeated exposure from our senses of some "new" or "strange" phenomena, our brains will have adapted and succeeded in making the connection between mind, matter and energy. These things take time, sometimes thousands of years.
This process is not very different than synapses making new connections in a fetus's developing brain. The fetus, on some level, seems to already know about the changing-outside world and prepares it's mind to deal with it.
To accommodate these new things. We discover that even our languages and art change, the way words are used, their definitions, the changing grammar and syntax is also part of this development as a sort preparation for being able to express new things and new systems, that we think of as supernatural today.
From the other side: This disgraceful practice of squatting science and discovery became epidemic with Thomas Edison, where most of the things he patented either didn't work or there is no explanation to the phenomena in what it produced. These things that he patented (all closed systems) gave him the ability to sue others who also got, or applied for, patents for things that resembled his "invention" so that he could claim to be the first. (Marconi was even worse and patented other people's inventions and systems that were already patented by the original inventors.)
Since, the other inventor could explain his invention and Edison could not, and the same goes with Marconi who stole the invention of the radio from Tesla, among others. Edison, Marconi and others like them would eventually lose their patents with the cases they lost which, of course, depends on whom has more money to pay the lawyers to tie things up for decades.
Lawyers, besides being a deductible business expense, are very expensive, but they are nothing compared to the enormous profits a stolen invention can bring. It's a Win Win situation for private enterprise and a horrible mess for free enterprise.
Capitalism belongs to everybody and not just for the few.
Capitalism is a right and is not just economic philosophy.
(Check out Microsoft's exFAT Patents, designed specifically to prevent such nonsense. There is much to study and admire, but Microsoft can afford the best lawyers and consultants to be able to do such things and, for a change, we see something done right.)
What worked great in the 18th and 19th centuries to encourage innovation and invention for growing European Empires, is no good today. These rights and privileges have to be changed, to compliment our times because these laws and rights now, impede innovation and invention.
It would be good for each and every country to review every two hundred years, or so, their constitutions, law codex, bills of rights, etc., because nations, civilizations, traditions, habits, religion and beliefs change, evolve/devolve. There, they can be tuned up to the specifications that the society would require to be more progressive, innovative and competitive, while keeping the original spirit, of these documents, alive.
Human beings are not perfect, but we try hard to be, and that's good enough. This means looking after things. This means that overtime, laws, constitutions and rights are not immune to this protocol.
Economic Masturbation
Whether one is an artist or scientist: Human creativity is lost unless one is a billionaire to defend his inventions or ideas, while amusing one's self with the future and society. All new things and evolution is now subject to the capacities of a few thousand people who are only interested in themselves privately.
According to Thermodynamics: Billionaires arising from private enterprise (as opposed to free enterprise) are just "masturbateurs" and produce nothing. Further, they betray the foundations of any sound economic theory, where capital must always be working freely everywhere and not just be funneled exclusively into private interests and closed systems.
These are the things, involving corrupt laws in every nation that support people like Edison and Marconi and their like with their closed systems, that people should fight over and not some war in some godforsaken land somewhere or fight over religion and resources, etc. because the things you are loyal to, are the things actually killing you, — not your supposed enemy, who basically couldn't care less if you were alive or dead because he doesn't know you, except for what their authority tells them what you are, so they have their own problems too.
Unfortunately for Tesla and others , Marconi who worked for the venture capitalist J.P. Morgan, (like Edison) who had spies and informants in the patent office, could also afford sophistic lawyers and tie up their fraudulent claims for decades, yet even today after Marconi lost his case a long time ago as not being the inventor of wireless voice communication, the media and textbooks for children, sanctioned by society from their most important "thinkers" and policy makers, still say Marconi is the inventor of wireless voice communication and Edison as the "greatest inventor" where these guys are nothing but tinkerers, exploiters and thieves, working for greedy venture capitalists.
Interestingly, it is things like "perpetual motion" that keeps us looking into unscrupulous, no-talent people, their closed systems and their activities where we learn that, qualitatively, the more money one has, the more one has to steal from others. The less money we have, the less we need to steal from others.
These people/legal entities promote systems and not real things or people.
Why do people write down history and facts when they don't provide the basic truth in things? Because education and mass media is controlled and they only show you what they want you to know, in the way they want you to "know" it. This becomes adopted/adapted as one's own thoughts.
What is freedom, if everybody has to play games?
EX: In a closed system (modern society is one), the Game is: Super heroes create super villains, —Not the other way around.
There is another speech that is much better, from the Joker character, itself, in the movie 'The Dark Night' (2008), when he is getting beaten while being "interrogated" by Batman at the police station. This is appropriate since the police are becoming corrupt, bigoted and militarized in free societies nowadays.
(The latest events while editing this page (2017) in Montreal and in Paris, being the latest examples. Any major city in this world, today, can now make those claims of police corruption, bigotry, and militarization.)
He tells Batman: "You have nothing to threaten me with; nothing to do with all that strength". In the case of both the Joker and Heath Ledger, they were actually destroyed by society and not by people. (In the case of Heath Ledger it was with administered prescription drug medications that killed him that are not only legal, but they are being being pushed on TV and Radio, etc. with commercials and advertising, and by "doctors".)
Prescription drugs are the number two killer in America (copy and paste, highlighted text to your search engine), because of side-effects, interactions, overdoses and poisonings, yet people are told by these modern Borgias that these are good things.
Where, the actual drugs sold on the streets today by "criminals" don't kill as many. If it comes to that, they kill themselves for real reasons and not by "accident".
The only thing to believe in, is Nature.
Now: Teach citizens and kids, Thermodynamics beginning with the Zeroth Law, and the "devil" or any "angel" and whatever they represent disappears entirely, along with their respective lies. (Angels lie just as much as devils do.)
If we believe Nature instead:
By Nature alone: 'If it's Conserved, it exists.'
This is the only criteria we need to determine and define existence! Only Thermodynamics describes Conservation (what can [or not] be created or destroyed) from the very beginning and is not just something we bump into, eventually, like in chemistry or physics, society or religion, etc., etc., where/when we are ill prepared where we start filling in spaces with things like aether, dark energy, gods, prophets, saviours, etc., etc..
Thermodynamics gives us the backbone to deal with any form of perception, system or idea.
There is only Hot and Cold, compression/decompression good and bad, etc., and they and everything else are all completely transitive and controlled by their own form of equilibrium, in any type of system. As elements to a system, they are answerable to themselves first, to work in anything, anywhere. You need not be involved. Just follow what works. No faith is required. no money down. Nothing!
You don't turn the other cheek anymore because they have made a total mockery out of JC. Now, you take the punches and laugh at their face and the harder they hit you, the harder you laugh at them, like the Joker.
Those who claim to have original ideas, "to serve the betterment of mankind", where they themselves cannot explain what makes it better. So, it is not their original idea or research; or they are just tinkering, so they have no right to teach or dispense "wisdom" or philosophy.
Eventually, because of an evolving internet, humanity as a whole will govern itself (more efficiently and economically), without the need for powerful government, or any organized religions.
Leave people alone, going about their business and things will thrive all by themselves.
People are great, not nations, religions or civilizations. All these disparities with different nations and cultures, that all eventually forment any political evil begin with intervention and interference from within, which decide and program local traditional values, morals, liberties and fears, where in actuality human beings are all the same.
It is only their culture and climate (in temperament and skin colour) that makes people different.
This stuff, although alien in most discussions in physics, is important because here we get an opportunity to study Nature in a simpler form where there are more forces in matter to consider. Of course, some would argue less forces, but the key note here is "simpler" that's important and not tearing things apart like a ten-year old and never putting it back together again.
Of course, this stuff is old, but they provide the viewer a "launch pad" to pursue further what interests them and "super conducts" any research in modern times very effectively where you can steer clear and avoid any HS (Def: Horror Stories), that you will find there, — which you always will.
- Alfred Leitner: Superfluid Liquid Helium (Isotope 4) - (39 min., 1963)
- Alfred Leitner: Superconductors (of Type I) - (48 min., 1965) It's important to update Alfred's Video with where he demonstrates aspects of conflicting Viscosity in Superfluid helium 4, in that only certain fluid velocities are allowed. This was not known then. There is a minimum velocity, then twice that minimum, then three times the minimum and so on. No velocity's between these values are permitted, so the vortices are said to be "quantized", therefore, ultra cold follows quantum mechanical rules and Super Cooled condensed matter is macrocized quantum physics. For more related stuff by Alfred Leitner; His Entire collection can be viewed or downloaded for DVD from this link at:
- and they are all in the Public Domain
All this old stuff from the 1940s, 50s, 60s and 70s is great because you get to update these videos and other media in any format you want and by updating them you learn things and it is a unique approach and experience in learning physics, quantum mechanics, chemistry, etc., because you are picking up from where they left off, but with readily available information to do it, with that has been certified as real and not the BS (Bad Stories) Ã la Brian Greene we see now all over the place, which is why I say, "Triple check everything today".
Where then, you can connect the dots and some of them would be missed by the very people who work in that field you are studying. Plus your research and updating gets citation value automatically. Do I have to go on........... Do you want to be successful? — do what your successful ancestors did. Become a friendly 'Hunter Gatherer' who, by the way, only worked two hours a day to get everything they needed to feed themselves and their families and no one was greedy either and decided to pick all the berries and fruit for themselves.
(It's when closed economic systems appeared, people had to start working longer and harder hours! They called that "Civilization".)
Hunting and gathering is also an "Equal-Opportunity-Employer" and the sky's the limit in any venture! Humankind can only flourish indefinitely where there is natural growth going on around him — Not artificial growth, in anything, and the day someone controls natural growth in things and/or prevents people to grow themselves, people starve or become impoverished or stupid.
Today, instead of hunting and gathering animals and berries, we would hunt and gather information and technology and learn to create/fashion/develop new things we need for ourselves.
This, would be in accord with a true Evolution.
Note: very important! Pressure is very important for this force to work since the distance between the atoms or molecules are important and pressure brings them more closely together. This is how we can make "incondensable" gases condensable. It is a tricky process between pressure, temperature, timing and vacuums which must be done precisely.
Fair Use
The Liquification of Hydrogen and other gases that were "incondensable" to Faraday and others was finally made possible by the work of Johannes Diderik van der Waals and Heike Kamerlingh Onnes (among others).
Anyway, Onnes work made all the difference and changed history, but credit should not go only to him.
With the help of "slaves" as exploited students, housed in what he called a "technical college", which he created, he provided a set of "blueprints" for applied and experimental physicists that indicated how to liquefy "noncondensable" gases, i.e. hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, and carbon monoxide, etc.
By determining the spaces between those molecules and their sizes and their affinities he was able to determine their Phase-Change, which sounds more like Natural Philosophy and not science or "brilliant work" after all, but a lot of drudgery from his students, but is made to appear, in history, as scientific achievement.
This reminds me: From an Ancient Book on Natural Philosophy.
The injurious effects of this blind adherence to his views necessarily impaired free thought and prevented all progress in science which was forced to follow forever the beaten track first marked out for her by the Stagyrite.
It is needless to dwell on the inconvenience of so circumscribed a method of studying nature. In her domains nothing is speculative, nothing is true but what can be demonstrated, and experiment must always come forward to confirm theory. Chemistry, in thus dissecting substances aims at unveiling the constituent parts at penetrating into these mysteries which matter, whether inert or organized, conceals from our view, and at ascertaining their true nature. She commences by destroying, but only in order to reconstruct — she separates the elements in order to combine them once more and thus destroys in order to create anew.
— from 'The Wonders of Water' By Gaston Tissandier (1872)